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Amfa Vs. Twu Debate


That's a good one. "You don't see the need to respond", but then carry on a diatribe of immense magnitude and innuendo.

How about you Calvin. Will you read the TWU Constitutional Convention Minutes of 1989, 1993, 1997, and 2001 so that you will have a good understanding of how the TWU operates?

Or like Drippy, are you too busy to read the facts? Or a you actually a paid Officer of the TWU, previously IAM, and therfore, you do not to read because they already told you how you think?

Why wouldn't a Mechanic want to be in a Mechanic's Union?
Where would a person go to read the TWU Constitutional Convention Minutes?
That's a good one. "You don't see the need to respond", but then carry on a diatribe of immense magnitude and innuendo.

Not sure of your intent here Informer, but I realize now there is no need to understand your intent, I shared with you a bit of my life so you might understand why my opinions are what they are. You in turn, run my IP, insinuate I'm about four different people, and then cut and paste the definition of fool. My only question to you sir is did you obtain that definition from your nametag? You ask for a debate here, I tell you I am not learned enough to debate, you continue to pry into my life with the search of my IP.

For your information sir, I use SBCglobal as a dial up in the country. I would say STL is the server address, just a guess from a country hick. BTW, approx. 10k people in this area also use the same provider, are they all me?
Just got back from my unpaid twu vacation and I have not read all the threads yet.

One glaring question comes to mind concerning the failed twu attempt to upstage AMFA and schedule a debate on a weekday, a normal workday for most not in the twu fan club.

Is the twu giving us all UB like TEAM twu that has to be paid to show up?

Did the twu do this thursday gig knowing few would be able to come?

The twu apparently forgot they let the company take our vacation, sick time, and 17.5% of our pay. Few of us are able to come to a debate on a work day and not get 8 hours of UB.

How about some UB TEAM twu? I didn't think so. :down:
My World said:
Where would a person go to read the TWU Constitutional Convention Minutes?
Simply call the TWU International Hedquarters and ask for publications:
Phone: 212-259-4900

Then request copies of the 1989,1993,1997, and 2001 Convention Minutes/Proceedings.

NOTE: You must be a member in good standing with the TWU to get them.
Checking it Out said:
I see a nerve has been hit! Dave and Bob truth hurts don't it? NW continues to Outsource, United is following a close 2nd. These are the two that are easy to compare! Amfa has failed with both.

Show us something amfa has done in the last 60 days to bring members back at these two Arlines or have even attempted to stop the outsourcing of work?
Why would AA outsource when the TWU will give them lower costs, for at LEAST FIVE YEARs?

If AA can lower their wages and benifits at will, as they can with the TWU then why should we give the TWU two hours pay per month?

The average TWU member makes $15/hr, the average AMFA member makes over $30/hr. Which union would you rather belong to?
Maybe instead of having three against three at the debate we should have Calvin and Drippy go against four of you guys. HaHaHaHaHa :up:
mojo13 said:
Maybe instead of having three against three at the debate we should have Calvin and Drippy go against four of you guys. HaHaHaHaHa :up:
You are right about one thing mojo13. Drippy is one of the TWU's finest.

Here is a new one. Set up with Drippy, Steve, and Earl on a computer and call them TeamCalvin or better yet, just Calvin. Give them a fake scenario and see how well they can compete on the internet. lmao :up: :up: :up:

The TWU brains are pathetic, it seems all they can do is lie and deceive. Maybe they should go into professional clowning.
Not sure if I'd be the one to debate these guys, they have mastered the English language, mastered the computer, and are a self admitted master of knowing what is best for me and my family. Let me make the mistake of defending my stance on issues and I'm labelled a fool, docile, and this Quill character, oh , and let's not forget I'm also Steve Connell according to them. I'm a busy little farmer.

