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Amfa Includes Management

Bob Owens said:
DECISION 2007 said:
I have no doubt that once all the TWU double dippers are forced back on the floor we will hear complaints from them too.

Weren't you one of the original TWU double dippers forced back onto the floor? And aren't we hearing complaints from you? Please address this mishap. Could it be you are a lost soul hungry for the attention you now miss?
No I was not. I never left the floor.

I still punched a time clock. Most of my lost time offset my pay from the company.

I also often did assignments for Gless on my days off, so he would not have to do it, and work after shift, which I was paid for, however I only put in for time that was in excess of the hourly value of my $800/month salary. Due to the fact that I worked most weekends I would put in for the time I put in for meetings during the week on my days off and take a different day off instead.

The only ones that were "off the headcount" but still collecting a check was Bobby Gless and Levere Deane, both of whom are now members of the International.

During the period when Chuck Schalk was President he was the only one off the headcount.

However now with Chuck and I out of the way the company pays all the Locals lost time, however the board is not collecting a double check of six figures from the union plus another $60+K from the company.
I also often did assignments for Gless on my days off, so he would not have to do it
Bob, we have names for people like you, kind of like Rudolph the red nose reindeer, except your nose wasn't really red was it?

I only put in for time that was in excess of the hourly value of my $800/month salary
So Bob, what was your annual pay from this, above and beyond the $800/mo? Be nice to see how much padding went on, or would it Bob?

I see why Connell and others have figured you to be a legend in your own mind.
Bob, we have names for people like you, kind of like Rudolph the red nose reindeer, except your nose wasn't really red was it?

Oh really, and what might those names be?

So Bob, what was your annual pay from this, above and beyond the $800/mo? Be nice to see how much padding went on, or would it Bob?

My Gross pay was as follows;
2002 AA= 51980.44
TWU =23179.40
Total =$75159.84

2003 AA=43963.77

Do you mean Connell the shop steward, couldnt hack it, became supervisor, couldnt hack it , became TWU cheerleader?
Bob you have room to talk! You could not hack it! So you choose the darkside! That is always amfa's philosophy take the easy road!

Keep up the Great Job all you TWU Brothers and Sisters and Have a Great TWU Day!!!!!!
Checking it Out said:
Bob you have room to talk! You could not hack it! So you choose the darkside! That is always amfa's philosophy take the easy road!

Keep up the Great Job all you TWU Brothers and Sisters and Have a Great TWU Day!!!!!!
What do you mean by couldnt hack it? I didnt quit, the TWU couldnt hack the truth I put out about them so they removed me from office. Look at you, you are in the party that has control yet you hide behind an alias.
Actually Bob, it was easy for you to make excuses and take the easy road instead of standing up and fighting for the members! The honest members who choose to represent the TWU membership, do so because they believe the system works! If someone loses sight they have a tendency to fall down on the job! You were considered a mole! Someone who collects money while destroying the organization they took an oath to uphold!

I also believe anyone who is doing this, does not deserve to hold any office in the future for any organization!
Checking it Out said:
Actually Bob, it was easy for you to make excuses and take the easy road instead of standing up and fighting for the members! The honest members who choose to represent the TWU membership, do so because they believe the system works! If someone loses sight they have a tendency to fall down on the job! Someone who collects money while destroying the organization they took an oath to uphold!

I also believe anyone who is doing this, does not deserve to hold any office in the future for any organization!
Actually Bob, it was easy for you to make excuses and take the easy road instead of standing up and fighting for the members!

cio, you are still a coward and now have elevated yourself to rank of severly mentally challenged. I do not state this as a personal attack on you. It is merely an observation from your continuos empty posts. Bob has stood up for his beliefs his entire life. But what would a twu stool such as yourself know about fighting for what is right?

The honest members who choose to represent the TWU membership, do so because they believe the system works!

Any twu member that believes the twu system works are either afraid of losing their union pay or are, well, afraid of losing their union pay.

You were considered a mole!

And little is considered a rat and you are considered a coward.

The twu smells fear... and it is their own!

GO AMFA! :up:
Note; When you hit the nail on the head! Have you noticed the rhetoric when the amfa wannabes open their mouths?

Question: Is it better to be a mole or paid off wannabe in order to have a name put on a list?

