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Envoy training

When I am given a valid reason to have distaste for an inferior product, you bet I'll shout out.

Business Class should be about Caviar Sevruga Malossol accompanied with chilled Stolichnaya and Langouste Belle-Vue served from a beautifully appointed three-tier cart adorned with fresh flowers.

Business Class should be a nice warm chicken consomme with profiteroles and a nice salad of the season. This followed with an entree of the likes of a rack of lamb with mint sauce or chicken diable.

Now that's service.

I am not going to apologize nor say that I am impressed with mini Bon-bels with Texas Toast and Ritz Crackers as an Hors d'oeuvre. It's actually pathetic when compared with the product of our competition. With everyone describing Envoy pre-9/11 and the rave reviews that it received from critics, I would be insulted to serve this so-called "improvement".

I find nothing appealing about a banged up meal cart with squeaky wheels that is dolled up with a skirt being rolled out into the Envoy cabin. Open the cart and the stench of food from months past that has not been cleaned out of the cart wafts through the cabin. Sounds (and smells) lovely. :down: The service you describe is nothing but Economy with window dressing.
If we can sell tix on T/A at the same rate as the competers and still fill seats whats the problem...only problem is the profit is not filtering down to the front line employees...but hey with the price of oil going to 130.00 by the summer...that's what im worred about... not some fancy service that cost a lot of money...if pax are willing to pay the same cost for US to offer a cheeper product...IMO they are doing something right...we will need the profit to buy gas...all these f/a's on here that want to do all this fancy dog and pony flambout service crap should go work at REAL int'l airlines or high scale resturants...jeez LCC is public transportation not the Ritz...all aboard tix please board em up let's go... :shock:
You know, I gave you the info. Some of you wouldn't be happy no matter what we did. Frankly, I could give a good GD anymore. It's a job and that is all. You get procedure and procedure only!!! If you are cute or really kind, you will get special treatment. Other than that, ONLY what is expected. You all have proven that all you care about and most of our "loyal" customers is to B*tch, B*tch, and B*tch!! So enjoy your miserable lives!! Thank GOD I have a biz on the side now and only have to interject when I feel inclined!!
Business Class should be about Caviar
Is anyone serving caviar these days? I remember the days of UA's Int'l FC service with beluga and dom perignon and iced vodka...a concierge would meet you from your connecting flight. Those days are gone at least for now, but what US is doing is a ripoff. Unsuspecting people paying more than BA and getting crap. Texas toast...I had no idea what that is. Then again, I don't do my food shopping at Wal*Mart. And, any comparison of US to Wal*Mart is insulting. At least people shopping at Wal*Mart know what to expect. This craphole airline show pictures of glassware in FC when advertising the domestic product on the website and on the east side they don't have it? If the party cup isn't so bad, why don't they show it in their ads? Ask them that question at the next town hall meeting.

I know this is about envoy, but I feel the need to add something about my recent NW flight. Honestly, I thought-- this is going to suck. In reality, my phl-dtw flight was great. Left ontime arrived early. Real coffee mugs. Real glassware. Pre-departure drink (coffee--and I asked if it was already brewed). Granola bars that US serves. Great service on an old DC9 that still looked better than US's 7dirty7's. People think I am pleased about this. I am not. I wish I could justify flying US, but those idiots in Tempe have made it impossible for me to do. I walk into a NW, CO, DL, or AA club and I think, geez, US really doesn't appreciate its customers. I had a lot of fun flying the old US...that is what made traveling, for me, tolerable.

I agree...the new US is up for sale...the sign just isn't on the front lawn. They don't know what they are or what they are doing, but they do know that they need to get the hell out of dodge. How many other airlines do you see trying to convince people that they haven't lost their best customers?
You know, I gave you the info. Some of you wouldn't be happy no matter what we did. Frankly, I could give a good GD anymore. It's a job and that is all. You get procedure and procedure only!!! If you are cute or really kind, you will get special treatment. Other than that, ONLY what is expected. You all have proven that all you care about and most of our "loyal" customers is to B*tch, B*tch, and B*tch!! So enjoy your miserable lives!! Thank GOD I have a biz on the side now and only have to interject when I feel inclined!!

