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Amfa Includes Management

twuer said:
And tell us Dave, in your own words, what does that mean? Separating from those in your own craft and class??? That's what amfa preaches??

Of course it is. Big pipe dreams that are not attainable without a magic wand. What a joke amfa is. They try to sell something they can't deliver!!!! That would be grounds for a lawsuit wouldn't it???? :shock: FRAUD???!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
twuer, you just can't seem to get a grip on what is going on. Our Craft and Class will align along Craft and Class lines. Geez, what is so hard to understand about that? Eat some more sheep pills or something!!!
Bob, how many would be on the streeet right now without the concessions?

You are dodging. The question is how many jobs did giving away a week of vacation save? This was clearly a concession that was meant to enable the company to decrease headcount without decreasing production.

It is easy to complain and to try to make others answers to "what-if" questions, when you can't seem to, OR ARE UNWILLING, TO satisfactorily address the fact that UAL, NWA just about eliminated overhaul, Alaskan realigned, with the expectation that they could cut headcount, and SWA is almost all line maintenance.

Different companies have different structures. UAL has always cut deep in response to an economic downturn. I remember back in 1981, we had guys come over to Capitol Air from UAL that were laid off with 25 years seniority. They all went back. I know, "this time is different", thats what they said in 81, 92 and now. SWA always contracted out most of their overhaul. However they have also indicated a desire to bring more work in house as their fleet gets larger and the economies of scale kick in.

If you want to see what an all one skill group can do look at the laws and regulations that govern the pilots, F/As and dispatchers. Amts are far from having that regulated protection, and they won't get it under today's business environment.

Yes it just goes to show that the unions that mechanics have had couldnt be bothered lobbying for regulations that would benifit mechanics like the pilots and Flight attendants have. They just take our money and do nothing to enhance the value of our tickets. Now that AMFA is getting big enough they will have more resources.

I have a what-if question for you: what will AMFA do about the outsourcing, and the legal structure of amts? You want support, come up with proposals. Don't be bashful, you will be given the credit for the winning idea.

In a word-SCOPE. Are you ready to show the same courtesy and answer my questions?
twuer said:
Hackman said:
twuer said:
Hackman said:
Aircraft Artificer,

The problem with cio, and the tragically faithful twu supporters that are running the twu Local 514, is that they are not Aircraft Mechanics, or very few at best. They believe the lies they propagate because they have never worked the line, and signed off a log book after repairing an aircraft. Then watch it roll down the runway at 80 knots, with a full load of people and the feeling of pride as it climbs out of sight knowing that name in the logbook is their own. The twu Local 514 faithful are mostly Facility Maintenance (cio), Machinists, Stores Clerks, Rampers and so on. Tulsa Local 514 has demonstrated time and again how little regard they have for the AMT suffering at a line station.

I AM NOT degrading these others positions in any way, they are important to the job at hand; producing safe, reliable aircraft. However, these persons DO NOT have the same responsibilty as the AMT, which is ultimately being held criminally liable for any mistakes made while returning an aircraft to service. When the AA AMT's get AMFA, (and we WILL) the AMT coat tails they have ridden on for so many years are gone. They will never understand the line operation, working midnights, weekends, and holidays outside in extreme weather. Trying to make ends meet in a high cost city, which is now impossible without a second income. Then watching while AA management says NO OVERTIME to the mechanic, and the rampers recieve unlimited overtime with some of them making 100K plus. Most of the Local 514 officers would not be able to transfer to the line operation in the event that management at the M@E base in Tulsa were to lock the gate.

If you watch the latest twu Local 514 anti-AMFA video, I rest my case. You have a stores clerk telling the AMT's how bad AMFA is, when this person will not even recieve a ballot to vote in the upcoming twu/AMFA representational dispute. The twu Local 514 had to pay stores, rampers, the retired, ex-iam officers, afl-cio cronies, and teamsters to get support in the twu video made by Local 514 and their hired PR firm. Very few actual AMTs are in the twu video. I venture a guess of less than 10%.

I am quite sure my words here will be twisted by the twu liars club, and I will be called an "elitist" by the few twu cultists that continue to spread the hatred of something they do not understand.

