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Here we go again. You guys are bound and determined to leap before you look. Even if we built in all the protections we have now, they don't respect contractual language. That is a proven fact. Wasting my fingers trying to get that through to you.

Who is "they?" If we are just not going to negotiate anything because the company will just abuse the rules anyway, then why have a contract at all? Sounds like you should be advocating getting rid of the AFA...

Look over at AA. My friends trip got jacked up the other day waiting on his pilots. They pulled them off, sent them on another turn and bye bye the rest of his trip. I think they have some "makeup" board they go on to get the time back.

I have many great friends at AA and UAL, and they have the opportunity to fly some NICE productive trips. Sure, when weather hits, things can go awry, but I don't exactly see PHL or CLT running like a well oiled machine during thunderstorms, do you? If splitting from the pilots caused such a huge operational headache all the time, wouldn't our OT performance outpace UA/AA/DL significantly? From what I read, UA's overall OT performance for 2009 thus far is ahead of US, and they split from the pilots. I don't buy this constant nightmare scenario, and my friends at AA and UA certainly don't experience it often.

The only thing that concerns me about splitting from the pilots is that, with productivity improvements, less staff will be needed. I am junior, and while this could affect me, I would certainly prefer to have a contract on the property that allows flight attendants to be productive, to work, rather than sitting around for 8 months like we are getting ready to do this winter on the East. We are here to work, not sit in these dumpy hotels, right??? As a BH someday, I don't want to be like what we see often on the line today: BH flying 25 days a month, exhausted, commuting, carting their entire lives around on their rollerboards. I'd much rather work my tail off for 12-14 days, and enjoy a quality of life this industry used to see. You don't have to agree with me, but I would love to see the JNC come up with a strong proposal. JMO.
Be careful what you wish for. I really could careless whether I fly with the pilots the entire trip. It is actually refreshing to see some new faces from time to time.... :) We are use to this on the West. Our trips aren't really that more productive unless you are senior enough to hold 1 day trips to the East Coast and back. Our pilots are on PBS, and there 4 day trips, which make up the majority of the flying, are always above 20 block hours. The flight attendants 4 day trips are never consistent, and majority are only worth 19 block hours or less. Big joke!!

The fact that you have 19 hour 4 days is criminal. This is something that can be negotiated: No one should be flying with less than a 5 hour minimum day, and I am surprised that the West does this.

In this sense, I could see US flying with the pilots, just to get better credit.

Not necessary. The pilots offer us very little protections that cannot be negotiated on our own. In fact, the pilots are quite adept at negotiating away little things that affect us.

We also mix our 737's with the Airbus, so this also strongly effects our maximum credit per trip. I think it is way worse with this mix, and our credit has been substatially lower over the years!!! :down:

I don't understand. Why does the mixing of aircraft lower your productivity?

Our Hawaii trips, as many will tell you are not paradise, and are only worth 12 credits for 3 days of flying. What a waste.

Agreed. This is criminal as well. I can't believe they go so senior.

We need the trip guarantee our pilots on the West get, which is 5 credits per duty day. So, I can see the concerns on both sides. I still think we can negotiatate a single contract, and have certain provisions put in place for both East and West fa's, while making our lives a little easier, especially those stuck on RSV. Even with the furloughs out West, 10 year fa seniority still holds a Block line, thank goodness. :up:

Bingo! Many of our concerns can be negotiated. Heck, we can even negotiate things like the number of "transcon turns" per base that are created, number of legs per day, duty days, rigs, etc. This is not something that has NEVER been tried before, it just requires a little stepping away from the "Allegheny in reality" mentality, and negotiating strong, clear, concise, proper protections.
I don't understand. Why does the mixing of aircraft lower your productivity?

I'll hazard a guess and that would be the waiting time at the airport for the different equipment to arrive. If you figure this in, at probably an hour and fifteen minutes between changes in the arriving and departing banks and stuff the time adds up.

Someone currently closer to the West operation can probably give better and more current information, but it takes time to arrive, de-plane, switch gates, wait for the next plane and then pre-flight a new aircraft, board and go.
I'll hazard a guess and that would be the waiting time at the airport for the different equipment to arrive. If you figure this in, at probably an hour and fifteen minutes between changes in the arriving and departing banks and stuff the time adds up.

Someone currently closer to the West operation can probably give better and more current information, but it takes time to arrive, de-palne, switch gates, wait for the next plane and then pre-flight a new aircraft, board and go.
Oh, ok, that makes sense, but we already do that here on the East, and I agree, changing a/c multiple times a day is not efficient. Just seems that, if we mix equipment types, there would be more a/c to switch to, thus allowing the company to improve efficiency. For example, on the East, if you are on a 737 trip, you wait for another 737 to arrive. If we could swap to a 320, it would open up more possibilities, possibly shortening change times. Just a thought. I will say tho, that the East crew planning dept has done a great job of lowering the amount of daily a/c swaps.
As I understand it, their (f/a) trip rig is 1 for 4. West pilot's is like ours I believe.

