1AA said:
Calvin said:
This was a rally in Washington D.C. that the AMFA was trying to protect our jobs from going overseas
Another good point made, if AMFA is not AFL-CIO then how do they gain effectiveness in lobbying? Or do they not see any reason to have a voice in Washington? Does AMFA have a political party? If so , what is it? Thank You
Ask yourself how affective has the AFL-CIO been in the labor movement?
Ask yourself why is the AFL-CIO boosting their image and not protecting jobs?
Ask yourself why the Carpenters Union in NYC left the AFL-CIO?
The question is what should be expected from the AFL-CIO? What is it meant for and what are its capabilities.
The AFL-CIO can not dictate to member union how they run their Locals.
Member unions can and do often opt to leave if they do not agree with the stated goals of the association. They dont have to go for a vote to leave, just to get accepted. Rarely are unions refused acceptance, when it does happen it is either because of criminal activity, or one union is only willing to associate on its own terms, such as if a the APA applied, the ALPA might oppose it and though some dealmaking block them from entry. So much for Solidarity. Solidarity but only if you submit to our will.
It must be remembered that the AFL-CIO is not monolithic. It has many competing interests and ideologies. Unfortunately those who believe in appeasement and concessions have had, and continue to have the upper hand. For the most part these unions are led by leaders with a limited education and no real ideology other than consolidating wealth and power for themselves as the ULICO scandal revealed. There is hope, however our numbers do not help the reformers, they help the sellouts. The best thing that we could do to help the labor movement is go to AMFA, continue consolidation of our class and craft and assist our coworkers in their efforts to do the same. If you noticed the AFL-CIO has not really shown solid support for Sonny Hall and the TWU. However I dont doubt that soon they may be forced politically to do so.
The movement of AA mechanics and other ground workers out of the TWU will at the same time weaken the old guards grip on power within the AFL-CIO and strengthen the reform movement throughout the labor movement.
The vote at AA is a big deal.
It will either help keep the old guard, who believe in appeasement and concessions while delivering hollow speaches about fighting and union power, in power or help bring forth the long delayed and much needed reform movement.
Some unions realize how unions like the TWU, that look at revenue to the union as the determining factor instead of improving the lives of its members in setting union policy is destroying the labor movement. A classic example of how screwed up the TWU is that they spent $2 million trying to organize workers at Delta. What could they promise Delta workers. We can get you pay and benifits cuts while you give 2 hours pay month to an organization that you have no control over. You wont own your contract-the International will, you wont negotiate your contract- the international will, and you wont even get to vote on who gets into the International. All any Delta worker had to do was go and talk to an AA worker about the TWU and it was over. In their self delusion they actually thought they could get Delta to join the TWU! And they spent $2 miilion of our dues to do it!
Some unions realize that the most important thing that workers want out of a union is better pay and benifits. If you dont get that then why have a union? A voice? A voice on what? The TWU has been negotiating concessions for 20 years. Unions fight against concessions. When has the TWU ever told us to fight concession?
With this track record, industry leading concessions, and the fact that when Delta fired a TWU organizer the TWU did squat, why would Delta or other non-union workers want a union like the TWU?