I'm curious about something.
Under Customers First (http://www.usairways.com/awa/content/aboutus/customersfirst/customerserviceplan.aspx), US promises to offer food to customers stranded during long onboard delays. With no pretzels stocked, what will be given out? I wonder if that was thought about before the decision to remove pretzels was made?
Text From Web Site:
The airlines will make every reasonable effort to provide food, water, restroom facilities and access to medical treatment for passengers onboard an aircraft that is on the ground for an extended period of time without access to the terminal, as consistent with passenger and employee safety and security concerns. Each carrier will prepare contingency plans to address such circumstances and will work with other carriers and the airport to share facilities and make gates available in an emergency.
US Airways will make every reasonable effort to provide food, water, restroom facilities and access to medical treatment for customers onboard an aircraft that is on the ground for a extended period of time. Safety and security for the customers and crew members will take precedence over providing any services and/or facilities. US Airways never intends to cause undue stress or harm to our customers. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, there may be times when an aircraft is either unable to take off or may have to wait for a gate to become available. In the event that something like this occurs, US Airways has developed a contingency plan. The plan includes time frames in which services and facilities will be made available during a long on-aircraft delay. A plan has been developed for both arriving and departing aircraft.
The pilots will frequently communicate with US Airways System Operations Control, Station Operations and/or the Ramp Control Tower for updated information. The pilots and/or the flight attendants will keep the passengers informed of the situation. Services will be made available to the passengers at time periods established. Those services include, but are not limited to, the use of lavatories, beverages, food, use of personal cellular telephones and access to necessary provisions.