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Amfa Includes Management

Checking it Out said:
To: Local Presidents
Re: Title I- Management Reductions


You may have already heard, today AA will be announcing management reductions in Title1.
It will be around 20-25 level 5 and above (Including one level 8).
As soon as I get a breakdown I will foreword to you.
Your station managers know exactly who will be impacted, they had a meeting yesterday with Martinez to review.


Bobby Gless
International Representative
Transport Workers Union

I wonder how many signed an Amfa card and will Amfa note them when they contest the list AA provided to the NMB? Smile and have a great Day!
Are you saying that the company is laying off management because they signed AMFA cards?
:up: 31 NMB 12 page 53


I. Proper Craft or Class

In determining the proper craft or class for a group of employees, the Board considers a number of factors. These factors include functional integration, work classifications, terms and conditions of employment, and work-related community of interest. United Parcel Serv. Co., 30 NMB 84 (2002); Frontier Airlines, Inc., 29 NMB 28 (2001); United Airlines, Inc., 28 NMB 533 (2001); US Airways, Inc., 28 NMB 104 (2000).

It is particularly important that the employees share a work-related community of interest. Continental Airlines, Inc./Continental Express, Inc., 26 NMB 143 (1999); LSG Lufthansa Servs., Inc., 25 NMB 96 (1997); Airborne Express, Inc., 9 NMB 115 (1981). The Board makes craft or class determinations on a case by case basis, relying upon Board policy and precedent. US Airways, above; USAir, 15 NMB 369 (1988); Simmons Airlines, 15 NMB 124 (1988).

The Board has examined the proper scope of the craft or class of Mechanics and Related Employees in numerous decisions. United Parcel Serv. Co., above; US Airways, Inc., above; United Parcel Serv. Co., 27 NMB 3 (1999); Allegheny Airlines, Inc., 26 NMB 487 (1999). In United Airlines, Inc., 6 NMB 134 (1977), the Board, quoting National Airlines, Inc., 1 NMB 423, 428-29 (1947), described the composition of the Mechanics and Related Employees, in part, as follows:

A. Mechanics who perform maintenance work on aircraft, engine, radio or accessory equipment.

B. Ground service personnel who perform work generally described as follows: Washing and cleaning airplane, engine and accessory parts in overhaul shops; fueling of aircraft and ground equipment; maintenance of ground and ramp equipment; maintenance of buildings, hangars and related equipment; cleaning and maintaining the interior and exterior of aircraft, servicing and control of cabin service equipment, air conditioning of aircraft, cleaning of airport hangars, buildings, hangar and ramp equipment.

C. Plant maintenance personnel including employees who perform work consisting of repairs, alterations, additions to and maintenance of buildings, hangars, and the repair, maintenance and operation of related equipment including automatic equipment.

“The related employees . . . while of different skill levels from the mechanics, nonetheless are closely related to them in that they are engaged in a common function – the maintenance function. . . .â€￾ Eastern Air Lines, Inc., 4 NMB 54, 63 (1965) (emphasis added). It is this “functionalâ€￾ connection between mechanic classifications and those employees performing related maintenance operations that has historically formed a basis for their identity as a single craft or class. Id. See also Federal Express Corp., 20 NMB 360 (1993).

Word coming from Laconia via the Organizers:

The AA list is more accurate than what amfa was expecting.

Amfa has added names to the list.

Amfa has reduced the number of valid cards they filed with.
Checking it Out said:
Word coming from Laconia via the Organizers:

The AA list is more accurate than what amfa was expecting.

Amfa has added names to the list.

Amfa has reduced the number of valid cards they filed with.
Checking it Out said:
Sounds good to me!!!!!!! Just remember it came from your mouth!!!!
So if supervisors are seeking to unionize and the company fires them as a result of that it "sounds good to you"?

What kind of a unionist would agree with such tactics to fight organizing?

A TWU unionist I guess.
Actually the Supervisors attempted to unionize here and the ruling was, they could not!