I again DO NOT disparage against the other workers, but its waaaaayyyy past time the AA Mechanic and related to have our own union, just like the Pilots and the Flt Attendants.

Its time for the AMT to stand up for ourselves, it seems no one else will.

Hackman. . .
but its waaaaayyyy past time the AA Mechanic and related to have our own union, just like the Pilots and the Flt Attendants.

I find it interesting that this comes up from time to time when trying to sell amfa. Please tell us Hackman how amfa will get this accomplished. Does amfa have that much power that they can change laws now?? They barely have a voice in Washington, if any at all!! Your dream of a union with only mechanics might sound good but is not possible. But do tell us, since you are preaching it so diligently, how amfa will get this done!! Those who are under the impression that this will happen if amfa does get in probably would like to hear what you have to say. Oh, and how is this working for them at the other airlines amfa represents. . .all mechanics yet?????

Oh and by the way. . .I am an airplane mechanic with and A&P not a 514 officer and am very proud of what I do everyday. Better get the correct information before you go spouting your mouth off again! It makes you look bad!! (Kinda like the sign thing!!) Talking crap the way you do could get you in trouble with some. Especially when you insult their profession and integrity the way you just did. Contrary to popular amfa belief. . .one classification is no better than the other.

AMFA-Another For Me Association
As I exspected, the "mouth behind the mask" comes forward to twist what I said into his your own perverted twu truth, which is lies, and nothing else. AMFA does not have to sell anything, AMFA is a craft union at its best, and that alone sells itself. Eight airlines and soon to be NINE.

If you call what the afl-cio has in Washington a voice, then your as demented as you seem. Under the afl-cio's "protection", the American union man has lost his ass FOR YEARS. They once might have been mighty, but like the twu, corruption and greed took over many years ago. Read the book "Taking Care of Business, The Tragedy of American Labor and the afl-cio", and open your blind twu eyes to the fact that the afl-cio is not what you think it is.

We are under a "craft and class" as determined by the government, that is a fact. Under AMFA this will also be the case. However, the AMT will be the majority in AMFA, unlike what we have now with your beloved twu, where rampers dominate, and always will. Try to twist it as you wish twuer, and you of course have tried here, but you again, failed. The other airlines employees are doing far better under AMFA than they ever did under the industrail unions, and that includes your toilet workers union. When it comes to pay and benefits, we in the twu are dead last at the majors. Do not forget we have thousands on layoff also. The twu comically stated recently that everyone is back to work, and we have no layoffs. It must be the 'ol twu standby; "tell a lie enough and it becomes the truth", right?

FWI twuer, because you say your an "airplane mechanic with and A@P", I'm just suppose to believe you on your good word? I guess you really are a fool. Why not prove it? What are you worried about? Really though, I could care less what you do or who you are. Your just another twu robot hiding behind an alias, as is the norm for team twu cultists. You credibilty is....well, sorely lacking here.

I in no way insulted anyones profession, the chips will fall where they may, and everyone will soon stand on their own merits. I wish them all good luck that are left with the twu as their bargaining agent. That even includes you twuer.

The twu is out the door in 04!!!!
AMFA does not have to sell anything, AMFA is a craft union at its best, and that alone sells itself.

There are those words again..You didn't answer my questions of how amfa will get this accomplished Hackman. I didn't twist anything. . .I merely asked you to continue with your thoughts and explain yourself.

FWI twuer, because you say your an "airplane mechanic with and A@P", I'm just suppose to believe you on your good word? I guess you really are a fool. Why not prove it? What are you worried about? Really though, I could care less what you do or who you are. Your just another twu robot hiding behind an alias, as is the norm for team twu cultists. You credibilty is....well, sorely lacking here.

