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Charity on Wednesday for Flight Attendants in Need...

I guess I am just jaded and angry at the company. I will stop now.
Most of us are angry. Just try not to become permanently bitter and jaded so no one recognizes you (it's happened to a few on here...) Get ready to fight the big fight: the RSV and compensation sections of the contract are now open..... :blink:
No one is comparing themselves to burn victims or people missing arms or whatever, all you Dramatticus Finches...

It's still a choice for everyone to work here regardless of thier situation. We know that we tell the company and the union it's ok to pay someone just over $1000 a month in a major city, 9 years into thier career, every day we remain employed... but for our varied reasons, mostly because we love the lifestyle, we stay. That said, I guarantee every F/A at our pay scale is a little annoyed when they get a plea for money from the union or company in thier crew mail. It's sort of like asking a bum for money.

I personally have donated my time over the years (not money as again I have none lol) to things like helping build houses with Habitat for Humanity and delivering meals to AIDS patients. Time I have, money I don't, to a point where unless something changes soon, I'll have to say goodbye for the sake of my health, sanity and credit score. I've never participated in anything through the company like United Way because I think it's hypocritical for them to drain taxpayers by contributing to the working poor, then try to look like a good corporate citizen. More than a few Philly F/As collect partial unemployment each month.

FlightChic is a great person with more compassion than most and she did not mean to offend with her post... again, just stop asking us for money all the time!
FlightChic is a great person with more compassion than most and she did not mean to offend with her post... again, just stop asking us for money all the time!

sky high states: But, butttt......

As hundreds of thousands of Southern California residents flee from uncontrolled wildfires, AFA-CWA is preparing for the needs of our members who have been or will be affected by this latest weather-related disaster. As with the Gulf Coast hurricane disaster two years ago, AFA-CWA is actively soliciting donations for the AFA Disaster Relief Fund that will be distributed to members impacted by the California fires.

Please consider making a donation to help your fellow flight attendants whose lives are being critically disrupted at this very moment. Until our website mechanism for credit card donations is up and running, checks can be made out to 'AFA Disaster Relief Fund' and sent directly to the International office at AFA Disaster Relief Fund, 501 Third Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20001.

If you have been evacuated from your home, please contact the American Red Cross at either 1-800-redcross or go to https://disastersafe.redcross.org/ to list your "safe and well" status or, if you know of someone who has been evacuated, please encourage them to do the same. Family and friends of Southern California residents can use the American Red Cross site to confirm the safety of loved ones and to view postings. Since it was established on October 22, over 500 American families have listed their status with this Internet service.

Unfortunately...............the NEED never ends. Someone's gotta help.

only stating opinions
again, just stop asking us for money all the time!
No one is asking you for flat out "money". They are offering a $5 meal, in the crew room, that is probably cheaper and tastier than anything you will find in the PHL airport (at least something different!!).

They are saying the $$ will be donated. Simple as that. Who is being overly dramatic? 😉
No, but probably displaced there at some point. I'm like a goodwill ambassador that tours several bases a year, with giant sunglasses and adopted children in tow.
Flight chic, you can complain all you want.. How would you feel if you were on the West contract making even less??! Poverty wouldn't even compare to our payscale honey! I am still making 5 dollars less than you "Easties" on your contract scale, after 11 years!! The only saving grace is my 4 weeks vacation, for sanity, and flexible line in PHX. Thank goodness. Of course I work 90-100 hrs a month just to make a decent check. Cost of living wage increase, never heard of on our scales!! I couldn't imagine being in PHL on reserve and making the same!?? Please spread the word, more vacation for East, and higher wages for all period!!!!! :up:
Flight chic, you can complain all you want.. How would you feel if you were on the West contract making even less??! Poverty wouldn't even compare to our payscale honey! I am still making 5 dollars less than you "Easties" on your contract scale, after 11 years!! The only saving grace is my 4 weeks vacation, for sanity, and flexible line in PHX. Thank goodness. Of course I work 90-100 hrs a month just to make a decent check. Cost of living wage increase, never heard of on our scales!! I couldn't imagine being in PHL on reserve and making the same!?? Please spread the word, more vacation for East, and higher wages for all period!!!!! :up:

Oh you poor thing! I looked at the West pay. If you have been with the company for 11 years, you are making a lot more than I am.
10-11 yrs


11-12 yrs


I have been with the company for eight years but because I was furloughed I am at five year's pay which is a whopping $24 an hour. Before June I was at $21 an hour, so the increase just happened.

I got 4 days (that's right DAYS, not weeks but days!) vacation this year and I will get 7 days next year.

