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Actually, we would build our own blocks. Make 40, 50, 85 hour blocks. Whatever the hell you want. You would not have to put trips on the ETB to drop time. All that time would be put into blocks, actually creating more lines for f/a's.
One of the main problems is the fact that we are one of the only airlines that changes our schedule daily, with less that 24 hours in advance. That should be changed. Again, it comes down to blockholders having too much leeway, at the expense of the rsv's.

Would you then restrict those to only bid their option? That might restrict availability of lines even further.

and, doesn't time dropped from different options go to secondary blocks now?

and, who cares when the trip is staffed, as long as there are bodies to staff them. You could staff the trips a year early and still need reserves.

Work through the problem. It is a lot of work, but, somehow, take the time. Your most certain access to more lines is to cap time. The other "solutions" I've seen here are mental masturbation. Prove me wrong.
If you are a reserve flight attendant or if you want to support our flight attendant reserves, please visit my blog.


I would love to hear any comments you all may have!

I just started it a few days ago after a phone call I had with scheduling and a few other things that made me mad. I am going to document everything that happens while I am on duty. I will later do more with it like ad videos and stuff. For now it is simple. Our Union and company HAVE to know that we are serious when we say we need a change. I will send it to them both later once I get more things on it, even though some reps are already on here now. That's fine.

If you are a blockholder - please, please do not think I am bashing blockholders. I am not. I fly with many wonderful flight attendants who hold blocks. We just need a change for our reserve system, something that works for reserves as well as blockholders and is equitable to all.
at every union meeting i say the same thing. this is not us vs them it has to do with an unfair system. our union leaders vote for things they will never have to do. there is no empathy and if we do not take a stand the union will never do anything. its not the company they dont care who flies as long as it does fly. why? because they are not aware how much overflying is going on, how we are treated by scheduling. how you are up all day then get called for an international flight being on duty for 5 days 24 hours and hey thats safe right? we need to pick a date and meet to bring these issues to the company as well as the union. for the company it would be how mush they are saving ....for the union it will be the threat of withholding union dues, since we are not treated equally why should we pay for their raise? and March should be no ETB we could be financially ready we have 3 months to do so
I am totally up for some change. I hear all the time how "the company won't budge" when it comes to reserve issues. Yeah, well if they think we are going to work under THIS system until a ratified contract is in place they are sadly mistaken. By the time the committee hashes out and negotiates a joint contract we will have colonized Mars. So in the meantime we should just take it in the shorts repeatedly? I don't see it happening. Just as beachboy said, "nobody is scared anymore". Take action....what are they going to do? Fire you from this illustrious job? Oh please. If that were to occur it would be the good swift kick in the pants to do something else and put this crack pipe of a job to rest and move on. If reserves (there are still some suckers out there) would NOT do ETB, and STOP union dues it just might get something rolling. Let them know that not only are the natives restless but are P!ssed more so than we realized. Unlike other jobs you can't just replace all the reserves. It takes training and re qualification for furloughees. I myself can tell you all that I am at my wits end. Collectively if we stand together and not budge something MUST happen. They can order you to do this or that and I say throw them the finger. :lol:
To reserves:
We will be doing a lot of sitting this winter which is a perfect opportunity for us to get our sh!t together and fight the union and the company for a better reserve system. Who's in?
Chick you KNOW I'm in. I say lets do it. I can't WAIT for the "your not going to gain anything" post soon......just wait it's coming.
Chick you KNOW I'm in. I say lets do it. I can't WAIT for the "your not going to gain anything" post soon......just wait it's coming.

I'm waiting...I'm still waiting...These reserve haters who love to try and rain on our parade are so vapid and predictable. Snooze. Snooze.
Come on, bring it on! Like we're going to listen to you people anyway.

Travelpro, I guess all the old cronies will reply to us tomorrow. That's OK. I'm ready for their snide little remarks and lame comebacks. Aren't you? :lol:
at every union meeting i say the same thing. this is not us vs them it has to do with an unfair system. our union leaders vote for things they will never have to do. there is no empathy and if we do not take a stand the union will never do anything. its not the company they dont care who flies as long as it does fly. why? because they are not aware how much overflying is going on, how we are treated by scheduling. how you are up all day then get called for an international flight being on duty for 5 days 24 hours and hey thats safe right? we need to pick a date and meet to bring these issues to the company as well as the union. for the company it would be how mush they are saving ....for the union it will be the threat of withholding union dues, since we are not treated equally why should we pay for their raise? and March should be no ETB we could be financially ready we have 3 months to do so

I don't think reserves should do ETB any month but I like your no ETB in March plan so it gives them time to prepare. We've been trying to get the word out about no ETB in December but of course reserves are still saying they will work ETB trips. Sigh. We've definitely got some work to do.
How about a meeting? Doesn't even have to involve the union.

If we can get even just most of PHL (where no one will be flying and a majority are in the same general physical location) to get together and get on the same page. Plans can be made for putting pressure on the union and the company. Proposals could be reviewed, and as a group our demands for the new contract can be presented to F/As at other bases and in the west, and given to the union as "this is what you need to get us or we vote no". F/As who worked at the west on furlough could provide info on the West reserve sytem.

It's time to get smart and get organized. Trust me, it can be done.
How about a meeting? Doesn't even have to involve the union.

If we can get even just most of PHL (where no one will be flying and a majority are in the same general physical location) to get together and get on the same page. Plans can be made for putting pressure on the union and the company. Proposals could be reviewed, and as a group our demands for the new contract can be presented to F/As at other bases and in the west, and given to the union as "this is what you need to get us or we vote no". F/As who worked at the west on furlough could provide info on the West reserve sytem.

