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You summed it up quite well. I think it's safe to say that the majority of flight attendants at US feel the way you do. Outside of joint negotiations we won't see relief. NONE! ! ! ! I mentioned along with Itestwell that the union knows full well what reserves along with blockholders want in the new contract. I just don't see the purpose of this meeting. Talk about a waste of day off. :rolleyes:
How can Rotating Reserve stink?

You misunderstood what BAJA was saying. She was trying to communicate that everyone is whoa is me but does very little. She actually stood up in the AFA Meeting and said she was for rotation. At almost 42 years I doubt she cares. If we had rotation that stopped under say 15-20 years I would be all for it! But AFA won't entertain the idea. If I misunderstood Baja smack me around like a Pinata. You set the bar with the 2000 contract and every one us us would take that back no questions.
What do you mean by everyone is "whoa is me" and does very little? I'm not really sure what flight attendants are to do. I'm just asking an honest question.
You know what I get real sick of people taking jabs at the sr people. You know what they did more for the flight attendant profession in the 50s or 60s (or ice age) that most of us will ever do! What have you done besides ####? 10 people go to a union meeting! They fought weight check, supervisors that snapped your maditory girlde, choose your hair color and fought termination at certain age, giving birth or getting married. You want to talk about problems honey those were problems. I bet Ada Brown the founder of AFA is rolling over watching all you nerdowells sit around with you thumbs up your rears. Booo Raddley WHOOO. Sometimes I think your all emotional cripples and deserve to make 30K a year for the rest of your life. Help yourself and get active or hush up.
So there.
Thank you for the clarification about Rotating Reserve, I guess I read into the post wrong. I wasn't making a jab at SR. people with my "Ice Age" comment. I was just trying to add humour by saying that we haven't hired in almost 10 years! I understand that they are the cornerstone in our industry and the standards when they were hired were tougher, but they did not have to play bridesmaid for eons waiting on the almighty block to have some what of a life and enjoy a job that they love.

I suppose I am just one of those emotional cripples that only deserves to make 30k per year :blush: it is what it is.

As for being active, I know many Reserves including myself that would like to be more active, but unfortunately did not receive 27 July 2009 as an off day.
That is because they didn't post the meeting until AFTER the lines closed. Shocking. To me it's a waste of time anyway. Leadership change is the only true way to change anything.
First of all I do not rely on DP but there truly are people you can rely on if you had the intelligence! blop blop.........BB is really smart and you should take advise and council from him. He is a prince and nicer than I am ..................So good night I will be in bed like a farmer at 1800..............Live to love and hope for a better day! It can and will happen...................Good night Sky my dog is undergoing her cancer treatments and hopping up on the bed.
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Beach, I believe the meeting has been scheduled for two months now. If I'm not wrong it was posted before July bids closed.

BTW the gal that shot the tail cone off the MD-80 was in my class too so we must be classmates... ?

Cheers. I'm going to have a glass of wine before scheduling owns my soul for the next 6 days.

That is because they didn't post the meeting until AFTER the lines closed. Shocking. To me it's a waste of time anyway. Leadership change is the only true way to change anything.
bmibaby i am not offended in the least because you all deserve much me it will happen you just have to get involved. these people need a reality check and rotation they would pull their hair out :shock: the have vs the have nots
This meeting was posted exactly 1-2 days after the RSV lines closed. Trust me I was watching. The MD-80 ....lord that girl was a hot head. Love it!!! Hey we may be from the same class....called reserve!
Be careful what you wish for. I really could careless whether I fly with the pilots the entire trip. It is actually refreshing to see some new faces from time to time.... :) We are use to this on the West. Our trips aren't really that more productive unless you are senior enough to hold 1 day trips to the East Coast and back. Our pilots are on PBS, and there 4 day trips, which make up the majority of the flying, are always above 20 block hours. The flight attendants 4 day trips are never consistent, and majority are only worth 19 block hours or less. Big joke!!
In this sense, I could see US flying with the pilots, just to get better credit. We also mix our 737's with the Airbus, so this also strongly effects our maximum credit per trip. I think it is way worse with this mix, and our credit has been substatially lower over the years!!! :down:
Our Hawaii trips, as many will tell you are not paradise, and are only worth 12 credits for 3 days of flying. What a waste. We need the trip guarantee our pilots on the West get, which is 5 credits per duty day. So, I can see the concerns on both sides. I still think we can negotiatate a single contract, and have certain provisions put in place for both East and West fa's, while making our lives a little easier, especially those stuck on RSV. Even with the furloughs out West, 10 year fa seniority still holds a Block line, thank goodness. :up:
Be careful what you wish for. I really could careless whether I fly with the pilots the entire trip. It is actually refreshing to see some new faces from time to time.... :) We are use to this on the West. Our trips aren't really that more productive unless you are senior enough to hold 1 day trips to the East Coast and back. Our pilots are on PBS, and there 4 day trips, which make up the majority of the flying, are always above 20 block hours. The flight attendants 4 day trips are never consistent, and majority are only worth 19 block hours or less. Big joke!!
In this sense, I could see US flying with the pilots, just to get better credit. We also mix our 737's with the Airbus, so this also strongly effects our maximum credit per trip. I think it is way worse with this mix, and our credit has been substatially lower over the years!!! :down:
Our Hawaii trips, as many will tell you are not paradise, and are only worth 12 credits for 3 days of flying. What a waste. We need the trip guarantee our pilots on the West get, which is 5 credits per duty day. So, I can see the concerns on both sides. I still think we can negotiatate a single contract, and have certain provisions put in place for both East and West fa's, while making our lives a little easier, especially those stuck on RSV. Even with the furloughs out West, 10 year fa seniority still holds a Block line, thank goodness. :up:

Ah-ha! You're starting to get it. Flying with your pilots will get you better rigs and more money in your pocket. :up:

We know you're used to flying separate pairing. We used to do that as well and it so much nicer to not have to change equipment types several times during the trip. That takes a lot of stress off of you. I always hated that.

And it's so nice to really get to know your flying partners better. It truly improves CRM.
Ah-ha! You're starting to get it. Flying with your pilots will get you better rigs and more money in your pocket. :up:

Pilots will get us better rigs? How has that worked for ya on the East in the past 20 years? Negotiating will get us better rigs. :blink:

We know you're used to flying separate pairing. We used to do that as well and it so much nicer to not have to change equipment types several times during the trip. That takes a lot of stress off of you. I always hated that.

If the Company could build more productive lines by mixing aircraft, then I am all for it. One leg to the west coast, 25 hour layover, one leg back is lovely for the tan, but it is not productive. If one could fly one more leg each day, and make it a ~14+30 2 day instead of an 11 hour 2-day, still with a ~18 hour layover, wouldn't that be a good thing?

And please don't bring up the ISD issue with regards to aircraft mixing. UA goes from 757- 737-320 all in one day, and even they don't have the ISD issues we have.

And it's so nice to really get to know your flying partners better. It truly improves CRM.

You mention CRM, and I assume you are referring to safety through CRM. Is US that much safer than UA? AA? DL? Many times, I hardly have a briefing, and on the last trip, I didn't meet the F/O until we hit FLL. It goes both ways. Especially with the current "mood" of the pilots, this is happening more and more.
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