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Amfa Vs. Twu Debate


Number one, look at the numbers in PAFCA vs. TWU Vote. Only 233 voters. You think that is special? LOL.


Also Jake, tell us more about the "statement control and scrutinization" of any comments to be made at the rank-n-file debate?

Do you mean to tell me that your so-called neutral moderator is going to control content of statement and answers? Yep, that sounds like TWU Thought Police happening alright.

I noticed while you were attacking Dan Cunningham, you never give an answer to the claims he made in that statement. You simply claim he has a sick mind, but do not refute any of his claims, Not one. You just claim you do not know. Well I do know!

Like this one for example:
The TWU was started by the Communist Party.

This isn't a sick mind, it is fact, unless you also consider Author Joshua Freeman anothe "sick mind"?

jake said:
I realize that a rational debate where statements will be scrutinized is not your style. Your specialty is slander and all those layoffs affecting thousands of men and women trying to feed their families have happened when the company has not even been close to bankruptcy. You and your AMFA brethren preach that the membership run the organization. This is the same membership that your AMFA advocates don’t attempts at intimidation. That is why I expect that you will not have the guts to show up to the debate on January 15 at the Renaissance Hotel.

It is unfortunate Dan that the AMFA organization hangs it’s hat on people like you. The fact is, should you show up on the 15th you’d have to come armed with facts. We know with you that doesn’t happen. You’d have to explain all the failed promises of the AMFA organization. You’d have to explain why in 2001, when AMFA signed its first contract at NWA, they had almost 10,000 members. Currently to date the number is nearing 5,000. And you’d have to explain Dan why at NWA want debating on their behalf.

You and your band of liars that you call TEAM TWU came to the informational meeting on September 12th, 2003.

These same questions were asked there and answers were given, a video tape was made and distributed. Now you want to call a debate to ask the same questions? What part of Force Majeure, Voluntary Lay-off, Retirements, and Terminations did you not understand? God you are braindead or something. What is the current TWU card count at NWA to save those guys from the evil AMFA? Even your own spokesman Jerry Sowell rejects the idea of a TWU drive for his craft or class? He is nothing more than a has been IAM Officer who had to return to work, just like you and your TEAM TWU buddies are going to get a re-assignment back to your toolboxes in 2004.

Or is this rank-n-file debate really a huge smoke screen to cover up that fact that your own International Officers refuse to be subjected to the same type of questioning that AMFA National Officers have afforded you and TEAM TWU on many occasions? You and I have had and still do have more access to AMFA National Officers and Leaders, than we will ever have from TWU Officers and Leaders.

If it was AMFA National refusing to show up for a questioning by the mechanic and related group, you would be a banging on a large drum and calling them cowards. You even want to hold Dan Cunningham to a higher standard than you hold your own union. <_<


Tell us jake, what excuse is Sonny Hall giving for NOT accepting the challenge of O.V. Delle-Femine? That is a legitimate question, is it not?
Calvin said:
OSM's need some discussing also, we do not have OSM's here. Our shop mechanics still make mechanic's wages. As IAM they always did also. A mechanics a mechanic. Rebuilding a 727 flap transmission or other is not the job to be done by the untrained. Mechanics job.
I guess since there are no OSM's at MCI there are some misconceptions. An OSM only does what is called Semi-Skilled or unskilled work. They DO NOT overhaul flight controls. They do things like change seat cushions or glue on new carpet on bulkhead dividers.
AAmech said:
Calvin said:
OSM's need some discussing also, we do not have OSM's here. Our shop mechanics still make mechanic's wages. As IAM they always did also. A mechanics a mechanic. Rebuilding a 727 flap transmission or other is not the job to be done by the untrained. Mechanics job.
I guess since there are no OSM's at MCI there are some misconceptions. An OSM only does what is called Semi-Skilled or unskilled work. They DO NOT overhaul flight controls. They do things like change seat cushions or glue on new carpet on bulkhead dividers.