Using an alias on a bulletin board has absolutely nothing to do with anything Hackman. What the hell is Hackman?? Is that the name given to you at birth? How do you know that my nickname is not TWUer?? You don't!! I don't know you from Adam. This is just another criticism you guys bring up to keep you from having to answer the difficult questions like what has amfa done for the profession, what are they going to do for the profession, for the members at AA, if they get in? You have NO answers because there are no positive ones.

the chips will fall where they may,

Oh yes. . .this is amfa's way of saying I'll get mine but screw you!!!

amfa- Another For Me Association

I don't know why you don't understand that AMFA is a craft union. I am quite sure they have accomplished this feat for years. Does that not explain itself? I think I know what your underhanded little mind is driving at. You want me to disrespect those that are not aircraft mechanics included in our craft and class. You want to do "backflips" and say "See, he's an elitist!!!!!!" "He doesn't want you in his union!!!!!" "Twuer told you so!!!!" Give it up twu errand boy, your paper thin. Go dig your dirt elsewhere. We have a mechanic craft and class, which AMFA wholeheartedly will represent in fashion far and above what the twu has ever done. Enough said.

You know who I am twuer, you have stated that in the past. I like to know who I am talking to if that person wants to trade blows with me. Of coarse, I did not think for one second you had the stones to reveal yourself here. Hackman is what my old friends and some new ones call me, I have gone by it for years. It no secret. If your nickname is twuer, you must be living a very empty existance. I myself would rather be called a derivitive of the "F" word than twuer.

AMFA has done more for the AMT that the twu ever will. Why do think that 8 airlines have AMFA with many more to follow? Why is there NOT a card drive for your bus drivers union, the twu? Its very simple: NOBODY WANTS THE THEM!!!!! Get it?

The twu is finished "representing" the aircraft mechanic craft and class.

Its almost over..............SEE YOU AT THE NMB!!!!!

The twu is OUT the door in 04!!!!!
My apologies for not getting the answer to your question sooner "TWUER" but I have been busy,

And please do tell us how amfa will accomplish this a-a???? Tell us how they are doing that as we speak????

I am unsure of your exact question but will try to answer anyway.

When AA provided the list of eligibles during the merger with TWA to the NMB: Did either union the TWU or the IAM challenge the list of names? NO! The only challenges recorded were over class and craft or more rightly put "What job titles who represented." So to answer the question above they have already done that "as we speak". They challenged the list at UAL as well. The "management" groups were included by the NMB despite wording from the UAL response itself that said "It is a clear attempt by the IAM to inflate the list of eligibles." The IAM later used this decision to accrete members into its union without a vote.

If the question is one of education. AMFA allows a free flow of information to all of its members regarding its actions with the company. Those with questions get them answered. Sometimes the answer is not what the people want to hear due to court or regulatory decisions but the fact is they are answered. There are no back door agreements. There are no "We talked with the company and here is a letter of agreement" instead these letters are voted on by the membership BEFORE they are signed. Recently UAL tried to get a letter of agreement regarding outsourcing and rescinded the offer when they were told by the AMFA representatives that the membership would have to vote on it. If the people represented are to overcome the "apathy" in todays society and supported by the industrial union concepts of "Don't worry the union is negotiating and will tell you later what the result was.", they have to learn again the old lesson of "Question authority".

The result of those willing to question things at UAL was a letter from Buffenbarger calling them "miscreants" and to keep quiet. The result of a vote to remove someone from office was that despite what the people said the person stayed in office. This was at UAL.

Now your retort may be of one that would say that was there not here. I have been represented by the TWU at another employer. The concessions they agreed to only prolonged the job loss until management decisions finally destroyed that company. The result of the members voting for a change? The union hall mysteriously burned down with all the records. I attended the meetings where despite changes recommended by mechanics they were voted down from the overwhelming numbers of rampers, sometimes just for the reason that it was the mechanics that brought up the change.

How many DOL investigations of curruption has the TWU been involved in?

AMFA has been in "ZERO"

Since CIO either can't or refuses to answer my question maybe you would care to answer it, as neither you or he has yet.

Give me a reason why, if the NMB includes the so called "management groups" in the list of eligibles, they should not be allowed to vote? :unsure:
So while Pan Am went out of business, despite the industry leading concessions that the TWU gave them, the E-board of Local 504, the Pan Am local kept their jobs. In fact they are still there. As reward for their efforts at getting you guys concessions the International has made them one of the largest locals in the union. They represent Swissport, Worldwide, wharehouse workers and all sorts of other low paid jobs that threaten workers like us.

The structure of Local 504 makes it a lot like a mini International. When they have elections no one can really oppose the incumbants for two reasons, there are so many different work groups in many different industries that most members dont even know who is included in their Local and the Local is so geographically spread out that a rival candidate would have to fly all around the country to campain.