I wish I could have the option to fly 90-100 hours. So far this month, I have only flown 33 hours and as much as I would like to break guarantee which is 73 it just isn't going to happen. I wish I had the option of flying as much as you. Many people fly on their off days but as a commuter I can't do that since those are the days I have to tend to my personal life and go to the doctor, get my hair done, visit sick relatives, wash clothes, clean house, see my family, etc. We have absolutely no flexibility at my seniority. Try being drug out of bed at 1am for a transatlantic trip after having been on duty for three days straight and without knowing when to sleep or being woken up at midnight for a trip that departs at 6:30am. Your payscale out west is worse than ours I agree but it sounds like you have it good compared to some of us. I invite you to come sit in my shoes next month!
Ya know FlightChic when you put those numbers out there it truly throws in your face just how bad things are here. I know I am accused of being "Debbie Downer" on here but there is MUCH to "complain" about or as I see it simply talking about. You folks that were on furlough and even CONSIDERED coming back deserve more. Imagine if your ONLY problem was that you couldn't trip improve huh? 🙄 Ohhhhh the humanity. For those that don't want to give or find it difficult to do so it's understandable. For those more fortunate that CAN do it AWESOME. No hard feelings either way. Ya know how many times I would sit at church and watch the offerings basket pass down with some not adding to it? Ya do whatcha can.
Ya know FlightChic when you put those numbers out there it truly throws in your face just how bad things are here. I know I am accused of being "Debbie Downer" on here but there is MUCH to "complain" about or as I see it simply talking about.

Travelpro, I absolutely LOVE your avatar! It makes me laugh every time I see it and I do enjoy reading your posts.
I have been with the company for eight years but because I was furloughed I am at five year's pay which is a whopping $24 an hour. Before June I was at $21 an hour, so the increase just happened.

I got 4 days (that's right DAYS, not weeks but days!) vacation this year and I will get 7 days next year.

I wish I could have the option to fly 90-100 hours. So far this month, I have only flown 33 hours and as much as I would like to break guarantee which is 73 it just isn't going to happen. I wish I had the option of flying as much as you. Many people fly on their off days but as a commuter I can't do that since those are the days I have to tend to my personal life and go to the doctor, get my hair done, visit sick relatives, wash clothes, clean house, see my family, etc. We have absolutely no flexibility at my seniority. Try being drug out of bed at 1am for a transatlantic trip after having been on duty for three days straight and without knowing when to sleep or being woken up at midnight for a trip that departs at 6:30am. Your payscale out west is worse than ours I agree but it sounds like you have it good compared to some of us. I invite you to come sit in my shoes next month!
Hi flightChic,

It sounds like you are not okay with the pay, flexibility, and benefits. Why do you choose to commute for a job that you seem so dissatisfied with? Have you seriously considered other options? A professional counselor or the EAP can help you transition out of here, and it wouldn't cost you a thing. If you truly love this job and want to make a difference for all F/As; you could join the union. We always need people who will work tirelessly for the entire group. Maybe you could focus your energies there.
No one is comparing themselves to burn victims or people missing arms or whatever, all you Dramatticus Finches...

It's still a choice for everyone to work here regardless of thier situation. We know that we tell the company and the union it's ok to pay someone just over $1000 a month in a major city, 9 years into thier career, every day we remain employed... but for our varied reasons, mostly because we love the lifestyle, we stay. That said, I guarantee every F/A at our pay scale is a little annoyed when they get a plea for money from the union or company in thier crew mail. It's sort of like asking a bum for money.

I personally have donated my time over the years (not money as again I have none lol) to things like helping build houses with Habitat for Humanity and delivering meals to AIDS patients. Time I have, money I don't, to a point where unless something changes soon, I'll have to say goodbye for the sake of my health, sanity and credit score. I've never participated in anything through the company like United Way because I think it's hypocritical for them to drain taxpayers by contributing to the working poor, then try to look like a good corporate citizen. More than a few Philly F/As collect partial unemployment each month.

FlightChic is a great person with more compassion than most and she did not mean to offend with her post... again, just stop asking us for money all the time!

I understand and agree that it's offensive for my company to solicit contributions (United Way) when the wages they choose to pay me while based in a major city closely qualify me for public assistance.
Time is the gift that we poor people can give to others. I regularly see people who have the least be the most generous to others in greater need.
As far as the reserve issues go.......All f/a's should be online filling out the survey that AFA posted.
From the e-line:
The link to the survey is:


Your member ID is 120 followed by your original US Airways East ID #.

Your PIN # is the four digit year of birth.

You will be prompted to change your PIN # for security reasons. After changing your PIN #, click on, "Take Survey".


Blah blah blah... you sound like you're happy with them. If you think the working conditions are okay (which they may be for you, which may be the root of the problem).

She has said that she chooses to work here. You people really come off with some sort of smugness when you hear how little the last-gen US F/As make. Don't worry FlightChic, it's your turn this week. I'll distract them back to me by pointing out that Pittsburgh is not a city that needs a major air hub.

How do you know she's not in the union? How do you know I'm not in the union?

Speaking for myself, I'm going to guess that I do more for the US F/As than most. Posting on here for such a captive audience is a small part of it. If I can use humor and gossip to enlighten people to ways that we are being screwed and don't need to be, then that's fantastic. You guys are not a bunch that's known for sticking together, knowing squat about the industry, or even voting. You can all use a little complaining about real issues and knowledge that extends further than telling the difference between a Sprite and a Sprite Zero.

You know the old saying.. you can be a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean. Sorry, we're going to stick around and be coffee beans. If that bothers you 'eggs' who are so satisfied so much, then maybe YOU should leave?

As Sky High sates "Only stating opinions."


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