Jake, Delle is the one with all the proof we are not AMFA members we are merely AMFA supporters, I doubt that any of us AMFA supporters know everything that there is to know about AMFA and the same i'm sure is true of the TWU supporters but the officers at the top know all the facts and figures, that is probably why they are at the top and we are at the bottom
As me and many others have stated I don't think anyone is opposed to any type of debate we think some debates are much more interesting and productive than others but that does not mean that we are opposed to it, I have no problem with there being two debates or more if that is what the members want, and I agree with you that the two debates have nothing in common they are completly different, which is why I made the statement that there is no first or second challenge since two entirely different entities are challenging there is no first or second, Delle has made a challenge to Sonny hall or whoever he picks to take his place he did not challenge TWU supporters, Delle is not an AMFA supporter he is the Director of AMFA, we AMFA supporters are not Delle we are us, Team TWU did not challenge Delle to a debate you challenged the AMFA supporters to a debate, as you can see the two debate challenges are completly different and they have nothing to do with each other, if Sonny Hall chooses to not accept the debate or pick a substitute then that is a reflection on the TWU Leadership and they will have to accept the ridicule that comes with being afraid to defend the Union that they preside over, if it happens that no AMFA supporters are willing to accept the challenge from the TWU supporters then it will be us TWU AMFA supporters that will have to accept the ridicule from team twu, that is pretty much how things are, maybe there will be two debates maybe there will be none, all I know for sure is that Delle will be at the Brady Theater telling AA Mechanics why AMFA is better than the TWU and why they should sign a card and vote AMFA, if nobody from the TWU is there to oppose this then it will be a nice AMFA informational meeting.
I would like to see a debate because we have not heard from the TWU Leadership since this concession was signed, but if they do not want to show up then there is nothing anyone can do to force them to show, I enjoy hearing Delle speak so it will be worth my time to be at the Brady theater whether the TWU shows or not and I think the same will be true for most everybody else, when Delle came to Tulsa in Sep. to speak all three meeting were packed to capacity, I don't think to many people will show for the Mechanic debate just as they don't show for Union meetings or AMFA informational meetings when someone like Delle is not speaking.
So my suggestion for you Jake is one watch out for trains Rusty had a dog run over by one, and two go to whichever debate/meeting that you are the most interested in that goes for everyone else on this board, as for me I will only be at the Brady theater meeting as that is where the speakers that I want to hear will be speaking.
Is that fair enough Team TWU or do you have a problem with that.