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Amfa Vs. Twu Debate

I will simply state the obvious.

TEAM TWU has had more than one attempt at asking many questions of AMFA Leadership including the National Director O.V. Delle-Femine, Labor Attorney Lee Seham, National Administrator Kevin McCormick, Asst. National Director Terry Harvey, Region III Director Kevin Widermuth.

Meanwhile, the TWU Membership has NEVER been given the oppurtunity to have that kind of access in the same type of forum to publicy asked questions of the TWU Leadership regarding our issues at American Airlines. In fact, they even turned off the e-mail system to avoid that method of member to leader communication. We offer to pay for the venue that has seating for 2800 and they pump up the smoke mahcine to record levels and claim a 250 seat meeting room in ideal for allowing maximum participation. I hear there are a few brains left on Pine Street that vigorously opposed the TEAM TWU tactics. :shock: Oh no! Not mutiny on the bounty?

TEAM TWU is afforded more access to AMFA Leadership the the TWU member has ever been given to their own current union leaders.

It is obvious to even the common worker that the current tactics by the TWU is once again a smoke and mirrors scheme to detract attention and accountability from the TWU Leadership and avoid any possible public discussion and Q&A by TWU Members regarding our current situation and future plans by the TWU. A public humiliation and fact finding of the activities of the TWU Leadership will avoided at all cost. If the TWU Leadership is as proud as TEAM TWU claims in distributed and mailed propaganda, then one would think that they would hunger for the chance to answer questions in public forum of their members. I think that "Danger Educated Union Membership" has a meaning for TEAM TWU that most American Workers will never understand or grasp. It apparently is realted to growing of Mushrooms.

It short, TEAM TWU is the greatest smoke and mirrors show on earth. I am glad they hired the PR Firm, the card count is now once again on the rise, and the goal is once again moving closer. 😀

And they have the nerve to claim fear on AMFA's part, while the TEAM TWU has had more public access to AMFA Q&A's than we will ever be afforded to our unelected leadership/dictators of the TWU.

Wait until they see our next move.
Name: delle, pay attention
Employer: or you're gonna be in the same position as the iam at
Location: nwa
Email: msp, with no delle to be seen anywhere.
Date: Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Time: 06:46 PM

all you people talking about the great debate between delle and the twu make me sick. we have amfa, here at nwa, and we can't get a meeting with delle. we saw a lot of him when he was trying to get in the door, but since he got in the door, he got his money and we got nuthin. we get god pay, i'll give you that. we just have nearly 50% less tech's making more money, and more work than ever, being farmed out. oh yeah, i forgot about the great amfa victory ove pdx. 10+ leave the station, we "win" the arbitration, and less than 1/2 (5) return. at this rate, we'll end up at 30% or so, of the original people, by the time nwa is thru handing us our contract, and telling us to use it for toilet training. before delle spends any more time jet setting around the country, trying to add more money to his coffers, let him bring his scrawny little ass back to msp. we got sumpin to say to him, and saying it via email or letter, just ain't gonna cut it. i voted for amfa cause i was tired of the sos the iam gave us. now, amfa is giving us the sos, and oour airline rep's are blaming the farmouts and lost jobs on us, the membership, because we "voted" for the contract. why was it the iam's fault, when the contract screwed us and not "our fault" for voting it in, and now that we are even worse off as far as job security goes, and it ain't "amfa's" fault? i see a double standard, and more than me are feeling the same way. if delle and his boyz don't get off their azzes, and come to msp and personally be held accountable to us, then we will see no other option than to replace amfa too. don't have a clue as to who we will get, but the "little debbie" union is looking for members, and they can't be any less effective. sorry if this busts anyone's bubble, but enough is enough. we pay the highest dues we have ever paid. we bitched because we never saw the leadership under the iam. well, we are now bitching about the same exact thing, except it's just another union, another money collection organization, that is more interested in "organizing" than keeping or making the ones they already have, as important as they were, when amfa needed our vote. AMFA/DELLE IT'S TIME TO "PUT UP OR "SHUT UP" and either give us what we pay for, or get your ass on the buss go back to nh., and we'll take care of ourselves. we can't afford much more of your lack of interest in nwa. you have ual, they are bigger, more dues coming in, so i guess we are now the "red-headed step-children". if any of you care to comment on this, be damn sure you are from nwa, and not just your "opinion" coming from another airline. nwa has the problems, we were the first major delle won, and we are about to be the first major, delle is gonna lose. signed: tired of not getting what we are paying for, and facing the sos we did under the iam. labels changed, just the same old tactics survived.
James T. Kirk said:
Name: delle, pay attention
Employer: or you're gonna be in the same position as the iam at
Location: nwa
Email: msp, with no delle to be seen anywhere.
Date: Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Time: 06:46 PM

