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No More Pretzels

Under Customers First (http://www.usairways.com/awa/content/aboutus/customersfirst/customerserviceplan.aspx), US promises to offer food to customers stranded during long onboard delays. With no pretzels stocked, what will be given out? I wonder if that was thought about before the decision to remove pretzels was made?
Customers First, that's a very idiotic statement for US Airways to use. What do they actually do that puts the customer first? (Not included are the FAA mandated items).
If you would like an inflight snack check your seat back pocket or look under the seat track cover. BONNE APPETIT.
Bring a sandwich loaded with Garlic on it! That may improve the smell on some of the planes. :lol:
While they're at it can they also remove pillows and blankets and tea?! Sell everything except soda and water. :lol: :lol:

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