They are working on Engine Mounting Bolts, and Emergeny Slides, and other safety related equipment.

Go tell that BS to someone that will believe you!

I believe the emergency exit lighting is even attached to the seats now. And you think that is unimportant?

Go tell that to the FAA.

The seats even have a "break-over" setting to allow for break-over of seat back in emergency exit situations. You think that doesn't matter either?

What about the wheels, tires, and brakes? They don't matter?

I think you have a very jaded view of safety related work. And that view comes a simpleton attempt to cover up the 1995 Industry Leading Concession of the TWU.

Tell AAmech, out of all the 20 years of TWU Industry Leading Concessions, which is your favorite scam of all?
AAmech said:
Calvin said:
OSM's need some discussing also, we do not have OSM's here. Our shop mechanics still make mechanic's wages. As IAM they always did also. A mechanics a mechanic. Rebuilding a 727 flap transmission or other is not the job to be done by the untrained. Mechanics job.
I guess since there are no OSM's at MCI there are some misconceptions. An OSM only does what is called Semi-Skilled or unskilled work. They DO NOT overhaul flight controls. They do things like change seat cushions or glue on new carpet on bulkhead dividers.

OSM's also rebuild nose cowlings for JT8 217 engines. A+P mechanics that used to teardown JT8 217 engines were displaced by OSM's. The company tried to put them in the thrust reverser shop but it didnt work out so well, so they were removed from the shop!
jake said:
It's amazing who you choose to put your trust in. This is my response about Dan's email. . .

It is always depressing to deal with the sick mind of Dan Cunningham, but occasionally I get fed up with the BS and feel the need to respond. Dan, running your gums on the workfloor and insulting people who disagree with you is not debating.
I will attempt to interpret your words here the way I see it:

[ It is always depressing to deal with the mind of Dan Cunningham. He continually whips my ass on an intellectual basis and I am sick of it. Occasionally I get enough courage to respond to him and tell him I don't like him. ]

TWU Local 514 and TEAM TWU have called for a debate among rank and file leaders with a neutral moderator.

"Rank and file leaders" is an oxymoron. Either they are Rank-and-File or they are leaders. We know the TWU, TeamTWU, TeamPR, TeamAfl-Cio and whomever or whatever else you can throw at AMFA supporters do not want the real leaders of the TWU on stage where we can ask them questions but, I promise you, it will cost you dearly for such a decision. Your Little debate game has not nor will not go unexposed nor should it be. The continuing insult to the membership’s intelligence through lies and deception is why I first looked at AMFA and why many more will.
[/QUOTE]We know with you that doesn’t happen. You’d have to explain all the failed promises of the AMFA organization. You’d have to explain why in 2001, when AMFA signed its first contract at NWA, they had almost 10,000 members. Currently to date the number is nearing 5,000. And you’d have to explain Dan why at NWA all those layoffs affecting thousands of men and women trying to feed their families have happened when the company has not even been close to bankruptcy.
Wow Jake, looks like questions for AMFA's leadership, not AA AMT's. :shock:
We know with you that doesn’t happen. You’d have to explain all the failed promises of the AMFA organization. You’d have to explain why in 2001, when AMFA signed its first contract at NWA, they had almost 10,000 members. Currently to date the number is nearing 5,000. And you’d have to explain Dan why at NWA all those layoffs affecting thousands of men and women trying to feed their families have happened when the company has not even been close to bankruptcy.
Wow Jake, looks like questions for AMFA's leadership, not AA AMT's. :shock:
Yeah that's right, the TWU Leadership FEARS the membership questions.

The TEAM TWU arranges a smoke screen debate between rank-n-file members, and fully plans to ask questions that AMFA National should be answering.

TEAM TWU, the TWU International Camouflage.

rank' and file'

1. the members of a group or organization apart from its leaders or officers.