The board of 504 lives well too. The President drives a Mercedes to work and the Recording secretary drives an Audi.
Hackman. . .
I don't know why you don't understand that AMFA is a craft union. I am quite sure they have accomplished this feat for years. Does that not explain itself? I think I know what your underhanded little mind is driving at. You want me to disrespect those that are not aircraft mechanics included in our craft and class. You want to do "backflips" and say "See, he's an elitist!!!!!!" "He doesn't want you in his union!!!!!" "Twuer told you so!!!!" Give it up twu errand boy, your paper thin. Go dig your dirt elsewhere. We have a mechanic craft and class, which AMFA wholeheartedly will represent in fashion far and above what the twu has ever done. Enough said.

That is not my intent at all Hackman!! I would just like you to clarify what you stated. How is amfa a craft union???

("underhanded little mind" Hackman?? So, tell me, what is your education???)

AMFA has done more for the AMT that the twu ever will. Why do think that 8 airlines have AMFA with many more to follow?

WHAT HAVE THEY DONE????????????????

Oh, and if an alias bothers you so much then I suggest you should not come on any bulletin boards!! 😀
aircraft_artificer said:
My apologies for not getting the answer to your question sooner "TWUER" but I have been busy,

And please do tell us how amfa will accomplish this a-a???? Tell us how they are doing that as we speak????

I am unsure of your exact question but will try to answer anyway.

When AA provided the list of eligibles during the merger with TWA to the NMB: Did either union the TWU or the IAM challenge the list of names? NO! The only challenges recorded were over class and craft or more rightly put "What job titles who represented." So to answer the question above they have already done that "as we speak". They challenged the list at UAL as well. The "management" groups were included by the NMB despite wording from the UAL response itself that said "It is a clear attempt by the IAM to inflate the list of eligibles." The IAM later used this decision to accrete members into its union without a vote.

If the question is one of education. AMFA allows a free flow of information to all of its members regarding its actions with the company. Those with questions get them answered. Sometimes the answer is not what the people want to hear due to court or regulatory decisions but the fact is they are answered. There are no back door agreements. There are no "We talked with the company and here is a letter of agreement" instead these letters are voted on by the membership BEFORE they are signed. Recently UAL tried to get a letter of agreement regarding outsourcing and rescinded the offer when they were told by the AMFA representatives that the membership would have to vote on it. If the people represented are to overcome the "apathy" in todays society and supported by the industrial union concepts of "Don't worry the union is negotiating and will tell you later what the result was.", they have to learn again the old lesson of "Question authority".

The result of those willing to question things at UAL was a letter from Buffenbarger calling them "miscreants" and to keep quiet. The result of a vote to remove someone from office was that despite what the people said the person stayed in office. This was at UAL.

Now your retort may be of one that would say that was there not here. I have been represented by the TWU at another employer. The concessions they agreed to only prolonged the job loss until management decisions finally destroyed that company. The result of the members voting for a change? The union hall mysteriously burned down with all the records. I attended the meetings where despite changes recommended by mechanics they were voted down from the overwhelming numbers of rampers, sometimes just for the reason that it was the mechanics that brought up the change.

How many DOL investigations of curruption has the TWU been involved in?

AMFA has been in "ZERO"

Since CIO either can't or refuses to answer my question maybe you would care to answer it, as neither you or he has yet.

Give me a reason why, if the NMB includes the so called "management groups" in the list of eligibles, they should not be allowed to vote? :unsure:
No problem Aircraft_Artificer, I am guilty of the same. To be honest I don't remember what the original question was myself.

To answer your question, it probably won't be what you or other amfa supporters want to hear. It is very simple. . .whomever the NMB classifies as eligible as M&R craft and class, they will be able to vote. The NMB sets the stage and we play by their rules. . .it's their call. I have not seen the companies list nor have I seen amfa's list. Are there discrepencies/errors on the lists??? Probably. To err is human right?? Don't point fingers just at the TWU or AA until everyone can see for themselves who is on either list.

The NMB call the shots on this one.

Will that suffice????
It was not a matter of what anyone except CIO seemed concerned with. This is what generated my original response. The first post on this thread by CIO -

I understand Amfa has solicited Planners, Schedulers and Management personal to boost the card count!

