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Envoy training mysteries

AFAIK, flight crews have never been paid for pre and post time. Given that, why even complain. You signed up for it. Plane and simple.

Don't forget that your business travelers are also not being paid for their time before, during or after their flight. Some of your passengers will spend 12 hours traveling for a 2 hour meeting.

What about the guy who drives 90 minutes each way to work every day. He's "working" 11 hours and being paid for 8.

I could go on, but, you're not alone. Suck it up or get a good work-from-home gig.
How do you know they are not being paid?

They are usually on salary, if they are flying during working hours, they are getting paid and get per diem too.
How do you know they are not being paid?

They are usually on salary, if they are flying during working hours, they are getting paid and get per diem too.
Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't this whole thread about hours worked vs hours paid? My definition of flight crew is F/A and Pilots. Are their contracts based on hours, which is based on door close to door open?
Based on door closed, bin doors closed and plane moving.
I think this thread is about insufficient staffing and not having the necessary tools.

They should staff the A330 transatlantic with more FAs. How many are going to run and hide from embarassment when they have to serve the Texas Toast??

The Envoy training was interesting. It seems as though the company is finally addressing our poor service and this is a step in the right direction.

It ain't perfect but we have to start somewhere.

Yes, we need more f/a's on board. Everyone involved acknowledges that except the bean counters. The A330 especially.

And our domestic product needs an overhaul as well. Still, no glassware in First Class for the East. This unacceptable. The company treats the east product like red-headed step-children.
How many are going to run and hide from embarassment when they have to serve the Texas Toast??
I thought it was Texas French Toast.

A few weeks ago I had some in the lobby of a Days Inn. The head of housekeeping was having an argument with the front desk manager while I was enjoying my free breakfast.

Ahh, the American Experience.
I guess I should be happy for incremental steps, however itty bitty, however I am only articulating what was muttered throughout training. It really is mystifying how AWA completely discounts the human factor of success.

Some airlines serve caviar, but if it's served indifferently, doesn't that take something away? Many posters have the "suck it up" attitude, and I get where they're coming from, however my point is that you can say that eighty times a day and it still doesn't change that you have an overworked crew on a plane from hell. It DOES take a toll. The flight attendants that were working four international trips per month went to five and six after the gutting of our contract. Why? They have commitments. They can. They need the money. And they're tired. That is a human factor that US refuses to recognize. Right or wrong that is what they're dealing with. Compound that with understaffing the airplane, throw in the video system from hell, mix it with one language speaker for 266 people, improper catering and a chaser of cynicism and CHEERS!

So, not much will change. You'll have good crews and indifferent crews, with the occasional nightmare crew. What you won't have is the esprit de corps that Art describes on his new carrier. AWA aims low, and that's what we'll get. We're fools if we make this all work like they want us to, why would they change the staffing? So I'll do the job, 5 beverages in all, and I'll keep my mouth shut. But passenger interaction? Not likely. Shut up and smile, that's what I'm paid to do. I can do that.

By the way, the customer is always relevant, many apologies.
WHO or what is Pam Ann? She is H I LA R I O U S.......Is she a standup comedienne or something?

I never saw her on Comedy Central--but those videos were priceless.
Pam Ann is fantastic. She has DVDs and she's on TV in the UK all the time... She tours the big cities in the US a few times a year.

She goes around the audience and asks who they work for... she recently had a US F/A and asked how many fuel stops it took for them to get to the venue.

Type in Pam Ann to Paradise on YouTube, there's two parts, it's hilarious.

I hate to do this because she is so funny, but could we please get back on topic??????


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