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Itestwell- I can say 100% they do enjoy it. They live for the drama. They are trapped in High School.
Is anyone on here going to be at the meeting? Is it true they are only going to answer questions already submitted? If so that is insane! I will try to go even if for only an hour or so. I'm sure it will be a waste of time but oh well...I wonder how many people will show up.
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  • #48
My flight in had 8 open seats suddenly is full. If the Gods will have it, I will be there. I don't blame them for wanting questions submitted in advance. That was the word for the last month and I think it's smart - otherwise it will be a room full of emotional, heated, yelling flight attendants. It will also prevent duplicate questions, and perhaps, name calling.

Seriously, though. These people are more on our side than many from the company are. Let's at least give them the courtesy of being a respectful audience and try to come together in unity. I think out contract is coming together more quickly than before. If we can be constructive and not tear each other down we will benefit.

"United we stand. Divided we beg." - a quote from Molly

Is anyone on here going to be at the meeting? Is it true they are only going to answer questions already submitted? If so that is insane! I will try to go even if for only an hour or so. I'm sure it will be a waste of time but oh well...I wonder how many people will show up.
Oh OH OH OH OH....... :eek: :eek: :eek: Did you just quote Molly McCarthy? OMG.....I am just sitting here wetting myself laughing. Is she on LTO? AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. ;) :lol: :lol: :lol: That will go down in the USAviation hall of fame.
Pretty quote but honey pony up or shut up. What are you doing to change your LEC? They are busy passing notes, gossiping, eating and endfighting to give to rats rears.
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  • #50
I'm trying to get involved. I'm trying to be part of a solution rather than sit around and bash and complain on the jumpseat and blame everyone for my problems. Don't attack me. Are you doing anything?

BTW pm me who you are please. If tailcone shooter was in your class then you were in mine and I can't imagine who on earth you are. There are like 13 of us left.


Oh OH OH OH OH....... :eek: :eek: :eek: Did you just quote Molly McCarthy? OMG.....I am just sitting here wetting myself laughing. Is she on LTO? AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. ;) :lol: :lol: :lol: That will go down in the USAviation hall of fame.
Pretty quote but honey pony up or shut up. What are you doing to change your LEC? They are busy passing notes, gossiping, eating and endfighting to give to rats rears.
...I think it's smart - otherwise it will be a room full of emotional, heated, yelling flight attendants...Let's at least give them the courtesy of being a respectful audience and try to come together in unity...If we can be constructive and not tear each other down we will benefit.

While I do agree with you, when you go to a reserve meeting and speak with MF and others who shoot down your ideas, roll their eyes at you, patronize you, and act very disrespectful toward you it is hard not to get upset and emotional and show your frustration. They need to stop throwing us under the bus and things have got to change. I hope you can get on your flight tomorrow.
I for one will never show solidarity for this sorry excuse for a union!!

I won't cross a picket line but never will you see me ON a picket line, not for AFA, not for BHs.

It sucks that AFA is all about solidarity when they need us, meaning reserves, but when it comes to fair representation they kick us aside and basically could care less.

I will only support my fellow reserves. I say kick out AFA or hold back our dues in an escrow until we have fair representation.

Stop blaming the company and start blaming this f'd up union.

Hand me a CHAOS button and you will see me throw it in the trash. Solidarity?? Give me a break!
I for one will never show solidarity for this sorry excuse for a union!!

I won't cross a picket line but never will you see me ON a picket line, not for AFA, not for BHs.

It sucks that AFA is all about solidarity when they need us, meaning reserves, but when it comes to fair representation they kick us aside and basically could care less.

I will only support my fellow reserves. I say kick out AFA or hold back our dues in an escrow until we have fair representation.

Stop blaming the company and start blaming this f'd up union.

Hand me a CHAOS button and you will see me throw it in the trash. Solidarity?? Give me a break!
excellent post, and rooted in a firm and real sense of reality! no symbolic meeting with pre-fabricated responses will change that!

reserves are a numerical minority; we influence nothing, and have no political capital or power.

a sidenote: i resent the latest e-line from the douchebag reserve liaison who dared to refer to us as "career reserves" if there is no hope and nothing can be done to help us. look for more BH privilege (they have done their time on rsv, you know?) and less flexibility and life for the rsv. politics and numbers prevail...

until never, we will continue to allow our identity to be determined by a bucket...
what bucket are YOU in? :blink:
excellent post, and rooted in a firm and real sense of reality! no symbolic meeting with pre-fabricated responses will change that!

reserves are a numerical minority; we influence nothing, and have no political capital or power.

a sidenote: i resent the latest e-line from the douchebag reserve liaison who dared to refer to us as "career reserves" if there is no hope and nothing can be done to help us. look for more BH privilege (they have done their time on rsv, you know?) and less flexibility and life for the rsv. politics and numbers prevail...

until never, we will continue to allow our identity to be determined by a bucket...
what bucket are YOU in? :blink:

Bravo to PHLFlyer and to legacy-to-LCC! :up: :up: :up: Unfortunately, both of your posts are so true. :angry:
Man I wish I made 30k a year. I'd be able to afford so many more things and not have to rely on the "Pantry of Love" to feed myself.

What a concept. Dare I to dream! :)

And in any case, I along with many others do appreciate the sacrifices made by the Senior folks back in the day.

However, I do ask how long exactly are we supposed to be paying them back? The rest of their lives? Or at some point in time are we able to move on as a group and recognize that we've bleed that turnip dry.

I get just as frustrated with fellow Black men that STILL seem to think the white population owes them something for slavery. I sincerely hope we're not planning on propping the senior mamas up for the next 200 years for their efforts?
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  • #57
*screeches* "Theyyyyy're HEEEEERRRE"......
well...the meeting has been over for some time now...

any warm fuzzies to pass along from those who attended?
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  • #59
I was most pleased with what I saw today. It was a great exchange of information and everyone remained professional while expressing their concerns. I am optimistic. According to MEC the company already agreed to RAPS which, in a nutshell is 12 hour reserve where we can only be on call or assigned to duty within a 12 hour period. This should eliminate a lot of craziness from our system. Also there is good hope for an increase in monthly guarantee, pay, vacay, sick, and days off. Plus it looks like the overfly is going to be put to a halt automatically like the program in SAP stops people from picking up too much.
Please look back at Feb 8 2008 e-line. A lot of info is there. Someone in the meeting asked when they thought a presentable joint agreement would be made and the consensus was within the next 12 months. I was pleased. It felt like we were heard and I think the company knows we won't settle for anything but better conditions and quality of life.
Stay positive. Get involved. We are close to a better day.

well...the meeting has been over for some time now...

any warm fuzzies to pass along from those who attended?
Did anyone bring up the possibility of switcing to a rotating reserve system. The NEW system you are happy about is what the west has now and believe only looks good because you've had it so bad for so long. Please think otherwise.
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