The greater of:

1. block time;
2. on-duty time divided by two; or,
3. total time away from base divided by four.
Too bad this is going to be planted within all of the other union issues but it's an important one none the less.

Tonight's Boston F/A eline informed their membership that a conference call to cover all base f/a issues was adjourned early by the LECs of PHL & DCA just when a reserve issue about charter bidding was going to be discussed.

If you are based in DC or PHL and a reserve, you should ask Alin & John why this issue was deemed not important enough to tackle immediately. :down:
Ah-ha! You're starting to get it. Flying with your pilots will get you better rigs and more money in your pocket. :up:

We know you're used to flying separate pairing. We used to do that as well and it so much nicer to not have to change equipment types several times during the trip. That takes a lot of stress off of you. I always hated that.

And it's so nice to really get to know your flying partners better. It truly improves CRM.

Ya might want to sent this memo to the lovely West MECP, she said in the LEC meeting that the joint negotiators "know we'll go no where if they stay with the pilots." She also thinks she can get us westies prepped and ready to go on strike in something like two months. :blink: I'll save ya from the blow by blow on our big pass travel arbitration settlement and just sum it up for you in two words. BIG JOKE! If that is some example of our MEC's negotiating skills, man oh man we are in bigger trouble than ever out here.

Do you guys have anything in your contact that will let you support us if we go on strike. I know, I know, save the speeches, I got 5 bucks that says the guy in D.C doesn't release us, but try convincing our dictator/president that. She just kept saying your contract lets you do that and given the history of lying out here I thought I get it straight from you guys since I don't have a copy of your contract.
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The conference call issue makes me sick. I am emailing about it. Wonder what the answer will be.
I wish reserves could all kind of all get sick at the same time. Maybe then people might see how we keep the schedule going when we are otherwise kicked around. Of course I'm not advocating a sick out or anything against the rules. I am just tired of getting thrown under the bus for this.
Anyone else have an answer to whether we can sit out if Council 66 goes on strike? Seems like we would to show unity but idk.

Too bad this is going to be planted within all of the other union issues but it's an important one none the less.

Tonight's Boston F/A eline informed their membership that a conference call to cover all base f/a issues was adjourned early by the LECs of PHL & DCA just when a reserve issue about charter bidding was going to be discussed.

If you are based in DC or PHL and a reserve, you should ask Alin & John why this issue was deemed not important enough to tackle immediately. :down:
The East AFA CBA has language that you do not have to cross a sanction picket line of any labor group on US Airways property.

This language was tested during the IAM M&R Strike, the AFA honored our picket lines, the company went to court and got an injunction to order the FAs back to work and remanded it to arbitration, the AFA won and all the CBAs on US East property contain the same language.

So if AFA/West goes on strike and sets up a picket line at every base and smaller aiports and you refuse to cross the picket line the company cannot discipline you for that choice of not crossing a sanction picket line.
Is the company failing to meet with the West AFA to work on a single agreement? Maybe I missed something, but I thought they were to work on both the West contract and the joint contract at the same time. Have they failed to do so that their is strike talk?
From what I could gather, the company is refusing to meet with the West MEC in regard to Section 6 negoiations because of joint negoiations with East. Bring it on West F/As, I will not cross the picket line! It is about time we come together! We deserve same wages, sick, vacation, DH, everything across the board.

As for Alin and Johnny M.'s actions....what a kick in between the legs to the reserve group! Thanks guys, guess you will not be needing the votes of reserves in LEC elections down the road? We are second class citizens, right?
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Found out that a lot of information was omitted from the BOS E-line. Alin and John didn't throw anyone under the bus - the issue can't be brought to the company because the guy who deals with it is out of the office for a week. The tone of the e-line seemed one sided to me. I have known Alin and John a long time and they work very hard to fairly represent all flight attendants.

I hope Lisa gets recalled on the west. Can't wait to see her tomorrow. I hope someone asks her about the paper theft. You guys know her husband is a pilot, right? Think there is some conflict of interest in her position?

See you all tomorrow at 10am in Charlotte.

From what I could gather, the company is refusing to meet with the West MEC in regard to Section 6 negoiations because of joint negoiations with East. Bring it on West F/As, I will not cross the picket line! It is about time we come together! We deserve same wages, sick, vacation, DH, everything across the board.

As for Alin and Johnny M.'s actions....what a kick in between the legs to the reserve group! Thanks guys, guess you will not be needing the votes of reserves in LEC elections down the road? We are second class citizens, right?
Found out that a lot of information was omitted from the BOS E-line. Alin and John didn't throw anyone under the bus - the issue can't be brought to the company because the guy who deals with it is out of the office for a week. The tone of the e-line seemed one sided to me. I have known Alin and John a long time and they work very hard to fairly represent all flight attendants.

I hope Lisa gets recalled on the west. Can't wait to see her tomorrow. I hope someone asks her about the paper theft. You guys know her husband is a pilot, right? Think there is some conflict of interest in her position?

See you all tomorrow at 10am in Charlotte.

AHH, More infighting with AFA. I hope they are enjoying fighting with each other, instead of trying to secure an industry leading contract.
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