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Simply Put Thursday=amfa No Show!

Checking it Out

Apr 3, 2003
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Amfa had two opportunities to debate the TWU and Refused. The issue is dead.

Another smoke and mirrors attempt by Amfa that failed. If they truly wanted a face-to-face debate they would have come forward.

Amfa continues to claim on a daily bases the members control Amfa. When Delle kicked out potential members on September 9, September 12 and again January 17th, it was clear he was a dictator. A true democracy would have been! for Delle to ask the members what they wanted! Instead he chooses to Dictate!!
It is evident in the proposed changes to the constitution and the letters he has put out recently he is about power and collecting dues to funnel to MAG.

At the TWU Function on Thursday the setup was to show impartiality for either side and was designed not to intimidate Amfa. There was no TWU booth set-up, No TWU signs posted inside, Names were posted for everyone to see, and an impartial moderator.

At the Amfa function, it was designed to favor Amfa. No Impartial moderator, No seating for the TWU, flashing signs set-up, a booth set-up to sell dime store items for Amfa, a group of thugs out front to intimidate.

Amfa was given every opportunity and failed.

The Tulsa world Sunday paper has written an article about the Saturday event and has indicated 200 people were in the meeting, they have also commented:

Quote from the editor: "His appearance drew about one hundred TWU picketers but no debaters". ----(Note His Appearance drew) The Tulsa world even makes reference to a dictator).
This is correct, when delle refused to debate Kevin Hammack or anyone else there was no debater! The Dictator under Amfa would not allow any debaters.

You have to ask yourself!! WHY? Every time Amfa is confronted, they run!!!

The TWU has continued to confront Amfa on every issue and does not back down!

Ask yourself one easy Question? Is this the organization that you really want?

AA Management will have a field day with this organization. Amfa firmly believes that our (Your) Scope clause is worthless!!!! AA will win on every instance in Arbitration. All they have to do is show the many hundreds of documents and pictures which Amfa has made available through out the decades!!!
The only thugs at the BRADY theater were across the street wearing TWU shirts. The TWU people across the street didn't come to the BRADY to debate. They came to threaten and intimidate any TULSA people who dared come and hear the truth about the sellout by the TWU of it's own membership. There was an impartial moderator there, but since the TWU INTERNATIONAL officers didn't show up ,he wasn't used. There was a table and chairs set up for the TWU on the left side of the podium. After the meeting started, all the TWU thugs left. Anybody who wanted to come in the theater could come in the theater as long as they weren't threatening anybody. The TWU made a MAJOR political blunder on saturday. The TWU showed what they were all about: A DUES COLLECTION AGENCY,NOTHING MORE!
There were 300 people there I counted, I did not count how many were at the TWU debate but reports from the AMFA supporters that went are about 300 as well maybe 350 both the TWU and the AMFA debate had about the same number neither of the debates numbers were very impressive, apparently most people have allready made up their minds on who they want, that would explain the small numbers at these debates, both Unions missed the oppertunity to debate obviously the two sides cannot calmly talk to each other, so it would be pointless to schedule any future debates as it would be a waste of money for both sides.

The debates are over and it really is pointless to continue to point fingers at each other as to who was at fault, that neither debate happened, lets just move on and get on with the vote whoever wins will win and we will all just have to make the best of it for 2 years no matter what side you are on, hopefully we can all start acting a little more like adults for the next few months during the election process, I have heard that the elections can be even more ugly than the card drive, I hope this will not be the case, as we are all very very tired of this type of behavior from grown men, I mean hey you don't see people behave this way for political elections.

Let's all grow up and try to be more civil.
otherwise the membership will hate both Unions and everybody loses, anyone who can't see this is in the dark.
Who threatened and intimidated? Now Princess, let's not make something out of what didn't happen. Had there been any threats we would have dealt with those sternly, and you know that. It must have been disheartening to you , however, being witness to the unity across the street, and the fact you were not there.

The TWU does welcome those of you that have drank the kool-aid to return to your locals and become a part of it. Union matters are discussed fully at the meetings, not at your little groups sitting next to your roll away.

There were 300 people there I counted, I did not count how many were at the TWU debate but reports from the AMFA supporters that went are about 300 as well maybe 350 both the TWU and the AMFA debate had about the same number

Raptor, 1000 does not come close to 35, but I agree the personal attacks should stop.
Raptor if you use the news, it was 200 on Saturday and 400 at the noon meeting on Thursday. If you also count the standing room only at the 4 pm meeting you can use the report put out by the TWU on Friday. 1000 total. No matter how you spin it! TWU in Tulsa is in control.

Amfa has failed and has a dictator as their keeper. Could that be why several factions want him replaced? Or is it, they have seen first hand the destruction he has caused?