December 22, 2003
TULSA – Members of the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) will host a debate on Thursday, January 15 with representatives of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA), the renegade group currently trying to raid TWU at American Airlines.
A team of representatives from the mechanic and related craft or class from American Airlines who support TWU will debate AMFA supporters at the Renaissance Tulsa Hotel and Convention Center, located at 6808 South 107th East Avenue. There will be two debates at noon and 4 p.m., in order to allow workers on all shifts the opportunity to participate. The debates will be open to all mechanic and related members from any and all airlines, and also will be open to the media.
TEAM TWU sent a letter to AMFA President O.V. Delle-Femine challenging AMFA supporters to debate.
The letter reads: “A copy of your ‘proposal’ for a debate in Tulsa was distributed to TWU members on our base. It’s not clear that your letter constitutes a proposal since it failed to propose any specific date for a debate, and it was not addressed to anyone at the TWU. Given this lack of clarity, TWU Local 514 and TEAM TWU challenge AMFA to two debates…In terms of format, we believe that any debate must take place between the working men and women who will have to live with the outcome of this decision long after you have departed. Our jobs are on the line, and we are the ones who need to debate this decision.â€
TWU and AMFA will provide three-person teams for each of the times with one person on each team serving as chief spokesperson. After a coin flip to decide order, each chief spokesperson will make a 10-minute opening statement followed by a 5-minute rebuttal from each team.
After rebuttals, the teams will answer questions from the floor for a period of one hour, with questions alternating between AMFA supporters and members of TEAM TWU. The question and answer period will be directed by an impartial moderator who will facilitate the debate.
“We look forward to the opportunity to demonstrate that the TWU is the best organization to represent the mechanic and related craft or class at American Airlines. As an AFL-CIO affiliated union, we have the tools necessary to fight to save jobs and we have proven this by keeping the three maintenance overhaul bases open and saving the 10,000 jobs that would have been lost if American had gone into bankruptcy,†said Rick Mullings, a member of TEAM TWU. “AMFA on the other hand, leads its members straight to the unemployment line. The facts show that we are the better organization for our membership and we look forward to bringing those facts to light.â€
TWU represents nearly 60,000 workers in the nation’s airline industry, including 29,000 active employees at American and 15,000 mechanic and related classes. TWU has represented workers at American Airlines since 1946.