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Delta Labor Relations thread.

Kev3188 said:
We can have this discussion when you stop being so condescending.
In the meantime, as I asked yesterday, if you're going to come in hot, at least be factually accurate.
Until you drop Nelson like a hot potato when he attacks your drive and what I thought were your ambitions, I'm going to keep coming in like a heat seeking guided missile.

Kev3188 said:
Would've never guessed you were a B-52's fan...

I have extremely "diverse" musical tastes. Classical, Jazz, Blues, Rock, some Country and even a little Rap. Thousands of pieces of music.

I love "diversity"
WeAAsles said:
Dawg where did I say in any way shape or form that the company shouldn't have some measure of flexibility? I 100% understand and agree that the company HAS to have flexibility for staffing. As a matter of fact I'm probably the only totally pro Union guy on this board who's put his name out there and said it. I think you're reading your own thoughts into my comments?

But I also think there has to be a ceiling on how flexible the company can be so they don't take advantage of our service to continue to up the ceiling in regards to profit over people. There always has to be some measure of balance.
You said you are an automatic no vote for any type of RR system. 
So company offers a TA that brings back 50 stations, all cargo/cleaning/fueling in those stations plus the current in-house operation. In exchange they want 10% RR in spokes 20% RR in hubs. No current benefited employees would be bumped down to RR though. 
Thats a no vote for you? 
southwind said:
I take it the Dude who's going to get AMFA in here is ex-NW?
Last time there were ANY serious union talks in maintenance and actually handing out cards, was about 17 years ago......since then, nothing.
But I will say, if having to choose a union, definitely would go with a craft union, like AMFA vs. a homogenized IAM/TWU.

And again and sorry if certain people don't like it.....not really, just relaying what a previous ramp employee said!
My point is here on earth and you are somewhere outside of our galaxy. 
Point is one person saying one thing doesn't mean crap. 
oh and no, he is a old time Delta hire. Believe it or not, not everyone around here suffers from IGM syndrome. Some of us would like to see things change for the better and help generations long after we are gone. Hard/impossible for you to understand I'm sure. 
700UW said:
Did you expect anything different?
Surprised he didnt call Dawg a racist.
I thought he would get the point. 
wrong clearly. 
700UW said:
life hint. 
when trying to get an employee group on a union train, don't bring up contracts that are 5-7 years late. 
and assume said TA won't be a huge turd like the mechanic TA was and will get shot down by a huge margin. 
IMHO if I were you I wouldn't post anything about United. Not a way to get cards signed because it just shows the real AFA, IBT and IAM. 
topDawg said:
You said you are an automatic no vote for any type of RR system. 
So company offers a TA that brings back 50 stations, all cargo/cleaning/fueling in those stations plus the current in-house operation. In exchange they want 10% RR in spokes 20% RR in hubs. No current benefited employees would be bumped down to RR though. 
Thats a no vote for you? 


Alright tell me the percentage you want for regular scale PT caps and maybe we have a deal? 25% systemwide max? We have a deal.

On another note Dawg would you please write something on the AA Maintenance thread? It's gotten beyond horrible over there. All they do is gripe and pat themselves on the back trying to have a mutual admiration society or something.

When you and a few others left they're learning nothing anymore. It's pitiful. One guy wants me now to post there just so I can keep it going while they bash me. (I'm serious)
DL doesn't draw a line between PT and FT the way other carriers do. The distinction here is between "benefitted" employees, and Ready Reserve.
Kev3188 said:
DL doesn't draw a line between PT and FT the way other carriers do. The distinction here is between "benefitted" employees, and Ready Reserve.
I'd make sure the distinction is drawn in Dawgs proposal. The RR is unbenefited and when they reach the cap percentage the next in line becomes a benefitted PT. And that again would be on a systemwide basis for the next in line, not station specific.

Dawg is the company. Do we have a deal Dawg?
BTW Kev. Best not look at that 401k of yours today. It's probably a little portable.

Portable out the door.
If I was a day trader, I might worry.

A lot of the "drop" is because the market(s) were up on hopes that Brexit would fail. The German market actually closed lower a couple of weeks ago than it did today.

For me, it's steady as she goes...

Meanwhile, your system level proposal is fine in theory; I just want to make sure you understand that all the traditional structures we're used to don't exist here.
WeAAsles said:
Alright tell me the percentage you want for regular scale PT caps and maybe we have a deal? 25% systemwide max? We have a deal.
You are a little higher than what I would agree too. (I think)
I'd say 10-15% at spokes, 20-25% at hubs. I think thats fair.
But for Delta I think that should also mean a true flight per day number for a station to be a vendor or not. 70/76 seaters should count as mainline btw.
WeAAsles said:
On another note Dawg would you please write something on the AA Maintenance thread? It's gotten beyond horrible over there. All they do is gripe and pat themselves on the back trying to have a mutual admiration society or something.

When you and a few others left they're learning nothing anymore. It's pitiful. One guy wants me now to post there just so I can keep it going while they bash me. (I'm serious)
 Too many people like southwind over there for me. I haven't seen so many people ready to toss everyone junior to them and the rest of the industry under the bus like the majority in that thread.
Kev3188 said:
DL doesn't draw a line between PT and FT the way other carriers do. The distinction here is between "benefitted" employees, and Ready Reserve.
Right. Not sure how it is for you guys but for us Delta tries to stay away from PT benefitted. That generally ends up being DGS for us. (not many RRs in maintenance yet)
WeAAsles said:
BTW Kev. Best not look at that 401k of yours today. It's probably a little portable.

Portable out the door.
Unless Kev is leaving tomorrow I'm not sure why he should be worried.
Anyone who didn't have their head up their asses knew Brexit would cause the market to go crazy. King Obama being butt hurt and not believing in democracy/hating every country who doesn't kill Americans doesn't help. Personally, all I see so far is a long term opportunity to make money. King only has 7 months left, next president will quickly get agreements done with the UK once elected if Obama really refuses too.

Little off topic but the market going down isn't totally a bad thing for people who are going to be here. I plan on loading up on DAL and AAL stock right before they announce Q2 results and dumping right after. Might increase some of my long term DAL stock if the price gets low enough.
Dawg you were supposed to be playing the company role and try and talk me up, not down on the cap. Maybe we can get you in on the side of the company in our negotiations?

Now not talking of course about all the other issues if they're already settled, you got a deal.

See maybe you did have me wrong?
WeAAsles said:
Dawg you were supposed to be playing the company role and try and talk me up, not down on the cap. Maybe we can get you in on the side of the company in our negotiations?

Now not talking of course about all the other issues if they're already settled, you got a deal.

See maybe you did have me wrong?
Dude I have always said I try to find what is fair for both sides. 
One day when I finally move on to management I plan on doing the same. I feel like most management that has worked on the floor/line then move up do the same. 
Also a big fan of working with labor, not vs labor. Its the same team in my eyes. Same reason I don't play the Delta vs this airline or that airline game. Airline labor is all on the same team at the end of the day. You guys sign a s**t contract you can bet it is heading for us and United. Industry average and all that. 

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