Word has it that amfa has inflated their card numbers by 10%. These also includes management personal! You gotta love it!
I have attempted in the past, many times, to get you to at least attempt to educate yourself before posting with inane ramblings and accusations. If you had bothered to check the NMB past decisions you would have seen that it was the NMB that decided to include the so called "management groups". When they were initially included AMFA tried to have them removed but the NMB refused to do so. This NMB determination is why the flyers would say that these people would be included in any vote. Should these people be allowed to vote? If they are to be included by the NMB in a list of eligibles then give me a good reason why they should not be allowed to vote. Do you support the move of the IAM that recently "accreated" many of the very same groups of people? I know that is a big word but you will have to look it up, this would require you taking time to get educated(refer to the first sentence). These people were given no choice or even an opportunity to vote whether or not they actually wanted to be organized, the NMB and IAM made the decision for them. It is also very possible, and probable, the the TWU could accreate these groups if there is no election, again with NO VOTE. It is not a question of wanting or needing representation to the industrial unions but merely a matter of getting more dues money.
It appears to me that you, like so many of the IAM cultists, refuse to look at anything objectively. Whatever the "party line" or they feed you is forwarded with complete disregard to objectivity or research into the facts. I find it disturbing that such narrow minded people feel they could enhance the aviation maintenance community. :unsure:
aircraft_artificer said:
I have attempted in the past, many times, to get you to at least attempt to educate yourself before posting with inane ramblings and accusations. If you had bothered to check the NMB past decisions you would have seen that it was the NMB that decided to include the so called "management groups". When they were initially included AMFA tried to have them removed but the NMB refused to do so. This NMB determination is why the flyers would say that these people would be included in any vote. Should these people be allowed to vote? If they are to be included by the NMB in a list of eligibles then give me a good reason why they should not be allowed to vote. Do you support the move of the IAM that recently "accreated" many of the very same groups of people? I know that is a big word but you will have to look it up, this would require you taking time to get educated(refer to the first sentence). These people were given no choice or even an opportunity to vote whether or not they actually wanted to be organized, the NMB and IAM made the decision for them. It is also very possible, and probable, the the TWU could accreate these groups if there is no election, again with NO VOTE. It is not a question of wanting or needing representation to the industrial unions but merely a matter of getting more dues money.
It appears to me that you, like so many of the IAM cultists, refuse to look at anything objectively. Whatever the "party line" or they feed you is forwarded with complete disregard to objectivity or research into the facts. I find it disturbing that such narrow minded people feel they could enhance the aviation maintenance community. :unsure:
aircraft. . .
I find it disturbing that such narrow minded people feel they could enhance the aviation maintenance community.

And please do tell us how amfa will accomplish this a-a???? Tell us how they are doing that as we speak????

And do us all a favor and don't say "they can vote out their leaders" in your answer!!!! The wannabes have run that one in the ground!!
twuer said:
And do us all a favor and don't say "they can vote out their leaders" in your answer!!!! The wannabes have run that one in the ground!!
I finally see your point twuer!!! We the membership are in fact recalling the leadership of the twu, and all remeinants of that wooly orginization. :up:
Rusty said:
I finally see your point twuer!!! We the membership are in fact recalling the leadership of the twu, and all remeinants of that wooly orginization. :up:
Misspelt, it should be ruminants not remeinants.
Aircraft Artificer,

The problem with cio, and the tragically faithful twu supporters that are running the twu Local 514, is that they are not Aircraft Mechanics, or very few at best. They believe the lies they propagate because they have never worked the line, and signed off a log book after repairing an aircraft. Then watch it roll down the runway at 80 knots, with a full load of people and the feeling of pride as it climbs out of sight knowing that name in the logbook is their own. The twu Local 514 faithful are mostly Facility Maintenance (cio), Machinists, Stores Clerks, Rampers and so on. Tulsa Local 514 has demonstrated time and again how little regard they have for the AMT suffering at a line station.

I AM NOT degrading these others positions in any way, they are important to the job at hand; producing safe, reliable aircraft. However, these persons DO NOT have the same responsibilty as the AMT, which is ultimately being held criminally liable for any mistakes made while returning an aircraft to service. When the AA AMT's get AMFA, (and we WILL) the AMT coat tails they have ridden on for so many years are gone. They will never understand the line operation, working midnights, weekends, and holidays outside in extreme weather. Trying to make ends meet in a high cost city, which is now impossible without a second income. Then watching while AA management says NO OVERTIME to the mechanic, and the rampers recieve unlimited overtime with some of them making 100K plus. Most of the Local 514 officers would not be able to transfer to the line operation in the event that management at the M@E base in Tulsa were to lock the gate.

If you watch the latest twu Local 514 anti-AMFA video, I rest my case. You have a stores clerk telling the AMT's how bad AMFA is, when this person will not even recieve a ballot to vote in the upcoming twu/AMFA representational dispute. The twu Local 514 had to pay stores, rampers, the retired, ex-iam officers, afl-cio cronies, and teamsters to get support in the twu video made by Local 514 and their hired PR firm. Very few actual AMTs are in the twu video. I venture a guess of less than 10%.

I am quite sure my words here will be twisted by the twu liars club, and I will be called an "elitist" by the few twu cultists that continue to spread the hatred of something they do not understand.

I again DO NOT disparage against the other workers, but its waaaaayyyy past time the AA Mechanic and related to have our own union, just like the Pilots and the Flt Attendants.

Its time for the AMT to stand up for ourselves, it seems no one else will.

Hack, I believe you went away with your tail between your legs during the last Info meeting?

Hack, we as members of local 514 know very well what is entailed to produce an Airplane? Could that be why? We represent the largest base in the world? We have respect for everyone within the AA system and do not segregate as you are doing! Your a joke and you know it!

TWU represents us all! Have a great TWU Week!
CIO, my socialist friend, you just don't get it.

AMFA understands, thats why you, CIO, had better redouble your efforts to get the election thrown out.

If it comes to a vote the TWU is dead meat.
cio the mechanics class and craft have spoken by signing a card, you will still have your bus shrine union to get you the best contract they can negotiate. LOL.....but the amt, automotive, a.c. cleaners have had it with your suck butt company lap dog union and in very short order they will no longer represent us this you can rest assured. so keep repeating they dont have the cards, it makes no difference AMFA is comming and you can't stop it! :up: :up: :up:

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