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I want to keep this thread alive so that mainline peeps have an idea of what's occurring at Real AE and maybe glean some lessons out of DP's regional strategy that could impact mainline--- going forward. The bottom line appears to be a plan to continue outsourcing feed, be it through subsidiaries and other regionals, with a goal of equipment commonality within each wholly-owned to contain cost. Further, the feed would be apportioned so that no one feeder could disrupt the mainline. The whipsaw would result in a docile, compliant feed manned by coterie of career aspirational young pilots, part-time ground front line and cheap flight attendants. This sordid architecture will no doubt help underwrite the promises made to mainline. With the 50 seater slowly on the way out, many communities can expect a reduction in frequencies or outright withdrawal of service. Bear in mind many commuters depend on on these services and should plan accordingly. 
Here come the vendors taking everybody’s mainline job
“This is important for both our people and our company as we further expand our ground handling business."
RJcasualty said:
Our friends at mainline should pause and take notice of the tactics being employed by the Tempe crowd to extract additional concessions on top of previous concessions at AE. If the AAL business plan doesn't bear the promised fruit in the allotted time, they will come after you.
"Friends"? The truth is they could care less about you.
Paint? I thought the "Operated By" was just a decal.

So much wringing of hands, so little substance....
eolesen said:
Paint? I thought the "Operated By" was just a decal.

So much wringing of hands, so little substance....
I was being facetious....People take things so literally.
Would it make any difference if I said "Time to peel off the old decal?"
From Jetnet:
[SIZE=10.5pt]Today American Eagle Airlines, Inc. announced the company’s intention to change its name to Envoy this spring. This change is being made to give the company its own distinct identity and eliminate the confusion between the company’s current name and American Eagle, the regional flying brand of American Airlines. American Eagle will continue to serve as brand name for all American Airlines regional flight service. The 10 carriers currently providing regional service for the legacy American and US Airways networks will all eventually fly under the American Eagle brand and livery. Visit new Jetnet[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] or Wings[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] to see the new logo the company will use, frequently asked questions and a letter from American Eagle Airlines President and CEO Pedro Fabregas and frequently asked questions discussing how the name was chosen and where it will be used.[/SIZE]
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
American Eagle management called a meeting with several personnel to talk about "an exciting new venture". When employees asked about this "exciting new venture" they were told that the company was seeking to offer ground services in cities lost in American Airlines contracts, not just services for American Eagle but, services for other companies as well. They want to do what Delta did with DGS. They are promoting it as the world's largest ground handling operation. When the company GM was asked who would be signing the paychecks the response was AAG.
The rumored version of this is that the company will actually be called EnvoyI believe this is nothing more than a sneaky way for American Eagle to become its own customer. They will pay employees low wages with no benefits and charge themselves high prices for services. Tax manipulation at its finest. They will show the cost as a loss for a nice tax break even though it is a net gain for AAMRQ, sneaky little devils.
I wonder if Envoy will give employees a packet showing them how to sign up for government benefits?
If I were an American Eagle employee I would be on my toes. If I were an American Airlines employee I would see this as a sign of things to come.
Supposedly an announcement will be coming from "The New American" soon.
Again, please be advised this is an unconfirmed rumor.
Guess it is not a rumor anymore is it?
Rogallo said:
[SIZE=10.5pt]Today American Eagle Airlines, Inc. announced the company’s intention to change its name to Envoy this spring. This change is being made to give the company its own distinct identity and eliminate the confusion between the company’s current name and American Eagle, the regional flying brand of American Airlines. American Eagle will continue to serve as brand name for all American Airlines regional flight service. The 10 carriers currently providing regional service for the legacy American and US Airways networks will all eventually fly under the American Eagle brand and livery. Visit new Jetnet[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] or Wings[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] to see the new logo the company will use, frequently asked questions and a letter from American Eagle Airlines President and CEO Pedro Fabregas and frequently asked questions discussing how the name was chosen and where it will be used.[/SIZE]
So calling American Eagle by the name of Envoy and calling everything else that is NOT American Eagle by the name of American Eagle is supposed to eliminate confusion. Perfect.
Rogallo said:
[SIZE=10.5pt]This change is being made to give the company its own distinct identity and eliminate the confusion between the company’s current name and American Eagle, the regional flying brand of American Airlines[/SIZE]
Sure it is.
Rogallo said:
From Jetnet:
[SIZE=10.5pt]Today American Eagle Airlines, Inc. announced the company’s intention to change its name to Envoy this spring. This change is being made to give the company its own distinct identity and eliminate the confusion between the company’s current name and American Eagle, the regional flying brand of American Airlines. American Eagle will continue to serve as brand name for all American Airlines regional flight service. The 10 carriers currently providing regional service for the legacy American and US Airways networks will all eventually fly under the American Eagle brand and livery. Visit new Jetnet[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] or Wings[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] to see the new logo the company will use, frequently asked questions and a letter from American Eagle Airlines President and CEO Pedro Fabregas and frequently asked questions discussing how the name was chosen and where it will be used.[/SIZE]
I know the IATA "MQ" won't change, but how about the ICAO and call sign? That's what really matters 
AWI ASH PDT JIA RPA SKW LOF are USAirways Express carriers each one does there on little thing changing the brand from USAirways Express to Envoy and adding more express carriers to the mix one big happy happy happy whipsawing family
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
So calling American Eagle by the name of Envoy and calling everything else that is NOT American Eagle by the name of American Eagle is supposed to eliminate confusion. Perfect.
Sure it is.
They want to use the American Eagle name the same way US uses the US Airways Express name.  Doesn't really cause any further confusion among the customers, since they are mostly confused when they pass by the machines at the airport entrance that suck their brains out.

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