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Twu/amfa Update 1

Decision 2004 said:
You've got that right.

There are well over 40 confirmed deceased members on your additions to the eligibility list.

Why is that CIO? Do you think the deceased should vote in democratic elections? How about contract ratifications, does the TWU send ballots to the dead for voting in that process also? :shock:
And with the voting system they use, the one with the sequential pin numbers, they can vote for them too! I wonder how many dead people voted on the concessions?
Bob Owens said:
And with the voting system they use, the one with the sequential pin numbers, they can vote for them too! I wonder how many dead people voted on the concessions?
The 1995 Concessions only passed by 77 votes, and I think we are approaching that protest number rapidly. Maybe there is more to the TWU History than we have already discovered. Seems the more time goes by, the more bad we uncover.
TTACHMENT 1.5 – SEAT MILES SCHEDULED BY COMMUTER AIR CARRIERS 351 352 From: Jane G. Allen 353 To: Edward R. Koziatek 354 Re: Seat Miles Scheduled by Commuter Air Carriers 355 356 August 15, 1995 357 358 This will confirm our discussions leading to signing of the agreement dated August 15, 359 1995, in which we discussed provisions for the future schedules of commuter air 360 carriers relative to American Airlines. 361 362 It is agreed that, beginning with twelve (12) month period following August 15, 1995, 363 and each twelve (12) month period thereafter, the total number of available seat miles 364 (ASM’s) which may be scheduled by all commuter air carriers owned by AMR or feeding 365 American may not exceed six (6) percent of the total ASM’s scheduled by American. 366 This limitation will not apply to ASM’s scheduled by such commuter air carriers on new 367 service on a route, which American has not served since March 1, 1993. 368 369 No aircraft type currently in the American Airlines fleet, or inactive aircraft type 370 previously in the American Airlines fleet and still under the Company’s control, and no 371 current orders or options for an American Airlines aircraft type will be transferred to or 372 operated by a commuter air carrier either owned by AMR or feeding American Airlines. 373 374 (Signed original on file) 375 ARTICLE 1 – RECOGNITION AND SCOPE
Page 11 of 14
Hey CIO I have asked dim little,john jackson, g.t.bunch,and,randy mcdonald why has there been no grievance filed on the part of the mechanics on this article.I have been told by at least one 514 e-board member the article was pulled in the concession agreement,another told me we have no such language in our contract,dim little said why havent you filed a grievance on it.Unless you are a stores clerk or fleet service worker lack of representation like this would be enough to change your openion.If your a mechanic your the dumbest one I know becouse not only are you happy with this level of representation you promote it.
Hey CIO:Why do you think TWU internatoinal is handling all the disputes to the company's list?Think about it when it becomes obvious the twu is through as the mechanics reps at AA they don't want the locals particularly 514 to raid the locals bank account.Don't go ask your reps read your constitution. It's alot cheaper to pay off your local reps then to have the member raid the locals account.Who will be the cry baby than? You better pull your head out before tis to late.
Hey TWU supporters,

I finally found some TWU supporters on your BOGUS list that the TWU submitted to the NMB. The photo below is one of them!
:up: 31 NMB 12 page 53


I. Proper Craft or Class

In determining the proper craft or class for a group of employees, the Board considers a number of factors. These factors include functional integration, work classifications, terms and conditions of employment, and work-related community of interest. United Parcel Serv. Co., 30 NMB 84 (2002); Frontier Airlines, Inc., 29 NMB 28 (2001); United Airlines, Inc., 28 NMB 533 (2001); US Airways, Inc., 28 NMB 104 (2000).

It is particularly important that the employees share a work-related community of interest. Continental Airlines, Inc./Continental Express, Inc., 26 NMB 143 (1999); LSG Lufthansa Servs., Inc., 25 NMB 96 (1997); Airborne Express, Inc., 9 NMB 115 (1981). The Board makes craft or class determinations on a case by case basis, relying upon Board policy and precedent. US Airways, above; USAir, 15 NMB 369 (1988); Simmons Airlines, 15 NMB 124 (1988).

The Board has examined the proper scope of the craft or class of Mechanics and Related Employees in numerous decisions. United Parcel Serv. Co., above; US Airways, Inc., above; United Parcel Serv. Co., 27 NMB 3 (1999); Allegheny Airlines, Inc., 26 NMB 487 (1999). In United Airlines, Inc., 6 NMB 134 (1977), the Board, quoting National Airlines, Inc., 1 NMB 423, 428-29 (1947), described the composition of the Mechanics and Related Employees, in part, as follows:

A. Mechanics who perform maintenance work on aircraft, engine, radio or accessory equipment.

B. Ground service personnel who perform work generally described as follows: Washing and cleaning airplane, engine and accessory parts in overhaul shops; fueling of aircraft and ground equipment; maintenance of ground and ramp equipment; maintenance of buildings, hangars and related equipment; cleaning and maintaining the interior and exterior of aircraft, servicing and control of cabin service equipment, air conditioning of aircraft, cleaning of airport hangars, buildings, hangar and ramp equipment.

