Blah blah blah... you sound like you're happy with them. If you think the working conditions are okay (which they may be for you, which may be the root of the problem).
She has said that she chooses to work here. You people really come off with some sort of smugness when you hear how little the last-gen US F/As make. Don't worry FlightChic, it's your turn this week. I'll distract them back to me by pointing out that Pittsburgh is not a city that needs a major air hub.
How do you know she's not in the union? How do you know I'm not in the union?
Speaking for myself, I'm going to guess that I do more for the US F/As than most. Posting on here for such a captive audience is a small part of it. If I can use humor and gossip to enlighten people to ways that we are being screwed and don't need to be, then that's fantastic. You guys are not a bunch that's known for sticking together, knowing squat about the industry, or even voting.
You know the old saying.. you can be a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean. Sorry, we're going to stick around and be coffee beans. If that bothers you 'eggs' so much, then maybe YOU should leave?
A bit hostile, don't you think? I don't know who "you guys" are, but I know a little about the industry, and I have never missed a vote. If I was truly unhappy with this company and the working conditions, then I would definitely leave. It isn't what it use to be, but for me--the flexibility is fantastic. I'm sorry if you find that offensive and disappointing, but for many of us--this situation just works ( a little more $$ would be nice)!