all you people talking about the great debate between delle and the twu make me sick. we have amfa, here at nwa, and we can't get a meeting with delle. we saw a lot of him when he was trying to get in the door, but since he got in the door, he got his money and we got nuthin. we get god pay, i'll give you that. we just have nearly 50% less tech's making more money, and more work than ever, being farmed out. oh yeah, i forgot about the great amfa victory ove pdx. 10+ leave the station, we "win" the arbitration, and less than 1/2 (5) return. at this rate, we'll end up at 30% or so, of the original people, by the time nwa is thru handing us our contract, and telling us to use it for toilet training. before delle spends any more time jet setting around the country, trying to add more money to his coffers, let him bring his scrawny little ass back to msp. we got sumpin to say to him, and saying it via email or letter, just ain't gonna cut it. i voted for amfa cause i was tired of the sos the iam gave us. now, amfa is giving us the sos, and oour airline rep's are blaming the farmouts and lost jobs on us, the membership, because we "voted" for the contract. why was it the iam's fault, when the contract screwed us and not "our fault" for voting it in, and now that we are even worse off as far as job security goes, and it ain't "amfa's" fault? i see a double standard, and more than me are feeling the same way. if delle and his boyz don't get off their azzes, and come to msp and personally be held accountable to us, then we will see no other option than to replace amfa too. don't have a clue as to who we will get, but the "little debbie" union is looking for members, and they can't be any less effective. sorry if this busts anyone's bubble, but enough is enough. we pay the highest dues we have ever paid. we bitched because we never saw the leadership under the iam. well, we are now bitching about the same exact thing, except it's just another union, another money collection organization, that is more interested in "organizing" than keeping or making the ones they already have, as important as they were, when amfa needed our vote. AMFA/DELLE IT'S TIME TO "PUT UP OR "SHUT UP" and either give us what we pay for, or get your ass on the buss go back to nh., and we'll take care of ourselves. we can't afford much more of your lack of interest in nwa. you have ual, they are bigger, more dues coming in, so i guess we are now the "red-headed step-children". if any of you care to comment on this, be damn sure you are from nwa, and not just your "opinion" coming from another airline. nwa has the problems, we were the first major delle won, and we are about to be the first major, delle is gonna lose. signed: tired of not getting what we are paying for, and facing the sos we did under the iam. labels changed, just the same old tactics survived.
this guy needs to go to bed and sleep it off.

Great way to change the subject though, I guess if anyone shows up for the twu mock debate they can expect this type of behaviour. If this guy is for real then get him fixed up with some twu material and election cards so he can whooooop some AMFA ass!!!!!! whooyyyyaaaaaa
Maybe that is why our TWU Leadership isn't going to show in Tulsa for members to ask questions. They are in Minneapolis peddling the concessions for jobs program to save the NWA Mechanic from the evil Dell and AMFA?

I believe that there are three twu Mechanics that are currently not in a position of power who are dieing to have an audience to hear there irrelevant thoughts and since they are not in a position of power they know that they will not be invited to a debate, so in order to get there audience these three arrogant nobody Mechanics decided to call a Mechanic debate.

My question is who are these three wanabee somebody important TWU Mechanics, what are there names I am dieing to know ? :lol: :lol: :lol:

can somebody from team TWU give me there names ?
Checking it Out said:
This is interesting, Amfa wantabes claiming they think mechanics are stupid and should not be the ones debating? How poetic!

Time line

September 9 TWU members show up at the USAir meeting and get kicked out by dell-femine himself.

September 12 TWU members get kicked out at all 3 meetings, does not allow Art Luby to attend.

December Amfa challenges TWU for a debate thru the Tulsa world.

December 15 fliers show up asking for a debate with the TWU no time just a flyer.

December 22 4pm TWU takes the offer up and has requested a date of January 15th.

December 22 7pm Fliers show up on the Internet from Amfa with their own time and date.

December 22 10pm Dave Stewart shows up at work to pass out hundreds of fliers in a childish attempt to deceive the members into believing they were the ones to initiate a time first.

Amfa wantabes really think the members are stupid, if anyone thinks otherwise is living in a fantasy world.

The TWU has stood up and has taken Amfa up on the offer. With instructions on who to contact for any inquiries. This shows a definite lack of professionalism on AMFA’s part to do what they are attempting to do. If they had any honesty and morals they would have sent a letter to the appropriate contact. Since they have chosen to lie and deceive why would they do any different in representing you?

The time is January 15th at noon and 4pm. As per the Instructions anyone is welcome to attend. I am sure the proper TWU members will be present to debate at that time and the TWU has no intentions to be dictated to by a group who has stooped to new lows.

