Flightchic and everyone one else who is interested lets pick a date and meet there is a meeting in CLT MEC) jan 22-24 that I plan on going to I want the company to know we are just sitting (i thing they are really in the dark) how I have been told that some f/a need to get food stamps .......anyway we could meet anywhere but the airport (legality issues guys) so anyplace where it's convinient to those who dont have a car ( i could pick some of you guys up) i will just come prepared (bring uniform ect) so I think we need to move it. we need to draft a petion anyway chick, i sent you my number call me dont want to put too much on board and I had to lock down my blog.......reasons ill will let you all know when we meet.
There were meetings in CLT in Oct and Nov. Did you go to either of those? Pat Freind was at the Nov. meeting. She said she didn't realize how bad it was. There were only about 4 RSV's at the Nov meeting with about 20 overall. A few of those were just f/a's checking in for trips and just stopped by. Pat must of had a odd sense about things, being that no showed up.