I would go for rotating rsv, just to help folks below me, mostly due to the fact I know how they have suffered. Far more than most BH could even fathom.
sky high states: Why are YOU trying to fix the system by LOWERING THE BAR, again? Everyone's suffered here, N109UW. Fathom, being here 30 years and watching your pay go from $46 to $38 a year. Or vacation time, having 45 days a year to 30-something. Pension, anyone? Healthcare benefits for retirees? People are walking around HERE looking like zombies, flying to exhaustion to make up the paycuts, etc. And, your idea, to help the reserves is to ask the blockholders to GIVE UP their schedules?
Let me wave my magic stir-stick and make YOU, MEC, for a day. Ok, fix it and make EVERYONE happy!
only stating opinions