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According to MEC the company already agreed to RAPS which, in a nutshell is 12 hour reserve where we can only be on call or assigned to duty within a 12 hour period. This should eliminate a lot of craziness from our system.
this benefits who? oh yeah, people who actually live in base...forget i asked. it's not easy or convenient to commute home for twelve hours. but, alas, i am glad it excites you! :blink:

wouldn't a rotating rsv system be a hell of a lot better (and more efficient)? oh, nevermind, wouldn't want to trespass on the bh's sacred ground.
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  • #62
Better than the bullcrap we have now going to Europe at 4 am after being up all day.
Yes we asked about rotating rsv. More later. I'm done for the day.

this benefits who? oh yeah, people who actually live in base...forget i asked. it's not easy or convenient to commute home for twelve hours. but, alas, i am glad it excites you! :blink:

wouldn't a rotating rsv system be a hell of a lot better (and more efficient)? oh, nevermind, wouldn't want to trespass on the bh's sacred ground.
I don't like the idea of being on duty for 24 hours any more than anyone else but 12 hour shifts will create a HUGE problem for those who commute. I believe the reserve population in bases like PHL is filled with majority commuters. I know commuting is a choice so those that DO commute and want 12 hour shifts need to really think about it. Going home for 12 hours? Hmmmm I don't think so. If only reserves could have some sort of short call/long call as pilots do based on what your seniority can hold or something. Well I'm glad that meeting was informative. I'm positive there will be improvements to the contract but am also a realist and know it won't make everyone happy. I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the idea of automatically capping overflying. Better get that second job gals or hit the ETB. :lol:
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  • #64
Good morning. I am going to try to recap some of what I remember yesterday but I am using a computer that has major issues with slowness and I will do what I can until I become frustrated.

Again, please read the Feb 16, 2008 e-line. I think I said Feb 8th before but it's the 16th one.
I think the 12 hour reserve period (which has been agreed to by the company) is a huge improvement over what we currently have, and have had in the past. From what I understand, The West has 12 hour reserve now where, for example, you are on call from 1am-1pm. With their current system, a flight attendant can be called during that time to fly for a time outside of the rap. So for example they can be on call from 1am-1pm but get a trip that checks in at 4pm. This new agreement allows for us to only be awarded and assigned within the 12 hour period.

This is a huge improvement over our 24 hour system too because we know when they are going to likely contact us and then we have 12 hours free from worry. I would never advocate going home during the 12 hour period if one commutes from any length but at least this gives us a period of silence where we can travel away from the 2 hour leash of the airport.

They are also trying to address the ridiculous issue of split trips. You all know, the dreaded DH to one city then work it back for a whopping 1.3 hours of pay. They are aware of it and are working to get us some sort of a min pay for it.

Also, FYI, if you get a trip from future and then you are unreleased and daily calls you back with a trip that pays less, the union's position is that we are pay protected for the longer trip. Call them immediately to let them know. The company's position had been that we would only be pay protected from a future trip to a future trip. Call and get paid...

More was addressed but this computer is driving me crazy and I have to get going. Believe me, improvements are coming. We are definitely going to hold out for what we want, but keep in mind that both current contracts are antequated and our new one will show marked improvements in pay, sick, vacation, call out time, guarantee, trip rigs, reserve duty and rest, - after 4 years, it's coming to fruition.

Stay focused! We deserve better than what we have!!!!!

I don't like the idea of being on duty for 24 hours any more than anyone else but 12 hour shifts will create a HUGE problem for those who commute. I believe the reserve population in bases like PHL is filled with majority commuters. I know commuting is a choice so those that DO commute and want 12 hour shifts need to really think about it. Going home for 12 hours? Hmmmm I don't think so. If only reserves could have some sort of short call/long call as pilots do based on what your seniority can hold or something. Well I'm glad that meeting was informative. I'm positive there will be improvements to the contract but am also a realist and know it won't make everyone happy. I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the idea of automatically capping overflying. Better get that second job gals or hit the ETB. :lol:
VAflygirl thank you so much for the information. I believe we will see lots of improvement. I think the push for a better reserve section is important to those negotiating due to the fact that many have experienced this LTO system and current work rules. If they sent out a contract to vote on with a less than satisfactory reserve section it would get voted down due to the current fluctuation of reserve/blockholders. Those that hold a secondary only to go back on this dreaded system coupled with those "always" on reserve would vote the contract down. I know I come across here as a bit bitter and a bit angry but truly I'm not. I call out the bad and ridiculous but remain hopeful that a better contract can and will come to pass. In the meantime it's stalking option 18 and 44 as usual. :lol:
Pardon me as I don't have a total understanding as to how your contract works. However, it sure seems like more patches to tired ideas than a rework of your contract. The twelve hour shift sounds like a good idea but it also sounds like a patch to the LTO system that you all complain about.