I'm sure if amfa comes down to earth and acts like professionals and contacts the TWU in a professional manner than some items may be changed. The date has been set and will probably not be changed. Just think amfa wantabes will not have to beg for the money to rent a place.

Amfa needs to stand up and take the offer presented and quit whining about it!!!
Cio, I can understand why the TWU leadership does not want to debate and expose themselves to the membership in front of the AMFA leadership but, why the lies and deception???? Just say, we the leadership of the TWU do not want to debate in an open forum where the total membership can ask us questions. Don't you think that would be much simpler???

December 15 fliers show up asking for a debate with the TWU no time just a flyer.

December 22 4pm TWU takes the offer up and has requested a date of January 15th.

Cio, you seem to have forgotten a time line here:

Dec 20 2003 5:32 PM

AMFA challenges the TWU to a debate on the internet with the time and the place, not to mention even a map on the internet, then the Team TWU responds a day before they place their debate proposal. The TWU sends out flyers with more lies. The post time is at the top of each post.

Again you take the membership as being stupid and in your minds think you get away with it. I bet there will be a larger than usual amount of members checking out this thread soon enough. Check out the second post in this thread and ask yourself a question. Is it/that possible? lol 😱
Father Guido Sarducci said:
Let us pray...

Let us pray that GLEAM TEAM TWU has the intestinal fortitude to show up for the debate with AMFA...that they present facts to back their idiotic anti-AMFA allegations...that once presented with the REAL facts from Delle, the Gleam TEAM TWU punks see the error of their evil TWU ways...and once and for all be exorcized of the evil TWU spirit...all these things we humbly ask....Amen 😉
I take offense at your mockery of religion. Even if it is satire it is still a mockery of my faith. :down:
Sounds like the AMFA WANTABES are afraid to debate with the TWU members!!!

The challenge was taken and now the typical amfa rhetoric is springing up. As for the internet challenge that is all it was, nothing more since the majority do not come to the internet for information.

Sounds like the AMFA WANTABES are afraid to debate with the TWU members!!!

<< I get the oppostite impression reading the replys here, I'll be there and look forward to seeing you..... Will you be wearing a huge name tag identifing you as CIO... I doubt it, why are you ashamed to reveal your identity, are you not proud of yourself and what you represent?? I'll wear my company ID badge so just look for me Jim Anderson... Here's wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas and I'll still pray we heal our rift among the membership to become stronger... HO HO HO-

Jim- :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:
Checking it Out said:
Sounds like the AMFA WANTABES are afraid to debate with the TWU members!!!

The challenge was taken and now the typical amfa rhetoric is springing up. As for the internet challenge that is all it was, nothing more since the majority do not come to the internet for information.
This statement sounds like the Wizard of Oz.


We all know that CIO, Kirk Wells, Kevin H, John R, and others that support them, are paid by them. :down: :shock:

We all know that CIO, Kirk Wells, Kevin H, John R, and others that support them, are paid by them. :down: :shock:
team twu, cio, twuer,etc.etc
The challenge was made to sonny hall, you can bend ,spin, or twist this debate issue all you want but what the membership will remember is that the challenge was made to the top representative of the twu. If he disrespects the people that are paying his salary he can only blame himself for the ridicule that will follow.
If you guys want a general thats a coward thats your choice.
I'm betting that there will be a whole lot of empty space at the supporter debate,
and that it will be crowded at the Leaders debate at the Brady Theater on the 17th
No body wants to here from three TWU wanabee somebody important supporters,
I will not be at the supporter debate but if the three wanabee TWU supporters are going to be paid to debate then the TWU needs to pay the three AMFA supporters to be there and debate, why should they come on their own time for such a pointless debate.

Card count is at almost 54% AMFA allready has enough to call for an election but will wait till the end of the drive in March to get the maximum amount of cards possible, I think that when a TWU leader does not show up at the Brady theater on the 17th many more cards will be signed as members do not like for there Leaders to be afraid to debate in a public forum.

but maybe I am jumping the Gun maybe the TWU will be smart and send a Leader to this debate. :lol:
If Sonny doesn't want to come then from what I understand he can send someone in his place there are many TWU international officers to pick from, there not all supposedly sick with cancer 😉
but if no one is sent from the TWU then it will be because they could not find one International highly paid officer to come and get his butt kicked by Delle, I mean debate Delle not get his butt kicked I was justing thinking out loud, I suggest that everyone send emails and letters to the TWU international demanding that they send an officer to debate Delle. B)

The TWU knows that if they don't send someone that there will be a rush of cards it has happened in the past when No Leader could be found to debate. :lol:

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