Your twisting words! I believe we have a right to organize! I just believe that a group who believes in a organization that is strictly in it for the money is not the way to go! Amfa is nothing more than a pyramid scheme!!!!!! You wannabes are puppets for delles pleasures!!!!

I have enough common sense to see the track record of amfa is not the way to go!!!!!!
Checking it Out said:
Actually the Supervisors attempted to unionize here and the ruling was, they could not!

Your twisting words! I believe we have a right to organize! I just believe that a group who believes in a organization that is strictly in it for the money is not the way to go! Amfa is nothing more than a pyramid scheme!!!!!! You wannabes are puppets for delles pleasures!!!!

I have enough common sense to see the track record of amfa is not the way to go!!!!!!
I have enough common sense !!!!

Is that why you never answer the questions posed to you?

"I just believe that a group who believes in a organization that is strictly in it for the money is not the way to go!"

Then why do you support the twu?
Ken, You have little room to talk! Amfa has bought you!

When you are not tainted you can sit back and see the short comings of Amfa!

I support the TWU because they are the Best Choice!

a. Honesty

b. Integrity

c. Majority makes the decision.

d. I do not have to worry about my job being outsourced with bogus language.

e. Experts during negotiations, not just on a phone sometimes.

f. TWU does not contract out their admin. functions with no accountability.

g. The TWU Works hard to keep members at work and represents far more members within the Airline Industry which amfa can only dream of!

h. The TWU listens to the members and does not have a dictator as a leader!

i. Keeps us informed about current issues.

j. Believes in politics.

k. Strength in numbers within the industry.

l. I believe 100% in what the TWU stands for and myself in believing in the TWU!

What about this?



The TWU listens to the members and does not have a dictator as a leader!

Then why isn't Chuck Schaulk, Bob Owens, Dan Cunningham, Gary Petersen, and Judy Moranto still holding elected office?

Did the "MEMBERSHIP" remove them? Or did the "DICTATORS"?

Why isn't the Local Shop Stewards at Local 530 removed? The "MEMBERS" signed petitions to remove them?
Checking it Out said:
Ken, You have little room to talk! Amfa has bought you!

When you are not tainted you can sit back and see the short comings of Amfa!

I support the TWU because they are the Best Choice!

a. Honesty

b. Integrity

c. Majority makes the decision.

d. I do not have to worry about my job being outsourced with bogus language.

e. Experts during negotiations, not just on a phone sometimes.

f. TWU does not contract out their admin. functions with no accountability.

g. The TWU Works hard to keep members at work and represents far more members within the Airline Industry which amfa can only dream of!

h. The TWU listens to the members and does not have a dictator as a leader!

i. Keeps us informed about current issues.

j. Believes in politics.

k. Strength in numbers within the industry.

l. I believe 100% in what the TWU stands for and myself in believing in the TWU!
cio, where is your proof that AMFA has "bought" me? You are showing that you are a liar once again.

Your reasons for supporting the twu are laughable if they were not so glaringly scary.

A) Honesty- Like telling the truth? Where is our FULL REVOTE?

B) Integrity- Like posting behind an alias while spewing lies and half truths?

C) Majority makes the decision.- Which majority? The twu international unelected official majority? Or the majority of those who have signed an AMFA Authorization Card asking for a democratic election to remove the twu from our profession?

D) You don't have to worry about your job being outsourced with bogus language.- You obviously are not an AMT that was removed in favor of having an OSM do your job. Or being labor loaned back to the floor. Or worked the Line and had air starts, deicing, push backs, fueling & oiling taken from your job classification and given to a "fellow" twu ramper brother.

E) Experts? Let's stop right there cio. There were no experts during negotiations. EXPERTS meet more than a few days over the course of several months of negotiations. jim little and bobby gless shuttling back and forth between Local Presidents and the company does not make one an expert. Unless you are talking about making that indivdual an expert sellout.

F) Why should we pay for expensive offices in NY? As for accountability that is a word the twu knows very well... because they avoid it like the plague. And as for the twu admin. doing there job why do they still mail their propaganda to my old address... after they have been told several times of my new address? Oh, I can get letters about my dues.