What is a Rank and File Leader?
I wonder if they have to have Art Luby write down their questions again for them. The best was the at the September meeting the guy asking either second or third question screwed it up and the guy sitting next to the mike had to show him how to read it.
TWU where the Mechanics are No. 6 and AA is the largest Airline in the US
the PDF document below says it all. :shock:

http://home.comcast.net/~amfa-aa/airline%2...%20benefits.pdf :shock:

AMFA only needs 400 more cards to insure a vote at AA.
and in 2 1/2 months that should be easy do to especially when no one from the TWU Leadership shows to debate Delle :shock:

8595 Total Signed Election Authorization Cards by Station and Title Group:
Updated, Tuesday December 30, 2003 at 12:22:05 PM. Our goal is to obtain 60% of the Craft and Class of
Mechanic and Related, and at this time, our estimate of that number, with 'elbow room' is approximately 9,634 cards.
Using that number, at this time, we are about 89.2% to our goal, or approximately 53.5% of our Craft and Class. Good job so far, and let's
REDOUBLE our efforts and GET THIS DONE!
OSM's needs discussing!

Why do I get the feeling TeamOSM is next. Wonder if it will be called The-OSM-World, or something like that. Just a prediction.

Mechanics work should be paid mechanics wages, period!
I figure that next will see "TEAM Concessions for Jobs"

or maybe,


as in "team industry leading concessions"

Sad, but true!

Of course we could be surprised by "TEAM COWARDS"
Hey, CIO, twuer, TEAAm TWU, and other worshiping followers of the shrine of the bus.

If MESABA Pilot's go on strike is it going to be AMFA's fault?
TWU informer said:
AAmech said:
Calvin said:
OSM's need some discussing also, we do not have OSM's here. Our shop mechanics still make mechanic's wages. As IAM they always did also. A mechanics a mechanic. Rebuilding a 727 flap transmission or other is not the job to be done by the untrained. Mechanics job.
I guess since there are no OSM's at MCI there are some misconceptions. An OSM only does what is called Semi-Skilled or unskilled work. They DO NOT overhaul flight controls. They do things like change seat cushions or glue on new carpet on bulkhead dividers.

They are working on Engine Mounting Bolts, and Emergeny Slides, and other safety related equipment.

Go tell that BS to someone that will believe you!

I believe the emergency exit lighting is even attached to the seats now. And you think that is unimportant?

Go tell that to the FAA.

The seats even have a "break-over" setting to allow for break-over of seat back in emergency exit situations. You think that doesn't matter either?

What about the wheels, tires, and brakes? They don't matter?

I think you have a very jaded view of safety related work. And that view comes a simpleton attempt to cover up the 1995 Industry Leading Concession of the TWU.

Tell AAmech, out of all the 20 years of TWU Industry Leading Concessions, which is your favorite scam of all?
Oh yeah all that stuff is sooooo important! I guess thats why amfa allows that work to be done by UNLICENCED OUTSIDE VENDORS!!!! Part of the 38% blunder that contains NO SNAP BACK!!
AAmech said:
Oh yeah all that stuff is sooooo important! I guess thats why amfa allows that work to be done by UNLICENCED OUTSIDE VENDORS!!!! Part of the 38% blunder that contains NO SNAP BACK!!
At NWA, At NWA, At NWA, do you have anything else you think or speak of? That must be why TEAM TWU restricts the length of time for questions at their debate. How long does it take to ask the same question 12 different ways?

So at Northwest, AMFA farmed it out, but somehow kept their pay and benefits? Meanwhile, TWU does the in-house farmout, plus destroys 40 years of pay and benefit gains, plus lifts job security and RIF's the protected workers.

So they both allow non-licensed workers, but there is ONE BIG glaring difference. Can you peg that also? Why don't we all agree to work for $11.50 per hour and then AA can hire every non-licensed, unemployed, relative, on the planet?

Why do you hold AMFA to a higher standard than you do your own union?

How is that TWU card drive progessing at NWA anyway?

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