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Envoy training mysteries

About 7 years ago, my entire LGW crew(the late LGW trip(remember that one!?)), got to our hotel at Gatwick on a Sunday morning. We rushed to our rooms and changed and catched the train to Victoria, then to Clapham Junction in South London to see a double feature Pam Ann show and an awesome gay club in the early afternoon. To this day, that afternoon and evening will go down as one of my best memories of a layover. So much fun. :up:

Please accept my apologies for hijacking the thread regarding Pam Ann. I really didn't mean to (HONESTLY!), well.. on this one anyway!

I'll be happy to join the cornfield club...


Please accept my apologies for hijacking the thread regarding Pam Ann. I really didn't mean to (HONESTLY!), well.. on this one anyway!

I'll be happy to join the cornfield club...


Maybe if we end up in the cornfield there could be a thread that could be the ONLY one we could reply back and forth on and then we wouldnt bother anyone.

I swear I'm not mocking any moderators.

Don't hurt me.
Though we are working all flights at FAA minimum and sometimes can be very trying I NEVER, EVER let it show to the passenger. Because my company treats us like junk and we are working with the bare essentials doesn't mean that I have to let it trickle down to the customer. Regardless if they were upgraded, paid $99.00 or whatever...they're STILL our guest and a contributor to my paycheck. It's no secret that we are short handed at times. It won't be changing anytime soon. I take a little advice from my grandfather and "work smart....not hard".
We Are Not The ONLY Airline Staffed With Min Crew! NW Is The King Of MIN Crew..Talk To Any Of Them! :blink:
The Envoy training was interesting. It seems as though the company is finally addressing our poor service and this is a step in the right direction.

It ain't perfect but we have to start somewhere.

Yes, we need more f/a's on board. Everyone involved acknowledges that except the bean counters. The A330 especially.

And our domestic product needs an overhaul as well. Still, no glassware in First Class for the East. This unacceptable. The company treats the east product like red-headed step-children.
I AGREE. I found the Training interesting and the NEW Envoy an interesting twist on what was the the Pride and Joy of the Wolf era. The actual Training Session was amusing because one could really tell WHO was interested, Who had a clue and Who had any idea of what they were discussing. International is NOT for everyone, and I can respect that. Forcing these people to go thru this Envoy Rah-Rah Session was kind of silly though- many will never work those flights or will be just as clueless as they were when I saw them on a transcon. International needs a DIVISION. PERIOD. On a positive note, I give Tempe some credit for Making The Effort to improve the product. The menu is innovative and the concept of BRUNCH (on Westbounds) will be an alternative menu, but I forsee BIG PROBLEMS on Europe-To-US flights that are impacted by delays due to weather/mechanicals/etc. (Many times these flights can run 3-4 hours late and Brunch will NOT be well received, IMO). The domestic F/C product needs some serious attention as we all know. And the Glassware issue makes everything else Tempe does fruitless.
I liked the division. I know that it seems silly to have a division for all of 19 flights, but one would have to agree that it was a time where US' service was at its best. Since US will never invest in a purser program, the division functioned as the next best thing in terms of imposing consistency and quality control. The f/a group basically imposed it themselves, because we were proud of the product. Problems were solved, partly because you knew if you didn't solve it, it would be there again to bite you the next day. I would argue now that might not happen, fixing things is not this bunch's strong point.

UsAirways had two unique assets that they basically tossed away.
One was the division
The other was the shuttle.

Think of it, you had a group of dedicated flight attendants who RECOGNIZED their customers and the customers recognized them. People like that. I had business people that I would greet like old friends, they were on the plane to Paris so often. Full fare business class tickets. 'Course, they're all gone, US drove them to Air France, who is now undoubtedly taking wonderful care of them. Same thing, even more profound with regard to the shuttle f/as. If I owned US I would have given them pay parity, vacation, etc, but I would never have let them out of the shuttle. Why? They knew all of their customers. They knew them for YEARS!

I always wondered if these guys ever actually thought of the product in those terms.

Additionally, it was a nice haven for reserves and blockholders alike. Reserves had to worry about evening quick calls or future calls and that was about it. Blockholders had more favorable parameters and flying trips was often more beneficial than hours for some.

It's gone, and it won't be back, the accountants from hell blanche at the thought, but it's nice to remember.
The flight attendants that were working four international trips per month went to five and six after the gutting of our contract.

So working 18 days per month versus 12 days per month is a hardship? Give me a break!
I AGREE. I found the Training interesting and the NEW Envoy an interesting twist on what was the the Pride and Joy of the Wolf era. The actual Training Session was amusing because one could really tell WHO was interested, Who had a clue and Who had any idea of what they were discussing. International is NOT for everyone, and I can respect that. Forcing these people to go thru this Envoy Rah-Rah Session was kind of silly though- many will never work those flights or will be just as clueless as they were when I saw them on a transcon. International needs a DIVISION. PERIOD. On a positive note, I give Tempe some credit for Making The Effort to improve the product. The menu is innovative and the concept of BRUNCH (on Westbounds) will be an alternative menu, but I forsee BIG PROBLEMS on Europe-To-US flights that are impacted by delays due to weather/mechanicals/etc. (Many times these flights can run 3-4 hours late and Brunch will NOT be well received, IMO). The domestic F/C product needs some serious attention as we all know. And the Glassware issue makes everything else Tempe does fruitless.

And Why Pretell Do We Need A Division? Don't Even Say Because There Are Too Many Junior People Flying It That Don't Know What Their Doing! Have You Flown With All The Senior F/A's That Want To Do "It Their Way"! We DON'T Need A Devision And I Am Tired Of The Senior People Saying That!
I liked the division. I know that it seems silly to have a division for all of 19 flights, but one would have to agree that it was a time where US' service was at its best. Since US will never invest in a purser program, the division functioned as the next best thing in terms of imposing consistency and quality control. The f/a group basically imposed it themselves, because we were proud of the product. Problems were solved, partly because you knew if you didn't solve it, it would be there again to bite you the next day. I would argue now that might not happen, fixing things is not this bunch's strong point.

UsAirways had two unique assets that they basically tossed away.
One was the division
The other was the shuttle.

Think of it, you had a group of dedicated flight attendants who RECOGNIZED their customers and the customers recognized them. People like that. I had business people that I would greet like old friends, they were on the plane to Paris so often. Full fare business class tickets. 'Course, they're all gone, US drove them to Air France, who is now undoubtedly taking wonderful care of them. Same thing, even more profound with regard to the shuttle f/as. If I owned US I would have given them pay parity, vacation, etc, but I would never have let them out of the shuttle. Why? They knew all of their customers. They knew them for YEARS!

I always wondered if these guys ever actually thought of the product in those terms.

Additionally, it was a nice haven for reserves and blockholders alike. Reserves had to worry about evening quick calls or future calls and that was about it. Blockholders had more favorable parameters and flying trips was often more beneficial than hours for some.

It's gone, and it won't be back, the accountants from hell blanche at the thought, but it's nice to remember.

And Those Same Shuttle People Who RESIGNED From Eastern To Go Work For Trump Are Now Senior To Me! Thanks Carol Austin! Thats Another Can Of Worms We Could Open!
<SNIP> And Why Pretell Do We Need A Division?
An INTL division would insure that those that wanted to work INTL did. Thanks, but I was very happy doing domestic only.

And Those Same Shuttle People Who RESIGNED From Eastern To Go Work For Trump Are Now Senior To Me!
How many EA folks are left? In the overall scheme of things at 1988 seniority how does this affect you? Are you willing to throw out your DOH in the next inevitable round of consolidation?

I’m just trying to understand your line of thinking here.

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