C. Plant maintenance personnel including employees who perform work consisting of repairs, alterations, additions to and maintenance of buildings, hangars, and the repair, maintenance and operation of related equipment including automatic equipment.

“The related employees . . . while of different skill levels from the mechanics, nonetheless are closely related to them in that they are engaged in a common function – the maintenance function. . . .â€￾ Eastern Air Lines, Inc., 4 NMB 54, 63 (1965) (emphasis added). It is this “functionalâ€￾ connection between mechanic classifications and those employees performing related maintenance operations that has historically formed a basis for their identity as a single craft or class. Id. See also Federal Express Corp., 20 NMB 360 (1993).

Art Luby of the TWU wrote a letter to the NMB last Friday and admitted there are 18 deceased on the TWU's list of add-on eligible voters. I am paraphrasing here but he says the TWU doesn't know what happened to these previous TWA employees over the last two years. Why Not? Does the TWU only care about them now, that they need them to inflate the list?

Better check again Art, there are actually at least 45 deceased.

Don't worry Art and the TWU, because the AMFA supporters will clean up the problem soon. How can it be that AMFA supporters know more about the Corporation than AA or the TWU do?

How come one of you TWU supporters have not posted this letter here for everyone to read?

Why isn't the letter on the ATD Directors Update Page?

Let me see if I can get a copy of the letter for posting since the TWU will not keep the members informed, we will.
How come one of you TWU supporters have not posted this letter here for everyone to read?

Why isn't the letter on the ATD Directors Update Page?

Let me see if I can get a copy of the letter for posting since the TWU will not keep the members informed, we will.

Why would the twu want to keep the membership informed? :huh:
Hey Dave, Ken, AMT, Princess, Bob, Superside et al,

Know anything about the 494 duplicates that were found on amfa's protest list??????????????

:shock: :shock: :shock:
twuer said:
Hey Dave, Ken, AMT, Princess, Bob, Superside et al,

Know anything about the 494 duplicates that were found on amfa's protest list??????????????

:shock: :shock: :shock:
Prove there are 494 duplicates.

Just because one person would not be eligible for more than one reason and thus they appear in more than one group protestdoes not make them duplicates.

In the total headcount of the protest, they were counted only once.

Art Luby is a moron.
Decision 2004 said:
Prove there are 494 duplicates.

Just because one person would not be eligible for more than one reason and thus they appear in more than one group protestdoes not make them duplicates.

In the total headcount of the protest, they were counted only once.

Art Luby is a moron.
Whatever Dave. Maybe you should check with the NMB !!!!!
:lol: :shock: :lol:

You call Mr. Luby a moron. . .better find a name for Seham and those bums that claim to represent (h)amfa!!!! Better yet, check the list of the top 100 lawyers in America and find out where Luby's name is and then find Seham's!!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Bob Owens said:
And with the voting system they use, the one with the sequential pin numbers, they can vote for them too! I wonder how many dead people voted on the concessions?
Well, the ones to my direct right did.
Oh, Dave, you bring up the word "moron". . .let me tell you what a real moron is. . . . . his name is Dan Cunnigham!!! I hear that Mr. Company Man has decided NOT to sign a career decision day and has opted for termination instead!!!!!! I do believe that Mr. Cunningham has just attempted to turn himself into a martyr!!!! PATHETIC!!!! Are you next?????????

What do you guys have up your sleeves Dave? If you do have something, you better hope it is more successful then what you have previously attempted, that's for sure!!!!!
Why should DAN accept a career decision day on a trumped up charges? The company knew they couldn't fire a person for wearing a PROTWU "T"-shirt. So they change the charge at the last minute to something else,unrelated to the "t"-shirt insident?! Dan will take this to court and will come out smelling like a rose!
Why should DAN accept a career decision day on a trumped up charges? The company knew they couldn't fire a person for wearing a PROTWU "T"-shirt. So they change the charge at the last minute to something else,unrelated to the "t"-shirt insident?! Dan will take this to court and will come out smelling like a rose!
You are so far out of the loop Princess it's scary. Dan's actions are absurd. Like I said he is out for martyrdom!!!! Trumped up charges?????? I guess insubordination, 3 times even, is allowed in your books???? Dan knew exactly what he was doing!! You appear as dumb as he does.

Take it to court! Who cares but you and Dan!!!! I wonder how much money he will spend on the high priced amfa lawyers??????

What a joke!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

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