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Unionism through my veins? Common sense run through them I know. Too involved at times, Travel is most likey right about that.
What I meant is Beachboy has been so involved and concerned about others who don't KNOW how to be concerned for themselves. The f/a group is a very hard group to convince to be involved in their union. They complain out the rear but don't call their local offices and keep on them about issues that seem to go on daily. With that said, I sure hope that when a contract is ironed out and the road shows start they look at EVERY aspect of the new contract and not just the pay. The work rules are the most important as they will affect your life at work. We have had this jacked contract on the east for how long now and many don't know their legalities and essential work rules. It's your can you NOT find the time to be involved? It baffles me.
I guess this is the AFA thread *shrug*

New E-Line out that the AFA is considering splitting FAs from the Pilots.
At this point if they can deliver every protection we have now and more? Fine. I don't think they can but I am willing to listen.
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At this point if they can deliver every protection we have now and more? Fine. I don't think they can but I am willing to listen.

Mike said at the CLT rsv meeting that this is on the table but is absolutley not a definite yet. AND if the company wants to implement it, they are going to pay DEARLY for it. Read: MONEY.

How many hundreds of thousands of dollars did the f/a group save the company when we became the cabin cleaning crew as well?! I remember utility guys in PHL telling me they made 80K with all their OT pay etc.

All things the same? Hotel, rest, work hours, duty rigs, min day, etc??? They want us to split from pilots and they want pref bidding??? It boils down to this. F you. Pay ME.

You dont do the same job as utility did, you "tidy" the cabin, the hubs still have contract cleaners.
yep its just doing windows.... :rolleyes: In ADDITION to everything else we do we cross seatbelts, pick up trash from the floor and collect any visible trash from seatback pockets. Every row, every plane east of the Mississippi ALL day in addition to boarding, deplaning and serving inflight. We may not carry dripping trash bags through the cabin as those from (insert country here) but we hustle. You are a trip. :rolleyes:
FINALLY, MF and LL sent out the E-line we have all been waiting for: If we want a contract, we will have to separate from the pilots.

It's happening finally, and it's for the better. They reiterate in their respective e-lines that they will insist on protections the same as or better than the pilots. The pilots will be mired in drama for years to come, so let's
dump them, and move on to some productive flying. Time for our girls to start reading the contract, and learn to sign themselves into the hotel.

Hallelujah. They have finally seen the light. :blink:
I am saving this for 5 years from now :lol: You place so much faith in people that have delivered NOTHING. Good luck I pray for us all.
I am saving this for 5 years from now :lol: You place so much faith in people that have delivered NOTHING. Good luck I pray for us all.
Laugh all you want.

You are content with working under this contract for at least 5 more years, if not more? Remember, we don't have to vote anything in that does not offer protections, productivity, and a quality of life.
What I don't get is those that believe it's "opening a can of worms" splitting from the pilots are sorta ok with what is negotiated in other sections. I believe the split CAN happen and the language CAN be written with iron clad writing limiting the amount of high time turns, duty days, rigs and overall productivity. The contract is violated here and there now with the "wanted" wiggle room built into the language. Get rid of the grey areas and produce a contract that is fair and livable. My gut is we'll split. Like I said in a post months ago, "It's either split from the pilots or ratify a contract in 2020". I don't believe it has to be a choice of sticking with the pilots or negotiate a contract with our own language and get screwed.
I hate to do one liners but its about time.

What's UA, CO, AA contracts like?
They are separate, and while they have their issues, we could look at those issues and improve upon them. People always say that splitting will create an operational nightmare, to which I say, Bull. If AA/ CO/ UA had such ops problems with splitting front and back crews, why are they posting almost better OTP numbers than US this year? Reason? They don't have these major issues constantly.

Also, since we keep crews together, shouldn't PHL run like a well oiled machine on weather days? :blink:

The issue I have with splitting is negotiating rigid protections for FA's that cannot be interpreted by the crew sked desk a different way. We need solid improvements with good productivity. Negotiating same or better than the pilots is a good start.

Let's see what they come up with. I have been emailing MF about this for 3 years now, and have always received a NO. Glad to see they finally came around.
What I don't get is those that believe it's "opening a can of worms" splitting from the pilots are sorta ok with what is negotiated in other sections. I believe the split CAN happen and the language CAN be written with iron clad writing limiting the amount of high time turns, duty days, rigs and overall productivity. The contract is violated here and there now with the "wanted" wiggle room built into the language. Get rid of the grey areas and produce a contract that is fair and livable. My gut is we'll split. Like I said in a post months ago, "It's either split from the pilots or ratify a contract in 2020". I don't believe it has to be a choice of sticking with the pilots or negotiate a contract with our own language and get screwed.
Post of the night, Trav. Post of the night. :up:
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