It's time to get smart and get organized. Trust me, it can be done.

I'm up for it. Keep in mind that some of us PHL f/as need to meet in a location that doesn't require a car, like at the airport or Coaches or Flashbacks. The Lagoon is too far of a walk for my lazy arse and I could take the bus to the airport. I could walk or stumble to Coaches or Flashbacks. :lol:

For CLT reserves, I can meet anywhere in CLT.

BTW, for those of you who want a rotating reserve system, you need to be emailing MF. We need to bombard him with emails because he does NOT support it and we need to stay off his case. We also need to let him know that we won't be voting YES for a contract that keeps us all on reserve for the rest of our careers. I'm sorry but an upgraded reserve system is not enough. We should not be expected to be reserves for the next 15 years, even if we do get a higher guarantee or shifts. Capiche? Some reserves I have spoken to would be happy with that but not me!
If you are a reserve flight attendant or if you want to support our flight attendant reserves, please visit my blog.


I would love to hear any comments you all may have!

I just started it a few days ago after a phone call I had with scheduling and a few other things that made me mad. I am going to document everything that happens while I am on duty. I will later do more with it like ad videos and stuff. For now it is simple. Our Union and company HAVE to know that we are serious when we say we need a change. I will send it to them both later once I get more things on it, even though some reps are already on here now. That's fine.

If you are a blockholder - please, please do not think I am bashing blockholders. I am not. I fly with many wonderful flight attendants who hold blocks. We just need a change for our reserve system, something that works for reserves as well as blockholders and is equitable to all.

I like your blog although I really felt sorry for you. If it makes you feel any better, there are lots of biotch agents at the airport who are the very same way. So much negativity around here, and you shouldn't be treated rudely by the very senior people.
I have never asked a flight attendant where the hell they went unless they were on a quick turn , went to burger king, didn't let me know, made me board late and then treated me rudely just because I have a supervisor bawking at me over the radio and phone as well as the tower wanting another plane on the gate OR ELSE.
That hasn't happened though recently, last time was a west crew during res migration (twice ). No offense westies 🙂

If you are a reserve flight attendant or if you want to support our flight attendant reserves, please visit my blog.


I would love to hear any comments you all may have!

I just started it a few days ago after a phone call I had with scheduling and a few other things that made me mad. I am going to document everything that happens while I am on duty. I will later do more with it like ad videos and stuff. For now it is simple. Our Union and company HAVE to know that we are serious when we say we need a change. I will send it to them both later once I get more things on it, even though some reps are already on here now. That's fine.

If you are a blockholder - please, please do not think I am bashing blockholders. I am not. I fly with many wonderful flight attendants who hold blocks. We just need a change for our reserve system, something that works for reserves as well as blockholders and is equitable to all.
Flightchic and everyone one else who is interested lets pick a date and meet there is a meeting in CLT MEC) jan 22-24 that I plan on going to I want the company to know we are just sitting (i thing they are really in the dark) how I have been told that some f/a need to get food stamps .......anyway we could meet anywhere but the airport (legality issues guys) so anyplace where it's convinient to those who dont have a car ( i could pick some of you guys up) i will just come prepared (bring uniform ect) so I think we need to move it. we need to draft a petion anyway chick, i sent you my number call me dont want to put too much on board and I had to lock down my blog.......reasons ill will let you all know when we meet.
So what if you lost your job. If it is as bad as you say it is, you will be better off! You will have the motivation to go out and do what you really want to and get your dignity back!

the mean person in me is to hope this person has a child and loses a job after putting in a few years.
having said that and to all the naysayers out there
it takes one person to stand up and demand change YOU dont think BOS,LGA,DCA,CLT reserves are disgruntled? and regardless of what or whom you voted for...the contract is changed daily - look at the side letters that are negotiated with the company by the union over a coffee cup and god knows what perks?
for instance the "summer help" all the senior mama's who came in for 6 months to work international. contract states if you want to work international then you move to that base NOT work 6 months here and go back to your base. So when you want to talk contract hmmmmmmm you go and read all those "side letter" that we were not allowed to vote on


There is simply no other way to put it- the Reserve system is beyond horrible. There is no one who knows that more than the members of Master Executive Council. All of your Local Presidents and the MEC Officers know the havoc and difficulties the Reserve population endures. We know this because all of us deal with Reserve issues every day. We know this because we all receive emails and phone calls from angry and frustrated Reserves.

The simple fact is this- we are working under a ratified agreement. :down: The Company has no incentive to change the Reserve system outside of single agreement negotiations. :down: The MEC has worked very hard to make as many changes as the Company would agree to after the FAA 24/7 ruling. We have been successful in some areas but not in as many as you (or us) would like. I have heard from two Reserves in the last few days that both made the same comment, "you are not going to change anything because you are not a Reserve and it does not affect you".

Nothing could be farther from the truth. If the MEC could change the system tomorrow we would. There is nothing for the MEC or the JNC to gain by not changing the Reserve system.

Human nature is what it is-people often only care about what directly affects them. Leaders of any kind, political, civic or Union can't, or at least, shouldn't think that way. I can assure you that I don't think that way and I am sure no one else on the MEC thinks that way. The reason is in the first line of this paragraph-by virtue of our jobs as leaders, the Reserve system does directly affect us.

Every time a Reserve calls one of us we are directly affected.
Every time a Reserve sends one of us an email we are directly affected.
Every time a Reserve talks to one of us on a flight we are directly affected.

There is no Lineholder against Reserve mentality on either the MEC or the JNC. Both groups have concerns that we need to address. Both groups have concerns that WE WILL address

ONLY stating opinions