Someone else mentioned that MF rejects any and all ideas that anyone throws out. I am highly suspect of a leader that shoots down ideas that come from the group he represents.

I have not heard from anyone that was at the meeting yet so I may change my mind, but I think it was a rally the troops tell them just enough to keep them happy meeting. It would appear that it was a highly controlled environment. I would not be surprised if Baghdad Bob was not there taking notes.

I am sure some good changes are there and they were sure to tell you of those. I just think until the contract you have is thrown out the window and you start from scratch there is going to be the usual disappointment when you wake up under the new agreement.

I will be glad if I am wrong! I think there is a large budget for kool aid though.
Rotation RSV was brought up again I see Carol and Mike say the LEC have NOT put that on the table for them to bring up with the company. They said if you want them to bring it up call your LEC reps and instruct them to do so, until them oh well. Bottom line blockholders wont vote for it. Such a negative word as RSV is now they would not touch it with a 10 foot pole.
Limit overfly by resticting pickups on the AIL? Yeah right! Drop one trip pick up another it's impossible for even sceduling to know with the system what you can do in a month and how things will pan out.
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  • #68
So call your LEC. And tell your friends to call their LEC. And write a letter. DO SOMETHING besides gripe to the masses that are powerless to do anything but gripe with you.
The pick up restriction is going to be computerized like SAP is so it WILL stop all the ail overfly. ETB is first come first serve as it is for us but PROGRESS is PROGRESS.

You still haven't told me who you are so I'm guessing you must not have been in my class. Did another girl pop a tailcone or am I missing something.

Rotation RSV was brought up again I see Carol and Mike say the LEC have NOT put that on the table for them to bring up with the company. They said if you want them to bring it up call your LEC reps and instruct them to do so, until them oh well. Bottom line blockholders wont vote for it. Such a negative word as RSV is now they would not touch it with a 10 foot pole.
Limit overfly by resticting pickups on the AIL? Yeah right! Drop one trip pick up another it's impossible for even sceduling to know with the system what you can do in a month and how things will pan out.
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  • #69
Another thing -
The MEC had on previous dates brought a proposal to Mike Finn, former director of crew scheduling, about creating "relief lines" which basically are lines with a trip or two here, reserve days there. This would at least allow some days of trips versus constant reserve. According to Carol Austin, Mike totally and assholically rejected the proposal. After pleas from the reserves yesterday coupled with the fact that Chip Maier and John Petronzzi (a line pilot and line flight attendant, respectively if I'm not mistaken) - Carol said they would bring that proposal back to the company to be reviewed.

Also when the rotating reserve issue was brought up and met with some honest resistance (Mike's argument was the majority won't vote for it, and if they say they will, in private they wouldn't)... Lisa suggested perhaps a certain percent of the f/a's could be on rotation. Say the bottom 20 or 30 percent - those who bounce back and forth or the secondary line holders, for example. She suggested it and I think it is a better idea than nothing.

Also they are trying to move back to a seniority driven reserve than a straight LTO system. It was mentioned that a "call me last" option might be suggested so if, say, Suzy is legal for 6 days and just flew a 3 day, but she is next in LTO for another 3 day, scheduling would call her last, at her discretion, for that day. This would allow her, when coverage permits, to kind of "pass" a future call (sort of) to junior flight attendant so she wouldn't burn out doing 6 days in a row while someone in a higher bucket who has been sitting around a week can fly.

Again, progress. Is anything perfect? No. Is it a dream come true? No. Is everyone going to be happy, no? But HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH YET?

On a final note, the meeting was comprised of answering the 27 or so questions submitted by f/a's, an update on MEC negotiations, and then was opened up to the floor for questions and comments. Everyone who wanted to talk could. It was well guided. So there was no massacre, mutany, or verbal assaults.

It was productive, and again, I feel we were heard. Time will tell, but keep being the pleasantly persistant professional squeaky wheel... Channel your gripes into written positive words and write and call your LEC's. Squeak squeak squeak to a better day.
Did they mention the start/end times for the 12 hour shifts? I do not commute and I always hated that my day off started and ended at 3 p.m. I like start or end at Midnight much better.