It's ironic Amfa wannabes complain on these discussion boards about AA list! In the same token have been soliciting for their signatures!

What a web of deception Amfa weaves!

Though it has occurred to me that due to the inordinate amount of times you have to come to his/her rescue, CIO that is. You may want to invest in a little "Curb Training" as it were. 😉
Sorry a_a. . not following you. Did you just insult me??? :huh:

You asked me a question so I answered you.

Can you answer your own question??
Give me a reason why, if the NMB includes the so called "management groups" in the list of eligibles, they should not be allowed to vote?

. . .Or is this a game??
Sorry to confuse you. Yes you did answer my question and basically we both had the same answer to that question. You also stated that you were unsure of the original question, so I included CIO's original thread. No I did not insult "you". Are you old enough to remember the old saying "Curb your dog, so others won't step in it's s**t." :shock:
aircraft_artificer said:
Sorry to confuse you. Yes you did answer my question and basically we both had the same answer to that question. You also stated that you were unsure of the original question, so I included CIO's original thread. No I did not insult "you". Are you old enough to remember the old saying "Curb your dog, so others won't step in it's s**t." :shock:
I'm old but I guess I'm not that old!! 😀
twuer said:
aircraft_artificer said:
Sorry to confuse you. Yes you did answer my question and basically we both had the same answer to that question. You also stated that you were unsure of the original question, so I included CIO's original thread. No I did not insult "you". Are you old enough to remember the old saying "Curb your dog, so others won't step in it's s**t." :shock:
I'm old but I guess I'm not that old!! 😀
Aircraft Artificer;

Thats a city saying.
twuer said:
Hackman. . .
I don't know why you don't understand that AMFA is a craft union. I am quite sure they have accomplished this feat for years. Does that not explain itself? I think I know what your underhanded little mind is driving at. You want me to disrespect those that are not aircraft mechanics included in our craft and class. You want to do "backflips" and say "See, he's an elitist!!!!!!" "He doesn't want you in his union!!!!!" "Twuer told you so!!!!" Give it up twu errand boy, your paper thin. Go dig your dirt elsewhere. We have a mechanic craft and class, which AMFA wholeheartedly will represent in fashion far and above what the twu has ever done. Enough said.

That is not my intent at all Hackman!! I would just like you to clarify what you stated. How is amfa a craft union???

("underhanded little mind" Hackman?? So, tell me, what is your education???)

AMFA has done more for the AMT that the twu ever will. Why do think that 8 airlines have AMFA with many more to follow?

WHAT HAVE THEY DONE????????????????

Oh, and if an alias bothers you so much then I suggest you should not come on any bulletin boards!! 😀
I have been busy twuer, preparing for the twu's demise, I would have responded sooner.

How is AMFA a craft union. Well I guess I will try to explain it this way, so you twu mind can understand......hopefully.

Look at the craft and class AMFA represents, the AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE CRAFT AND CLASS. AMFA is a AMT union, with related aircraft support personel included.

They (AMFA) DO NOT represent; bus drivers, bartenders, casino dealers, migrant farm workers, waitresses, shoe salesmen, circus clowns, zoo monkeys, fire ants, or sea plankton that the twu would gladly recieve dues monies from if they could PAY!!!!! :huh: The twu is a i-n-d-u-s-t-r-a-i-l union.

DO YOU GET IT NOW twuer???????????

Aircraft Mechanic and Related

Twuer: "Uhhhh, could ya run that by me one more time?" :blink:

My education: 4 years of USAF, A@P school, and nearly two decades of twu SELLOUTS, LIES, THREATS, INTIMIDATION, and out and out B.S.!!!!!!


.........and finally: AMFA is removing the twu parasite from the AMT profession for GOOD!!!!!!!!!!

