American Morals shifting...A W A Y ...from the...H A T E R S !

Ms Tree said:
The urge to deny equality based on something someone does not like yet has no affect on anyone other than the parties involved strikes me as something born from ignorance and animous.  
This is not about equality. It never was. What this is about is 4 percent of the population trying to force the government to legitimize their deviant unnatural behavior. Gays think if the government legitimizes it than the populace will have no choice but to accept it. In short it is nothing but a form of social engineering to propagate a liberal cultural shift. 
Then there are people like YOU. You hide behind claims of championing equality but the truth is gay marriage is nothing more than a tool for you to attack religion with.
Ms Tree said:
We are not talking about sex.  We are talking about marriage equality.  
How would you know?  You would not know a fact if it bit you on the ass.
Nice comment.
Now, do you want to try to make one based on reality?
Ms Tree said:
That's only because you read and see what you want which may or may not be what is really there.  My negative comments about religion are usually about the fact that people are trying to put their religious beliefs in the public sector.  I could care less what any religion or religious person does in private.  And I challenge you to find a post of mine that says otherwise.
Ms Tree said:
You keep making the same baseless accusation.  Every time I have asked you to present a single post to back it up you cower a way like a scaled dog.  Put up or shut up.
Ms Tree said:
With out god, life is everything.
You were saying?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
This is not about equality. It never was. What this is about is 4 percent of the population trying to force the government to legitimize their deviant unnatural behavior. Gays think if the government legitimizes it than the populace will have no choice but to accept it. In short it is nothing but a form of social engineering to propagate a liberal cultural shift. 
Then there are people like YOU. You hide behind claims of championing equality but the truth is gay marriage is nothing more than a tool for you to attack religion with.
The law does not care if it's 4% , 1% or 1 person. The 14th says everyone is treated the same under the law. Whether you think a behavior is deviant or not is also irrelavant.

Believe what you want. You always do.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Nice comment.
Now, do you want to try to make one based on reality?
Marriage and sex are indignant of each other. There are countless couple's who do not have plans for children. Has nothing to do with anything.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You were saying?
Already said it earlier. If you want to accuse me of attacking religion because I do not have faith then we are all guilty of it.

I have always been a proponent of freedom of religion. I will even fight along the likes of you to protect.your right to believe as you choose. I will never sit idlely by when you try to force your beliefs on others against their will.
The Founding Fathers who were either Deists or Christian based the entire COTUS on the theory of Natural Law which dates back at least back as far a the Age of Enlightenment era of greek philosophy
As a result there are no group rights ONLY the rights of the individual Additionally, those rights were/are conferred upon us by our "Creator". The entire philosophy relies on the assumption of a God Head or supreme being.. Under the basic concept there are no Gay, women, black rights of any kind, just the rights of each individual.
This is why some folks (The ones who aren't bigots) do not like the civil rights act. We are now a nation of about 300 Million and if only 2 of them are gay and choose to be together they have the right to do so. Not because of the 14th Amendment but because they are individuals who have the Creator given right to live as they choose.
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SparrowHawk said:
The Founding Fathers who were either Deists or Christian based the entire COTUS on the theory of Natural Law which dates back at least back as far a the Age of Enlightenment era of greek philosophy
As a result there are no group rights ONLY the rights of the individual Additionally, those rights were/are conferred upon us by our "Creator". The entire philosophy relies on the assumption of a God Head or supreme being.. Under the basic concept there are no Gay, women, black rights of any kind, just the rights of each individual.
This is why some folks (The ones who aren't bigots) do not like the civil rights act. We are now a nation of about 300 Million and if only 2 of them are gay and choose to be together they have the right to do so. Not because of the 14th Amendment but because they are individuals who have the Creator given right to live as they choose.
E X C E L L E N T......E X C E L L E N T   Post Sparrow, easily up there with your top  '3'  of all time  !
SparrowHawk said:
The Founding Fathers who were either Deists or Christian based the entire COTUS on the theory of Natural Law which dates back at least back as far a the Age of Enlightenment era of greek philosophy
As a result there are no group rights ONLY the rights of the individual Additionally, those rights were/are conferred upon us by our "Creator". The entire philosophy relies on the assumption of a God Head or supreme being.. Under the basic concept there are no Gay, women, black rights of any kind, just the rights of each individual.
This is why some folks (The ones who aren't bigots) do not like the civil rights act. We are now a nation of about 300 Million and if only 2 of them are gay and choose to be together they have the right to do so. Not because of the 14th Amendment but because they are individuals who have the Creator given right to live as they choose.
That's great and all but, how does that work for people like Tree, who does not believe in the Creator, in the first place?
Does not matter. I still believe a person is entitled to what they want so long as no one is affected against their will. You,Lala and others seem to be content in denying equality when you disagree with the the person.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
This is not about equality. It never was. What this is about is 4 percent of the population trying to force the government to legitimize their deviant unnatural behavior. Gays think if the government legitimizes it than the populace will have no choice but to accept it. In short it is nothing but a form of social engineering to propagate a liberal cultural shift. 
Then there are people like YOU. You hide behind claims of championing equality but the truth is gay marriage is nothing more than a tool for you to attack religion with.
Like the saying goes ...the ones that protest so much .... How big is that closet you are in??