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Amfa Vs. Twu Debate

The TWU will fill the room with 250 stooges on Paid Union Business.

Don't Bother to attend.

This is nothing more than the 2004 version of avoid a debate at all cost and prevent members from hearing the truth. I recall the earlier version of run and hide, they falsely cancelled the debate and later threatened the Owasso High School Principal (Mr. Dossett).

This is interesting, Amfa wantabes claiming they think mechanics are stupid and should not be the ones debating? How poetic!

Time line

September 9 TWU members show up at the USAir meeting and get kicked out by dell-femine himself.

September 12 TWU members get kicked out at all 3 meetings, does not allow Art Luby to attend.

December Amfa challenges TWU for a debate thru the Tulsa world.

December 15 fliers show up asking for a debate with the TWU no time just a flyer.

December 22 4pm TWU takes the offer up and has requested a date of January 15th.

December 22 7pm Fliers show up on the Internet from Amfa with their own time and date.

December 22 10pm Dave Stewart shows up at work to pass out hundreds of fliers in a childish attempt to deceive the members into believing they were the ones to initiate a time first.

Amfa wantabes really think the members are stupid, if anyone thinks otherwise is living in a fantasy world.

The TWU has stood up and has taken Amfa up on the offer. With instructions on who to contact for any inquiries. This shows a definite lack of professionalism on AMFA’s part to do what they are attempting to do. If they had any honesty and morals they would have sent a letter to the appropriate contact. Since they have chosen to lie and deceive why would they do any different in representing you?

The time is January 15th at noon and 4pm. As per the Instructions anyone is welcome to attend. I am sure the proper TWU members will be present to debate at that time and the TWU has no intentions to be dictated to by a group who has stooped to new lows.

I'm sure if amfa comes down to earth and acts like professionals and contacts the TWU in a professional manner than some items may be changed. The date has been set and will probably not be changed. Just think amfa wantabes will not have to beg for the money to rent a place.

Amfa needs to stand up and take the offer presented and quit whining about it!!!
Hello Mr. Informer, that was quite an insite you typed of but bottom line is as posted. The debate is on unless AMFA states otherwise. The TWU is and has been prepared, so bring it.

Shall we really need to worry about a time transporter or see it as a typo? It is your professionalism at question, continue to reveal it to this audience.

Have a great Holiday Season!
is this 514's way of saying screw the rest of the mechanic and related who dont live in Tulsa by trying to call a debate during the week. Hello!!!

You guys may have called a last minute hasty debate but your really lacking in ambition. The membership is far beyond listening to fellow mechanics hashing it out. Their ready for a real forum in a professional setting. They want to here reps from the international or atd debate thats why the AMFA sent notice to Sonny.

Sorry your feeling so insecure about the challenge but the reality is its time for the international to step up to the plate and do whats best for the membership.
And why cannot those that want to attend do so? New year, new leave, or is it not important enough to those concerned, you decide.
TeamTWU said:
"This forum is not a debate, this forum is a discussion, the debate is to come."
Oh really?

And what is a debate? A debate is a discussion between people with opposing points of view. Kind of sounds like this doesnt it?

Are the pro-TWU panel members going to be there on their own time? Since this is a debate between the "members " all members should be treated equally despite their position on the panel.

Maybe another Lawsuit is in the works. The TWU puts out an invitation to a debate for members only but only pays those members who put forth the local leaderships political opinion. All members are forced to bear the expenses of the meeting, so the opposing side has to lose a days pay while paying his opponents wages for the day. Sounds like discrimination and unequal treatment.
Employer: AA
Location: TUL

Oh, yes the ICEMAN is back again. I see by the postings on the BB's that all the little juvenile amfa boys are unhappy that there is going to be a debate. How many times have these JUVENILE LITTLE amfa BOYS screamed how they wanted a debate. The decision on representation is a decision for our members. We will debate the issues, we will make the decision, and we don't need some guy from Laconia, New Hampshire coming down to Tulsa to tell us how to debate or how to make our decisions. It's time for amfa to either put up or shut up. We will be waiting for you on January 15. P.S. Dan Cunningham may think that the best amfa can come up with is three lying nobodies but the TWU will have three rank and file leaders who speak the truth.
Let's see. You amfa boys are not going to show up for the TWU debate on the 15th and the TWU boys are not going to show up for the amfa debate on the 17th....
Looks like amfa loses first

member said:
Let's see. You amfa boys are not going to show up for the TWU debate on the 15th and the TWU boys are not going to show up for the amfa debate on the 17th....
Looks like amfa loses first

Yea but isnt who wins in the end that counts?
If the twu international doesn't have time to defend their honor or their salaries then thats their perogative but don't think it will go unnoticed.
Not going to make it Bob? Shame, I was looking forward to a nap while you orated, that is, if you speak as long winded as you type I see some prime nap time in the making.

