One thing for sure Bob, if you're on the panel it won't go through lunch. 5 years of what? When you fail at AA will you go find another airline having difficulties or in the middle of a contract negotiating effort?
You want one union for mechanics Bob? No problem, TWU welcomes them all, open the door for them Bob, help out a brother.
Again more personal attacks coupled with totally useless blather by an obvious shill for the company toy union, now go look up the definition for ''Shill'
The real issue here gentlemen is what has this service organization been doing and will you follow with blind allegiance mouthing slogans or will you demand answers and accountability... The facts are during this industry downturn and events of 9/11 many for the first time saw just how the representatives functioned under adverse conditions and how the organization is structured, effectively rendering the membership powerless.
One airline in particular used this time to violate the agreements and lay people off not once but three times, and what can any union do? they must pursue a grievance procedure and that takes time.. Why then would twu blame AMFA while telling outright lies as to the pertinent facts here, this particular lie will come back to haunt you when it finally reaches arbitration gentlemen... Another lie perpetuated by twu has to do with raiding when in fact twu did the same thing they accuse AMFA of now back in 1946, but in fact people wishing change representation are free to do so, is this not democratic??
One of the oldest lies twu told grounded in fear stated that ''If you vote in another union you will be without a contract for a year before you can negotiate'', remember that one?? The bottom line here is that you've lied too many times for too many years to be taken seriously ... Service organizations such as yours are responsible to maintain a standard and work towards improvement for those you represent , please reference your own twu constitution to see what I'm talking about.
In closing please ponder why we cling to an instituition that has changed little over the past 50 years except to consolidate power at the top while the world has moved forward, I''ve grown weary asking you to defend your position because it's clear to all you have nothing to stand on and nothing to show us save tired slogans and generalizations and your ever popular personal attacks.. I've copied all your weak replies to valid questions and this has generated more support for AMFA than you can imagine.. Perhaps some day you'll find something called integrity that will enable you to be honest instead of aligning yourselves with an obviously flawed outdated model...My prayer is that this year we heal come together and grow into that which is a model of professionalism, strength and integrity, all mechanics and related that's the model I want, that's real stregth in numbers..

Have a great holiday boys and girls, God Bless One And All
Jim Anderson Tulsa 4D