G) The twu represents more workers in the airline indusrty than AMFA? Of all these "members" how many have a direct impact on protecting our craft & profession? AMFA represents more people in our craft and class than the twu could only pretend to dream of.

H) The twu does not have a dictator as a leader? You mean the guy that was elected by the FULL membership? Or the guy that was APPOINTED? Can dictators be voted out of office?

I) Keeps us informed? About what? Contract negotiations (remember, they're secret) or letters from other twu Locals that DO NOT have a voice in our profession?

J) Believes in politics? Would this political power have anything to do with the mighty afl-cio preventing the iam from allowing NWA a/c from going overseas? Or is this the same political power that helped USAir from contracting out work that is not allowed to be contracted out per the iam language? Maybe, you are talking about the political power to keep AA's overhaul facilities open? No, that can't be it because it was TAX PAYERS that did that.

K) Strength in numbers? cio, listen to what you are told to type BEFORE you type it. Where did this strength protect our profession? Give me an example. And do not use the coffin parade as an example.

L) You believe in yourself because you believe in the twu? OOOKKKKAAAAYYYY! I believe in AMFA because their constitution believes in a democratic craft union. I believe in AMFA because they care more about our profession than they do dues collecting. I believe in AMFA because they are structured to be able to "change from within" if things need changing.

See you in the NMB's foyer after the ballot count cio.

The twu smells fear... and it is their own!

I was recently digging through some old papers and came upon some of my old files .

Spring cleaning .

Some of the papers concern the seperation process. Sentences include things like "The International Administrative Committee has directed that the AA Presidents council By Laws be amended and rewritten,,,", "President Hall directed that all Title and Contract groups", The International Administrative Committee decided.

And these guys still are pushing the myth that the Presidents council has any real say in how things are run!

On another note one should also look at our new micro print contract books and take note that the negotiating "committee" did not sign as participants of the contract. They signed as "witnesses".

A witness is an observer, not a participant. The wording was no doubt deliberate as the recent 501 lawsiut ruling once again reaffirms. The Judge state that "The Transport workers union -NOT LOCAL 501- and American Airlines are parties to a CBA.

In other words Local 501 has no say in the contract and can not sue.

I also stumbled across a letter from Local 501 President John Buckley dated Feb 3, 1999 that says " This Self -Determination issue was put forward by Sonny Hall over the objections of the Presidents Council. This is an attempt to halt the AMFA drive that is moving forward at American Airlines."

I also found a copy of a post from CIO dated August 16 2001. Out of 7000 members in Tulsa, Dennis Burchette recieved 2107 votes. Less than a third of the members. Randy Mc Donald only recieved 1349 votes. Less than 20% of the members voted for him. In fact the majority of those who voted did not vote for Randy, 2347 voted against him. Only 50% even bothered to vote at all.

So only 1349 out of the 7000 members in Tulsa voted for the man who is now the President of Tulsa. So the overwhelming majority of Tulsa, either by choice or default is basically "unrepresented". Tulsa claims to be the TWU powerhouse. They claim that there is tremendous support for the TWU in Tulsa, the vote does not reflect that. Less than one in five voted for Randy McDonald. If these people are so die hard TWU then how come so few participate in the election?

Contrast this to the line stations that want to get rid of the TWU and you still see higher participation. In our first election at 562 over 76% participated, in the second election it dropped to 62%, still considerbly more than Tulsa(by the way CIO I got 54% and 70% in three way races, I got 100 more votes the second time than the first, so I guess that the members disagree with you when you claim that I was not representing them.). One would think, from looking at the participation level, that the TWU has more support from the pro AMFA line than they do from Tulsa. So while the line does not like the TWU, they still supported and participated at a greater rate than TULSA, because like the TWU or not, we are union. Like you guys always say, the union is the members. And these active members want the TWU out.

So if the TWU really doesnt have support from more than half of TULSA where does the TWU have support?

Only half the members of Tulsa are even willing to bother to vote, I think that when the vote does come, the majority of Tulsa will effectively vote for "no union". Not to worry CIO, the Line stations and AFW will insure that we stay union, AMFA that is.

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