Here we go again. You guys are bound and determined to leap before you look. Even if we built in all the protections we have now, they don't respect contractual language. That is a proven fact. Wasting my fingers trying to get that through to you.
Who is "they?" If we are just not going to negotiate anything because the company will just abuse the rules anyway, then why have a contract at all? Sounds like you should be advocating getting rid of the AFA...
Look over at AA. My friends trip got jacked up the other day waiting on his pilots. They pulled them off, sent them on another turn and bye bye the rest of his trip. I think they have some "makeup" board they go on to get the time back.
I have many great friends at AA and UAL, and they have the opportunity to fly some NICE productive trips. Sure, when weather hits, things can go awry, but I don't exactly see PHL or CLT running like a well oiled machine during thunderstorms, do you? If splitting from the pilots caused such a huge operational headache all the time, wouldn't our OT performance outpace UA/AA/DL significantly? From what I read, UA's overall OT performance for 2009 thus far is ahead of US, and they split from the pilots. I don't buy this constant nightmare scenario, and my friends at AA and UA certainly don't experience it often.
The only thing that concerns me about splitting from the pilots is that, with productivity improvements, less staff will be needed. I am junior, and while this could affect me, I would certainly prefer to have a contract on the property that allows flight attendants to be productive, to work, rather than sitting around for 8 months like we are getting ready to do this winter on the East. We are here to work, not sit in these dumpy hotels, right??? As a BH someday, I don't want to be like what we see often on the line today: BH flying 25 days a month, exhausted, commuting, carting their entire lives around on their rollerboards. I'd much rather work my tail off for 12-14 days, and enjoy a quality of life this industry used to see. You don't have to agree with me, but I would love to see the JNC come up with a strong proposal. JMO.