Have you ever won anything really Bob? Have a great Holiday Season!
December 22, 2003


TULSA – Members of the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) will host a debate on Thursday, January 15 with representatives of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA), the renegade group currently trying to raid TWU at American Airlines.

A team of representatives from the mechanic and related craft or class from American Airlines who support TWU will debate AMFA supporters at the Renaissance Tulsa Hotel and Convention Center, located at 6808 South 107th East Avenue. There will be two debates at noon and 4 p.m., in order to allow workers on all shifts the opportunity to participate. The debates will be open to all mechanic and related members from any and all airlines, and also will be open to the media.

TEAM TWU sent a letter to AMFA President O.V. Delle-Femine challenging AMFA supporters to debate.

The letter reads: “A copy of your ‘proposal’ for a debate in Tulsa was distributed to TWU members on our base. It’s not clear that your letter constitutes a proposal since it failed to propose any specific date for a debate, and it was not addressed to anyone at the TWU. Given this lack of clarity, TWU Local 514 and TEAM TWU challenge AMFA to two debates…In terms of format, we believe that any debate must take place between the working men and women who will have to live with the outcome of this decision long after you have departed. Our jobs are on the line, and we are the ones who need to debate this decision.â€

TWU and AMFA will provide three-person teams for each of the times with one person on each team serving as chief spokesperson. After a coin flip to decide order, each chief spokesperson will make a 10-minute opening statement followed by a 5-minute rebuttal from each team.

After rebuttals, the teams will answer questions from the floor for a period of one hour, with questions alternating between AMFA supporters and members of TEAM TWU. The question and answer period will be directed by an impartial moderator who will facilitate the debate.

“We look forward to the opportunity to demonstrate that the TWU is the best organization to represent the mechanic and related craft or class at American Airlines. As an AFL-CIO affiliated union, we have the tools necessary to fight to save jobs and we have proven this by keeping the three maintenance overhaul bases open and saving the 10,000 jobs that would have been lost if American had gone into bankruptcy,†said Rick Mullings, a member of TEAM TWU. “AMFA on the other hand, leads its members straight to the unemployment line. The facts show that we are the better organization for our membership and we look forward to bringing those facts to light.â€

TWU represents nearly 60,000 workers in the nation’s airline industry, including 29,000 active employees at American and 15,000 mechanic and related classes. TWU has represented workers at American Airlines since 1946.
why would I want to take unpaid time out of my schedule and time away from my family to hear what I hear everyday at work Mechanics debating Mechanics that make absolutly no sense to me, when I can debate my fellow Mechanics at work on company paid time and lose no time with my family, also I cannot think of six Mechanics that I would be so interested in what they have to say that I would want to take time away from my family we are talking about 6 guys who represent no one nor do they represent any organization they will simply be giving their personal views on the different Unions, I cannot walk down the hall and hear what Delle who represents a major Union has to say nor can I walk down the Hall and hear what Jim Little or Art Luby etc. has to say these people are the leaders of the 2 Unions everyone else is just some guy giving his personal opinion, I predict that very few people AMFA or TWU will show up to hear what the hear every day Mechanics debating Mechanics and I also predict that several hundred AMFA and TWU supporters will show up at the Brady Theater to hear what our LEADERS have to say. you know the people who make all the decisions for us and negotiate our contracts etc.

I will only be at the January 17th meeting.
TeamTWU said:
And why cannot those that want to attend do so? New year, new leave, or is it not important enough to those concerned, you decide.

This shows total contempt and complete dissrespect for the membership! Alot of the membership went into the new year having already to borrow vacation. Remember we were robbed of a week that we already earned last year putting our members in a situation to have to borrow from the next one. Members need this year to regroup and get their house in order and right off the bat you want them to use this valuable commodity to here something that they here every workday.
This attitude is nothing new but like you said this is a new year so why not make a new years resolution and take your own advice, show the membership some concern and give them the respect they deserve, you decide!

If the top elected twu official refuses to defend his organization then how about the top unelected twu official. This is about bargaining agents debating for the right to represent the mechanic and related at AA not one mechanics opinion against another. If the twu lets this opportunity slip away and cowars from the spotlight of the people they represent thats their decision, they decide!
I totally agree with you scorpian I could not have said it better myself.
it is about the bargaining agents not individual Mechanics opinions. :lol:
There is only one debate worth going to and everyone on both sides know which one it is. :lol:

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