:up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:

AMFA NOW!!!!!!
Twuer -
Answers -
You and many others know that AMFA has been in existence for many years, as have the industrial unions and their concepts. I see no need to go into that matter as it proves no realistic point or approach.
Many of the airlines laid people off after the 9/11 tragedy. The fact is the only one to attempt to get these people back was AMFA. They knew the "Force Majure" arbitration was a long shot but took it anyway, yes and did lose. Arbitration is a very poor attempt at imitating the legal system, to many possibilities for opinions and corruption(oops did I say that out loud). The other facts are that the lay-offs at NWA were all predicated with a possibility of moving as they could not be laid off if they took the bid. The lay offs at UAL all happened before AMFA was certified as the CBU. Since that there have not been any mech lay offs, in fact the opposite is true. The lay offs at Mesaba were successfully argued and those people are due their jobs and back pay at least for the moment(the company has appealed the decision, gee that is a surprise). How many at AA were laid off and what has the TWU done to get their jobs back?
Starting pay is another issue they have addressed in the past and will address in the future. It is in the contract at ACA that it is negotiable by the prospective employee. When asked about this at UAL the company said it was up to the union to set starting pay, when the IAM was asked they said it was up to the company.(???) Is that available at AA?
AMFA has also taken a strong position against outsourcing both at the company and governmental level on both the job and safety fronts. Remember the TWU "mother" organization the AFL/CIO took a position of support for outsourcing. When UAL wanted to send work overseas the company was told it would be up to the membership and the company rescinded their offer. There is presently a fight developing at NWA over cleaners in Seattle, the new spin by the company "They want to save money" (good luck in court on that one). Refer back to the previous paragraph regarding the Mesaba issue and the lay offs created by outsourcing.
On the issue of safety what is the TWU doing for the whistleblowers?AMFA recently sent a letter to both Marion Blakey and Norman Mineta regarding this. They did in fact save a mechanics job at UAL when the IAM was in place long "BEFORE" they represented mechanics there. There are no less than three whistleblower cases on record in the JFK area. What did the TWU do to support these people?
Retirees at UAL are being represented after a fight that AMFA had to win regarding the representation issue. Has the TWU taken a stance on the retirees from TWA? AMFA also attempted to win back the R&D at UAL and yes the arbitrator ruled against them(refer back to the Force Majure regarding arbitrations) based upon the thinly veiled language that the IAM put into place when they renegotiated the contract during the BK process. This language was hotly disputed by the mechanics but the changes barely managed to pass the vote. The IAM agreed to closing the OAK and IMC while stating they were fighting it.
Another issue is contract negotiations. These are all held in secret at the industrial unions but AMFA keeps them open to the members as well as posts progress reports in a timely fashion with the details of what was agreed to. This is unlike the posts that the UAL mechs got stating "We met with the company and plan to meet next week." What updates do the membership at AA get?
AMFA has also been a strong supporter of the the movement to set aside a day for the remberance of Charles Taylor and to get a bust of him made. What position has the TWU taken regarding anything to honor and support the memory of him?
That is a mere sampling of what AMFA has done and is doing. As AMFA grows their voice for the mechanics and related gets louder. Have they had failures? Yes. Will they continue to have failures? Yes. Will they continue the fight for the mechanics and related? Yes. Will they win more respect for the craft and class? Yes. They already blew the industry's mind when they won the PEB, the IAM made a lackluster attempt to do the same. Do they support the issues that the craft and class feel are important even though they know they may lose? Yes.
The one thing that is very different, that I would ask that you consider, is that when AMFA represents you "They" is actually "You and your peers" instead of "They" being an international that may or may not respect your collective groups desires depending upon what "They" feel is important. Maybe if you took the time away from this board and the TWU offices and looked deeply into the issues surrounding the mechanic and related craft and class objectively, especially if you hold and A&P cert.(I have not seen if you do or not) you might actually understand and possibly agree why there is such a movement for change. The information is there you have to take time to read it, comprehend it, and objectively review it before trying form and defend an opinion and position. This was not true in many of the cases of the IAM wannabes at UAL. :up:
To: Local Presidents
Re: Title I- Management Reductions


You may have already heard, today AA will be announcing management reductions in Title1.
It will be around 20-25 level 5 and above (Including one level 8).
As soon as I get a breakdown I will foreword to you.
Your station managers know exactly who will be impacted, they had a meeting yesterday with Martinez to review.


Bobby Gless
International Representative
Transport Workers Union

I wonder how many signed an Amfa card and will Amfa note them when they contest the list AA provided to the NMB? Smile and have a great Day!

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