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I was wondering since N109UW complains so much and seems to be such a winer :down: has he ever done anything with the union. He seems to always be talking out of his rear. What a shame to be so miserable! You would never have been elected for the position...you obviously do not know much about the contract. I have yet to see you mention that you get paid 73 hours whether you fly it or not. Not to say the reserve system is good nor bad, but stop complaining. It is not benificial to fly separate from the pilots. Alot of sitting for the other and it is not as safe as it is now staying with the same crew. Also PBS would be a wonderful thing and you would not be on reserve you would be a blk holder. Hopefully we will end up on that system. Sometime speak to a America West Pilot and ask them about the system you would learn alot. Stop complaining about your union and get involved. You obviously have a lot to learn!!!!

**Edited to merge posts only**

Buttercup(nice name),you have got to be kidding me, right. My biggest complaint is that RSV's aren't flying. Trust me, that is a good complaint. You don't know me. If you did, you would understand what I stood for. I am not sure what position you are in the company, but from the way you talk, it isn't on the same level as us. Please enlighten us as to your situation. Most of the RSV's in CLT come to me, because I get their questions and concerns answered. Alot of the F/A's don't take the time to contact a union rep. where as, I seek the knowledge out and then pass it on to others to share with their crews. I try to get them to get involved, but most of them always have an excuse. Also, I am not miserable, I am one of the most positive people you would ever be lucky enough to work with or meet. After all the crap we RSV's have been to, I get complaint for staying so upbeat. So keep your slack ass personal attacks to yourself. For only having 2 posts, you are barking up the wrong tree. Don't be so critical of others posts and show a little respect. And yes, I do get involved in the union. I talk with my locals and my folks in DCA. I would have loved to be able to stand up there with PitBull and not take any crap from the company. Elections are coming around again soon. I am not a "yes" man,so look out.
Buttercup(nice name),you have got to be kidding me, right. My biggest complaint is that RSV's aren't flying. Trust me, that is a good complaint. You don't know me. If you did, you would understand what I stood for. I am not sure what position you are in the company, but from the way you talk, it isn't on the same level as us. Please enlighten us as to your situation. Most of the RSV's in CLT come to me, because I get their questions and concerns answered. Alot of the F/A's don't take the time to contact a union rep. where as, I seek the knowledge out and then pass it on to others to share with their crews. I try to get them to get involved, but most of them always have an excuse. Also, I am not miserable, I am one of the most positive people you would ever be lucky enough to work with or meet. After all the crap we RSV's have been to, I get complaint for staying so upbeat. So keep your slack ass personal attacks to yourself. For only having 2 posts, you are barking up the wrong tree. Don't be so critical of others posts and show a little respect. And yes, I do get involved in the union. I talk with my locals and my folks in DCA. I would have loved to be able to stand up there with PitBull and not take any crap from the company. Elections are coming around again soon. I am not a "yes" man,so look out.
N109UW you are right I am not on the same level as you in the way of being a complainer. But I am a reserve and I do know who you are. You seem to mind someone coming back at you, but you do not mind attacking others that you also obviously do not know. My point to you was get involved and volunteer your time to your union. I asked you if you have ever volunteered to help out and not go for just a paid position in the union. There is now a reserve committee in council 89 have you asked if you could be a part of that committee? Maybe you should see if you could become involved and be a participant instead of just a victim. And yes I am just a new comer to this site and learning how to put posts on the board, but you made a comment for me to show respect to you yet you do not seem to show that to others.
After reading everyones comments, I agree a lot of things should be changed and could be better. But there is no way to make everyone happy. Everyone has diffrent agendas. I personally am grateful to still have a job. I think we have a great opportunity to change some things for the better with the new negotiations but we need to have all sides represented. That means both block holders and reserves on the negotiating comittee and both east and west represented equally.
N109UW you are right I am not on the same level as you in the way of being a complainer. But I am a reserve and I do know who you are. You seem to mind someone coming back at you, but you do not mind attacking others that you also obviously do not know. My point to you was get involved and volunteer your time to your union. I asked you if you have ever volunteered to help out and not go for just a paid position in the union. There is now a reserve committee in council 89 have you asked if you could be a part of that committee? Maybe you should see if you could become involved and be a participant instead of just a victim. And yes I am just a new comer to this site and learning how to put posts on the board, but you made a comment for me to show respect to you yet you do not seem to show that to others.
Cup, first let me apologize for attacking you for your critism. Everyone has a right to their opinion, and I should respect yours. You state that I am a complainer. Let's see, I complain about only getting 40-45 hours a month(seems reasonable), loss of senoirity in the new system(seems reasonable), sit time at the airports(seems reasonable), not having Pref Bid, which would help more RSV's(seems reasonable). These are the exact same thing that 85% of the RSV's that I fly with complain about. Also, how is your volunteering at the union going? Just thought I'd ask. Anyway, sorry for the earlier attack.
Cup, first let me apologize for attacking you for your critism. Everyone has a right to their opinion, and I should respect yours. You state that I am a complainer. Let's see, I complain about only getting 40-45 hours a month(seems reasonable), loss of senoirity in the new system(seems reasonable), sit time at the airports(seems reasonable), not having Pref Bid, which would help more RSV's(seems reasonable). These are the exact same thing that 85% of the RSV's that I fly with complain about. Also, how is your volunteering at the union going? Just thought I'd ask. Anyway, sorry for the earlier attack.
I appreciate that. And I appreciate the way the reserves have been represented. But you do get a minimum guar. of 73 hours a month whether you fly or not correct. As far as my volunteering for the union it is going fantastic!!!!! You would be surprised!!!! I appreciate the fact of feeling like the reserves voices are not being heard, but let me tell you this you are attacking two people on this web site who have been helping the reserves more than you know!! Ann and Glenda are really wonderful at what they do and you should appreciate them and get to know them!! I am very thankful that they are the ones running council 89. Ann is the one that is getting all of the committees back in place especially the RESERVE committee! That is the reason I feel that you are not really talking to your local officers. Please take the time to call them and to become more aware of what they have been doing for the reserves. Our voices are being heard loud and clear I promise you that. That is why I asked you if you knew about the committee and if you had asked to volunteer your time to the reserve committee. So please know that I feel your frustration, but you are blaming the wrong ones! I do know you and know that you do care, but please do not attack our local officers that are in place they are working very hard and should be thanked for what all they have been doing. As I said and will say again I am a reserve too and that is why I understand!!!!

I agree with you 100%. CLT never had such great representation as they do today with Ann and Glenda running the base. And I hear that the Reserve Committee is doing a find job and that the issues for reserves are getting the attention they deserve and are being resolved in CLT.

Again, I can't say enough times that the best representation in CLT has finally come to pass. Ann C is getting the job done. :up:
Cup, got another quetion for ya, where in any of my posts did I ever attack Ann or Glenda? I even stated in one of them that I supported their efforts. Get back to me on that, will ya? Thanks. Also, alot of what I put on here is to let our western co-workers know what it is like over here, just like they post their info. I have never made things up that weren't true and have voicde obvious concerns that US West should know about, especially, since they were neg. a new tentative agreement. Another thing, does our knew RSV committee have a vote in anything, can they change our RSV system back or even get it changed? From what I hear, it is only in place to answer questions from the other RSV's, which I think 3 elected officers could do. I end up doing that anyway. I'll have to call Kathy and get some thing straightened out.

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