No one is comparing themselves to burn victims or people missing arms or whatever, all you Dramatticus Finches...
It's still a choice for everyone to work here regardless of thier situation. We know that we tell the company and the union it's ok to pay someone just over $1000 a month in a major city, 9 years into thier career, every day we remain employed... but for our varied reasons, mostly because we love the lifestyle, we stay. That said, I guarantee every F/A at our pay scale is a little annoyed when they get a plea for money from the union or company in thier crew mail. It's sort of like asking a bum for money.
I personally have donated my time over the years (not money as again I have none lol) to things like helping build houses with Habitat for Humanity and delivering meals to AIDS patients. Time I have, money I don't, to a point where unless something changes soon, I'll have to say goodbye for the sake of my health, sanity and credit score. I've never participated in anything through the company like United Way because I think it's hypocritical for them to drain taxpayers by contributing to the working poor, then try to look like a good corporate citizen. More than a few Philly F/As collect partial unemployment each month.
FlightChic is a great person with more compassion than most and she did not mean to offend with her post... again, just stop asking us for money all the time!