I was researching a bit earlier and read where NWA AMFA mechs were upset with their contract language/work rules. AMFA's answer to them did make sense, and I do not mean this as a slam, but AMFA reps stated they , the membership, did not read it carefully prior to voting on, in fact, at times had NO members present observing the process. Do you see where things change and still remain the same? One difference I see between AMFA and the TWU is that the TWU is held responsible for my voting in the concessions, and AMFA , by allowing the membership 100% involvement, lays the blame back to them. That sir is a smart move. Stand back, collect dues, and share no responsibility. Am I misreading this?

Also noted was that only 50% of the mechanics were upset, the other 50% were furloughed. Thank you.
Sorry Calvin, I know you are just here to learn and I should not be making it harder for you to do that. Judge by what you learn from the debate coming up on the 15th. The only debate in T-town
TWU ATD Director finds it BIG NEWS that the TWU will not have to disclose their expenditures to the members for one more year.

How pathetic, anything to keep from being honest and up front with the membership.

screen capture from TWU ATD Director Update

Maybe they fear disclosing how much they wasted on a lawsuit attempting to overturn a law that doesn't even apply to those of us under the Railway Labor Act?


Oklahoma Supreme Court Upholds Right to Work

The Supreme Court of Oklahoma on Dec. 16 rejected two separate attempts by union lawyers to deny Oklahoma citizens the right to choose whether or not to join or support financially a union, upholding Oklahoma’s constitutional Right to Work amendment which was passed by statewide referendum in September 2001.

With its ruling the state’s Sup. Ct. effectively ended a two-year legal battle waged by attorneys for Gov. Frank Keating alongside National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation attorneys against union lawyers bent on reclaiming the privilege of compulsory unionism they enjoyed prior to that referendum. “Today is a great day for Oklahoma. No longer will there be a dark cloud over the Right to Work amendment that has already resulted in the creation of new jobs, an increase in wages, and more employee freedom compared to states without such protections,â€￾ said Stefan Gleason, Vice President of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation.

In Transport Workers Local 514 et al v. Keating et al, a U.S. Court of Appeals earlier ruled that certain ancillary provisions of the law are preempted by federal law such that it cannot apply to employees working, for example, on exclusive federal property or in the airline or railroad industry (as is the case with all other state Right to Work laws). However, the federal court accepted a request by Right to Work attorneys that the Oklahoma Sup. Ct. should decide the state law question of whether the federal preemption invalidates the entire Right to Work constitutional amendment. On the 16th, Oklahoma’s Sup. Ct. held that union lawyers could not prove their assertion that Oklahoma voters would somehow not have approved the Right to Work amendment if they had known that it could not be applied to every single employee in the state.

At the same time, the state's high court rejected arguments in a separate state court challenge to the Right to Work amendment. This past summer, Right to Work attorneys discovered the existence of a “collusive lawsuitâ€￾ filed with the apparent intention by both parties (union and employer) of voiding the state’s Right to Work law without serious arguments made by a party that sincerely supports the law. Discovering this, Foundation attorneys intervened in that suit representing Stephen Weese, a Tulsa-area employee, to ensure that the law was vigorously defended.

The Oklahoma Sup. Ct. rejected arguments raised by union lawyers in the collusive suit that the Right to Work constitutional amendment violated the due process and equal protections clauses of the Oklahoma constitution. The Oklahoma court followed U.S. Supreme Court precedents dating back to the 1940s that have rejected similar arguments under the U.S. Constitution. [
Calvin you do of course realize that at 3000+ AA has more Mechanics laid off than any other Airline and their is no Arbitration on these people as there is with the 2808 at Northwest, so let me see if I understand this at AA we have Mechanics called OSM that make sub standard wages and benefits, We have Mechanics that make more than the Overhaul Shop Mechanics but are still paid less than the top six Airlines pay Mechanics and we also have substandard benefits, all of this and 3000+ laid off to boot. :angry:

and none of those 3000+ Mechanics got their 12,500 that they should have got, and lets not forget the 3200 Mechanics that did not get to vote due to the TWU rushing the voting and not following their own constitution that says all voting will be done by paper ballot over a 30 day period. 🙁

With 8600 cards signed and almost 54% of the membership, I think the TWU Leadership had better get in front of the membership and start answering some questions or there will be a change in Unions. :up:

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