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Charity on Wednesday for Flight Attendants in Need...

Okay, I am going to get sh!t for this......

I am a reserve as well, and my problems are nothing compared to people who are REALLY in need.

We HAVE choices....many that will benefit from the charity do NOT.

Haha, I love your opening statement. I would agree being a ramper and bringing home only 1000 a month. I'm poor, but I can get by on it for now. Give the money to the crack-mamma with 20 kids. On second though a starving child in a 3rd world country.
A few of you are some selfish people. The Pegasus Project has been around for over 20 years. Keep in mind NOBODY forced you to be a flight attendant; you made that choice yourself. Don't like it, do everyone a favor and quit. People like you are what's wrong with a lot in this world.

What a piece of freakin work. Asking for resignations from F/a's that can barely feed themselves. Of course the saying goes I thought I had it bad when I didn't have any shoes but then looked to the man next to me that had no feet! Point is that junior F/a's on reserve can't afford a plate of cold lasagna just to donate a couple bucks to some cancer fund. If I in sky cared so much why don't you work one of your dog trips instead of putting it on the etb hoping some selfish reserve picks it up, and donate the money it makes to your holy pegasus foundation. Probably could get a tax write off too. Nobody forced anyone to be a flight attendant but others did choose to sell out the reserve system dreaming of preferred bidding hoping to handpick trips better than they have now leaving scraps even worst than reserves have now. Wanna see selfish look in the mirror.
Nobody forced anyone to be a flight attendant but others did choose to sell out the reserve system dreaming of preferred bidding hoping to handpick trips better than they have now leaving scraps even worst than reserves have now. Wanna see selfish look in the mirror.

Well said!!! No truer words were ever spoken!

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