Did they mention if this would be a reserve line like at MidAtlantic..... all of your reserve duty days RAP 1 p.m. to 1 a.m. and unchangeable by CS. Or are they thinking they can just assign us a RAP period day-to-day on a whim?

As for commuters, wouldn't they still be able to put themselves on quick call if they didn't want to go home for 12 hours?

I would like to see this contract move away from calling CS and requesting anything. We have technology and should be able to enter in our preferences into a computer or set them at check in.

"call your LEC" This was sorta funny, what LEC doesn't know that the some of the reserves would like a rotating reserve system? LOL

Did they give any idea when they expected to have a contract to vote on? found my answer in a previous post "within 12 months".
First of all thank you VAGirl for posting... :up:

My burning question is why are we reliving old contract procedures instead of actually getting into the 21st century and getting a "true" breakthrough contract????

All I've been hearing is stuff being re-hashed about what "used" to work. the 12 hour shift to which you are referring is being used out West with lousy results. The west also utilizes relief lines (if I am wrong feel free to flambait me ;-) It is obviously apparent that our current JNC wants to go with what has worked for them in the past, as well as what is working now (which isn't!), as opposed to actually working towards being proactive and progressive and a step apart from the rest, WHILE saving the company money. YES, it can be done. As I had said earlier, SWA has one of the best contracts in the industry. Has our Union leaders even considered taking an hour or two to go see what its about? What about UAL?, CO? My money's on NO.

Most importantly, the ONLY acronym we should be screaming is PBS!!! Forget, AIL, ETB, and whatever else. PBS uses all of it and eliminates everything else, yet it works well for ALL FAs...... SO many other companies use, even Republic uses it with great results!!!!

Was anything mentioned about PBS? It is by far one of the more logical way to go for ALL involved.

ps. rotating Rsv can easily be built into PBS, as well as relief lines....
Just an FYI Beachboy is probably one of THE most involved f/a's on these boards. ;) Sometimes I feel he's a little more involved than he should be but unionism runs through his veins. As for the meeting, I find the info given interesting. Now for all of those that couldn't go I wonder if the union will put out an informational E-line about what transpired. It would be nice instead of f/a's out on the line hearing info from a friend of a friend of a friend. Ya know how that goes. :rolleyes:
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  • #73
PBS coming - they are trying to negotiate a good solid software program that isn't so cheap that it doesn't function the way they want it to.
The RAPS will be bid on based on preference and is just that- preference. A, B, or C for 1st, 2nd , or 3rd shift if you will. It's bid on monthly and is awarded monthly so if you are a morning or night person you will have that option to bid those shifts.

I will post more later about what they said but it is an improvement to the current West and East ways.

Yes you can put yourself on quickcall too.

LEC may know but they too represent the majority which is BH's. Keep squeaking!

The RAPS will be bid on based on preference and is just that- preference. A, B, or C for 1st, 2nd , or 3rd shift if you will. It's bid on monthly and is awarded monthly so if you are a morning or night person you will have that option to bid those shifts.


PBS coming - they are trying to negotiate a good solid software program that isn't so cheap that it doesn't function the way they want it to.
The RAPS will be bid on based on preference and is just that- preference. A, B, or C for 1st, 2nd , or 3rd shift if you will. It's bid on monthly and is awarded monthly so if you are a morning or night person you will have that option to bid those shifts.

I will post more later about what they said but it is an improvement to the current West and East ways.

Yes you can put yourself on quickcall too.

LEC may know but they too represent the majority which is BH's. Keep squeaking!

Good to hear they are working towards PBS .... bout time. HOWEVER, PBS will only operate properly when utilzed using good software. Did you know SWA uses Maestro for its scheduling and PBS? Did you know that the West ALSO currently uses Maestro??? It all depends on how many options you wish to "Purchase". Its like buying a car, you get what you pay for. I can assure you Mgmt will not buy a Bmer when they can get a Saturn.

Now this ABC shift. Out West they have A=0100-1300 B=0700-1900 and C=1500-2300. You can call daily and get it changed (if needed). BUT I've worked the west and I cant tell you how many times they have called 15 minutes prior to release and assign a trip PAST that duty (out west they had a 10 minute callback). Now I know you have mentioned they wouldn't be able to do it. The west contract states that they can't BUT ..... there's that little caveat they call "operational circumstances", in which they ALWAYS invoked. Language MUST be included to alleviate that little issue. When your duty is done, it is done PERIOD.

I suppose they also talked about the infamous "tagging" ..... I've said it once and I will say it again NO WAY JOSE! :down:

Gosh I wish I was at that meeting! :ph34r:
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