I said anything was an improvement. It's welcome at this point. God, what do you want!? I am not going to cheer it on with the tap shoes and glitter hats. It's still below CO and UA for THE SAME PRICE.
The service was mirrored after Luftansa...not American. You know, I am glad you guys have found new beloved airlines. Go stay with them and support them. I have been somewhat silent here recently and have stepped back and watched the HATEFUL negativity that you and others post here. While US Airways DESERVES much of the complaining, you and Art have crossed the line of just plain mean, bitter, arrogant, and RUDE!! You have learned you get more value at American, so great...congratulations!! Now please leave us alone as your support is no longer constructive, but destructive.


Where have I ever said anything mean, bitter, arrogant or RUDE about US? Yes I have pointed out the shortcomings of the service and operation. Yes I have offered proof of how other airlines offer superior service for a comparable if not lower price. But I have NEVER been mean spirited, insulting, or otherwise rude or offensive to ANYONE on this or any other board. In fact, I have discussed solutions, suggested improvements, and have always tried to be somewhat CONSTRUCTIVE rather than DESTRUCTIVE in my posts....I am sorry but I take offense at your remark.

I think you have me mixed up with another poster.....
I think you have me mixed up with another poster.....
Poor art...lumped in with the miserable SOB never happy always complaining who-needs-you-as-a-customer glass always half empty always negative US1yfare... 😉
When I am given a valid reason to have distaste for an inferior product, you bet I'll shout out.

Business Class should be about Caviar Sevruga Malossol accompanied with chilled Stolichnaya and Langouste Belle-Vue served from a beautifully appointed three-tier cart adorned with fresh flowers.

Business Class should be a nice warm chicken consomme with profiteroles and a nice salad of the season. This followed with an entree of the likes of a rack of lamb with mint sauce or chicken diable.

Now that's service.

I am not going to apologize nor say that I am impressed with mini Bon-bels with Texas Toast and Ritz Crackers as an Hors d'oeuvre. It's actually pathetic when compared with the product of our competition. With everyone describing Envoy pre-9/11 and the rave reviews that it received from critics, I would be insulted to serve this so-called "improvement".

I find nothing appealing about a banged up meal cart with squeaky wheels that is dolled up with a skirt being rolled out into the Envoy cabin. Open the cart and the stench of food from months past that has not been cleaned out of the cart wafts through the cabin. Sounds (and smells) lovely. :down: The service you describe is nothing but Economy with window dressing.
Well said 903. Filthy, discusting carts that have never been cleaned. Planes with deferred stickiers all over the place. Broken lavs, sani-com's used as hand wipes when the sink doens't work. Video systems inop all the time. Flithy seats on the west with flight links screens STILL sticking out of them!!!!!!!!! How bout window covers, wall panels, overheads that never get cleaned either?? The Hp way has crossed the wrong lines, and things have gotten worse. Talk about a real business casual airline. IGA markets have more class then US does! Maybe we should be called just called Salvation Army Airways. Donations anyone?? :lol:
Texas Toast?!? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

WTF?!? Is this Envoy or a Dairy Queen in Pecos, Texas?? Are we going to serve deep fried Chicken Fingers with Cream Gravy and potato wedges along with the Texas Toast? :lol:

You guys are way too easily impressed. Texas Toast...for God's sake. 🙄

FWIW, it is a MAJOR improvement in presentation over the dismantled service we currently have now. The "Texas Toast" was originally an idea created by "guess who" to create an "American Experience"....but it's only 1 of 4 brunch style entrees offered only on Westbound flights back to the US with the other 3 choices being geared more towards Lunch rather than Dinner that early in the day. The food quality and portions are greatly inhanced and overall it's right on par with other Airlines that offer Business Class not First Class to Europe. Data was gathered by flying Business Class on both Lufthansa and BA to Europe. I'm sure adjustments will be made and entree selections will change, surveys are going to be given out on flights once the "new service" begins. Plans are to change the Envoy seats on the A330 along with putting a brand new video system on the a/c as well starting in 2009 once we begin recieving the new A330's from Airbus. It's a step in the right direction and I for one am glad that they "Tempe" realize that the product we currently offer now is substandard.

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