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Charity on Wednesday for Flight Attendants in Need...

Blah blah blah... you sound like you're happy with them. If you think the working conditions are okay (which they may be for you, which may be the root of the problem).

She has said that she chooses to work here. You people really come off with some sort of smugness when you hear how little the last-gen US F/As make. Don't worry FlightChic, it's your turn this week. I'll distract them back to me by pointing out that Pittsburgh is not a city that needs a major air hub.

How do you know she's not in the union? How do you know I'm not in the union?

Speaking for myself, I'm going to guess that I do more for the US F/As than most. Posting on here for such a captive audience is a small part of it. If I can use humor and gossip to enlighten people to ways that we are being screwed and don't need to be, then that's fantastic. You guys are not a bunch that's known for sticking together, knowing squat about the industry, or even voting.

You know the old saying.. you can be a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean. Sorry, we're going to stick around and be coffee beans. If that bothers you 'eggs' so much, then maybe YOU should leave?


A bit hostile, don't you think? I don't know who "you guys" are, but I know a little about the industry, and I have never missed a vote. If I was truly unhappy with this company and the working conditions, then I would definitely leave. It isn't what it use to be, but for me--the flexibility is fantastic. I'm sorry if you find that offensive and disappointing, but for many of us--this situation just works ( a little more $$ would be nice)!
Then let other people love the job and hate the conditions. And unless you know for sure that they aren't working to improve it, why roll out the tired old "Then leave" speech?

I don't find anything to do with you disapoiniting or offensive because I actually don't know you... as far as "you guys"- the US Airways F/A group in general. Oh, everyone votes when you ask them, and voted no, but gee, the numbers sure say otherwise. This F/A group is not known for anything but being too dumb not to follow the pilots around and "me-too" with them, and for lowering the bar for the industry several times.

If junior pukes trying to change that offends or disapoints you, then sorry you feel that way.
I filled out the survey and liked the boxes for comments. I don't think there was one box that I didn't have something to say!

I filled out the survey and liked the boxes for comments. I don't think there was one box that I didn't have something to say!


I did too. I had so much to say that there wasn't enough room. LOL! I may be sending an email with more changes I would like to see.

It sounds like you are not okay with the pay, flexibility, and benefits. Why do you choose to commute for a job that you seem so dissatisfied with? Have you seriously considered other options? A professional counselor or the EAP can help you transition out of here, and it wouldn't cost you a thing. If you truly love this job and want to make a difference for all F/As; you could join the union. We always need people who will work tirelessly for the entire group. Maybe you could focus your energies there.

USCREW: You're right I am not OK with it. If you were in my situation would you be OK with it? I have considered other options. If I quit tomorrow I could probably find another job within a couple of weeks that would pay way more than what I make here and would be way more fulfilling and best of all I wouldn't have to commute. I'm also working on some business ventures. Why do I stay here? I love to travel and I have fun on trips hanging out with the other flight attendants. Somedays I do get so frustrated that I am ready to hang up my wings but I don't because I do want to stick around and voice my opinion and help make a change around here. I believe things will get better. If not, I'll be the first one out. BTW, are you with the union?

She has said that she chooses to work here. You people really come off with some sort of smugness when you hear how little the last-gen US F/As make. Don't worry FlightChic, it's your turn this week. I'll distract them back to me by pointing out that Pittsburgh is not a city that needs a major air hub.

EMBFA: I'm with you on the whole PIT thing. It is sad that it is closing but we all knew it was going to happen. It's not like it was some huge surprise unless you're a complete moron. I have friends here who were displaced twiced (after BWI closed) and furloughed twice and nobody ever cried for them or told them they were sorry or acted like they cared. I don't see them walking around p!ssed off all the time and they've been through way more than the PIT f/as. Times change and airlines change and this airline doesn't revolve around PIT anymore. Management isn't here to accommodate all of us, they are here to make money. Since PIT wasn't a money maker, they have no need to keep it. I wouldn't have kept it either. I would have offered a buy out though.
Then let other people love the job and hate the conditions. And unless you know for sure that they aren't working to improve it, why roll out the tired old "Then leave" speech?

Oh don't go and start being negative EMBFA or a certain someone may accuse YOU of being THE most negative and pessimistic poster. That supposedly is MY title.
Oh don't go and start being negative EMBFA or a certain someone may accuse YOU of being THE most negative and pessimistic poster. That supposedly is MY title.

Hey Debbie Downer, we'll need you working a 757 ETOPS PHL-DUB in Late November 😉

There's some happy campers headed there...let's trash their trip by eating all the meals up 🙂

Bed Time for me I'm rambling :shock:
USCREW: You're right I am not OK with it. If you were in my situation would you be OK with it? I have considered other options. If I quit tomorrow I could probably find another job within a couple of weeks that would pay way more than what I make here and would be way more fulfilling and best of all I wouldn't have to commute. I'm also working on some business ventures. Why do I stay here? I love to travel and I have fun on trips hanging out with the other flight attendants. Somedays I do get so frustrated that I am ready to hang up my wings but I don't because I do want to stick around and voice my opinion and help make a change around here. I believe things will get better. If not, I'll be the first one out. BTW, are you with the union?



A few of you are some selfish people. The Pegasus Project has been around for over 20 years. Keep in mind NOBODY forced you to be a flight attendant; you made that choice yourself. Don't like it, do everyone a favor and quit. People like you are what's wrong with a lot in this world.

A few of you are some selfish people. The Pegasus Project has been around for over 20 years. Keep in mind NOBODY forced you to be a flight attendant; you made that choice yourself. Don't like it, do everyone a favor and quit. People like you are what's wrong with a lot in this world.


OMG here we go again with the whole "you don't have to be here, if you don't like it then quit" lecture. :angry: Don't even get me started on that one. It never fails. Everytime someone mentions something negative out come the comments about how nobody is holding a gun to our heads to stay here and if we aren't happy to quit and yadda, yadda, yadda.

I assure you that those of us "selfish" people on this board are not what is wrong with this world. If we truly were what is wrong with the world, our world would be a much better place. Just because some of us come on here and complain does not mean we are bad people. Furthermore, some of us "selfish" people have a much better work ethic and a more giving and generous spirit than many people but we can only work with the tools we are given.
A few of you are some selfish people. The Pegasus Project has been around for over 20 years. Keep in mind NOBODY forced you to be a flight attendant; you made that choice yourself. Don't like it, do everyone a favor and quit. People like you are what's wrong with a lot in this world.


I disagree. People who just quit or just accept everything with an oh well attitude and think those who are willing to fight to make things better should just quit are the problem.

Just because somebody vents on a message board doesn't mean they are miserable to work with or be around or that they don't excel in their job.
No one forces people to read a message board for airline employees to vent on.

If you don't like it, sign out and leave.

Ohhhhhh how I hope a certain someone (my little friend) reads the last few posts on this thread. Let it soak in sista'. :lol:
How would you feel if you were on the West contract making even less??! Poverty wouldn't even compare to our payscale honey! I am still making 5 dollars less than you "Easties" on your contract scale, after 11 years!! The only saving grace is my 4 weeks vacation, for sanity, and flexible line in PHX.

SKY HIGH States: What you Reserves need is a HIGHER GUARANTEE. 85/90 HOUR Guarantee, anyone complaining about how the company UTILIZES you now? Fight for it.

only stating opinions

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