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Amfa's Attempt To Deceive!

Dave, Are you telling us, it is okay for amfa to solicite members as determined by the NMB but it is not okay for AA to include them on the list? Is this a double standard?

Are you also telling us that all members who are eligible, do not have the right to vote? I know this is hard to believe, but the simple fact is amfa has decieved the membership and has inflated the card numbers they filed with!
Checking it Out said:
Dave, Are you telling us, it is okay for amfa to solicite members as determined by the NMB but it is not okay for AA to include them on the list? Is this a double standard?

Are you also telling us that all members who are eligible, do not have the right to vote? I know this is hard to believe, but the simple fact is amfa has decieved the membership and has inflated the card numbers they filed with!
Are telling us that the 2000 inflation is AA Management/Non-Union employees?

So you mean AA would be willing allow these 2000 to become union members without contesting that?

Dude, get urine sample taken.

The simple truth is the 2000 DO NOT SHOW up as employed currently anywhere on AA property!
Dave wrote;
The simple truth is the 2000 DO NOT SHOW up as employed currently anywhere on AA property!

I believe a portion are on layoff statis and others are holding recall rights back to the class and craft!

If the percentage of cards you submitted are acurate, than what are you worried about? Could it be you have inflated the numbers and have several hundred invalid?
Checking it Out said:
I believe a portion are on layoff statis and others are holding recall rights back to the class and craft!
That's a damn lie.

The Companies e-list has been checked against the RE-CALL list for all classifications without matching the 2000+ Ghost.

You are not claiming TWU has over 4000 mechanic and related members on lay-off are you? That would be an intersting admission given your attacks on AMFA at other airlines.

Try Again!
That's all we need is 2,000 more ghost deadbeats on base drawing a paycheck.
In everyone's interests, why not just scan in the list AMR provided and have everyone bombard the NMB with their objections?
Decision 2004 said:
Checking it Out said:
I believe a portion are on layoff statis and others are holding recall rights back to the class and craft!
That's a damn lie.

The Companies e-list has been checked against the RE-CALL list for all classifications without matching the 2000+ Ghost.

You are not claiming TWU has over 4000 mechanic and related members on lay-off are you? That would be an intersting admission given your attacks on AMFA at other airlines.

Try Again!
Please provide a list, from AA and Amfa and I will be happy to reveiw them! As submitted to the NMB!

Since the TWU has not had a chance to submit theirs it could also change!

IF your concerned, I would be happy to sit down with a neutral moderator and reveiw the list together?

I suspect the 2000 is in reference to the 2000 short that the amfa organizers claimed you were filing with a month or so back!

So who is decieving who? Are you willing to provide the list of cards you turned in for all to reveiw?
Checking it Out said:
Decision 2004 said:
Checking it Out said:
I believe a portion are on layoff statis and others are holding recall rights back to the class and craft!
That's a damn lie.

The Companies e-list has been checked against the RE-CALL list for all classifications without matching the 2000+ Ghost.

You are not claiming TWU has over 4000 mechanic and related members on lay-off are you? That would be an intersting admission given your attacks on AMFA at other airlines.

Try Again!
Please provide a list, from AA and Amfa and I will be happy to reveiw them! As submitted to the NMB!

Since the TWU has not had a chance to submit theirs it could also change!

IF your concerned, I would be happy to sit down with a neutral moderator and reveiw the list together?

I suspect the 2000 is in reference to the 2000 short that the amfa organizers claimed you were filing with a month or so back!

So who is decieving who? Are you willing to provide the list of cards you turned in for all to reveiw?
Earth to Dumbass,

The TWU has a copy of the AA list, just like we do. Oh, is the TWU keeping you in the dark again? Well how can you even claim to have a clue, if you have not even reviewed the company e-list? The TWU does not get to submit "their list", they can only challenge the list given to them from AA via the NMB.

You are nothing more than a flamer on here without any facts. I know more about that list than you will ever know, and I have and am still currently reviewing the list, and damn sure do not need your help. I am looking at the list right now, and would liike to know what the basis of your comments are? Pure conjecture?
Dave wrote;
You are nothing more than a flamer on here without any facts.

I would not be so sure of yourself!
Checking it Out said:
Dave wrote;
You are nothing more than a flamer on here without any facts.

I would not be so sure of yourself!
That wasn't a statement about me, it was about you.

You need to learn to read and comprehend.
I am looking at the list also, I see dead people, retired people, people that have quit, people from other classifications, and managment people in the list!

Remember 2002 decision:

13,337 + 3,292 = 16,629 M&R with Sim Techs.

13,229 + 3,272 = 16,501

+ 128 sim Techs = 16,629

Now AA is attempting to add over 2000 more Mechanic & Related, Did the Mechanic & Related really grow by 2000 in the last TWO YEARS?



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Dave, I knew exactly what you said!

Simple truth is! You are lieing to the members here and at work!

I know more than you think!

I also know that you filed with less than what you are reporting out to everyone! I also know that you filed short! I also know that the organizers are pissed at you and Delle for declining the debate and have emailed them not to voice the issues on the web sites!

Shall I go on?
Checking it Out said:
Dave, I knew exactly what you said!

Simple truth is! You are lieing to the members here and at work!

I know more than you think!

I also know that you filed with less than what you are reporting out to everyone! I also know you that you filed short! I also know that the organizers are pissed at you and Delle for declining the debate and have emailed them not to voice the issues on the web sites!

Shall I go on?


We will enjoy making a bigger liar out of you than we already have.

I remember your comments about having 8 cards per day expiring (56) per week. I remember you claiming we would not file.

You are nothing more than a flamer without facts, I will gladly expose that to be true, so please, by all means, do go on will you.
Birdman said:
That's all we need is 2,000 more ghost deadbeats on base drawing a paycheck.
You, Dave and TA need to be in the same room! Outsource all the work! It does'nt matter!

What a smart comment!

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