American Morals shifting...A W A Y ...from the...H A T E R S !

eolesen said:
Seems that legislators in Alabama may have found a way out of being sued over gay marriage...

They're getting out of issuing marriage licenses altogether.

It passed the Senate by 22-3, and I'd be surprised if it didn't mass the House by a similar margin.
They are just trying to rename it.  Same thing.  The law will fail.  They will not be able to show any cause to deny access to a marriage contract any more than they can show cause to deny access to the current marriage contract.
It also does not seem to address portability.  If the court grants marriage equality as expected, when people are married in one of the other 49 states, will AL acknowledge that marriage?  
Alabama is fighting the inevitable and wasting tax payers money with this BS.  Amazing what people will do to justify and codify their hatred of their fellow man. 
Portability would be a definite issue. I read the text of the proposed law, and it doesn't define who can or can't enter into a marriage contract, so SCOTUS can't really overturn their decision to get out of the license business.

There are already challenges underway to Alabama's constitutional ban on SSM, so if that's struck down, then there's really nothing stopping a marriage contract from being issued.
As the original article pointed out, section 1 refers to those who are otherwise legally authorized to marry.  
Their goal is to prevent same sex marriage (otherwise why bother with all this dancing around) and the second they define who is legally allowed to marry they are screwed.  
All this is is a bunch of bigots wasting tax payer money to try and deny equality to people they do not like.  It will fail.
Ms Tree said:
The younger generations typically do not have the same hatreds and bias that older generations have.  Add to that the ease of access to information and it is only natural for people to lose some of their ignorance.  I think that is the bottom line.  Ignorance and hate seem to have a very close correlation.  Get rid of one and the other tends to follow.
You say it is because people have ease of access to information...... I say it has become easier for the left to distribute propaganda and push liberal agendas. Like the propaganda NewHamshire Black Bears posted when he started the thread.
Ms Tree said:
When have I ever justified anything a religion does?  Why do you constantly twist what people say?  You asked when the last time christians did, I pointed out that it has been a while and asked it it was OK because it has been a while.  That in no ways implies that I am justifying the actions today.  THey are equally wrong.  The fanatical blind hatred of religious extremists is always bad.  It was bad when the christians did it and its bad when the muslims do it today.  
It might have something to do with the fact that every time you have a negative comment about religion it is always the Christian religion unless of course somebody calls you out on it....... then you change your tune like a good little hate spewing liberal.
Ms Tree said:
They are called facts. The Pope, the leader of the Catholic religion has spoken out against marriage equality and you want to sit here and say it's not fact and that religion is not trying to deny equality?  Thirty Five religious leaders signed a letter threatening the SCOTUS if they ruled in favor of marriage equality and you want to say that they are not advocating denial of equality based on their religion?  Jindal said that his views against marriage equality are based on his faith.  Where do you think he learned that?  
I guess from your point of view you would not see it as hate being taught since you seem to agree with the idea that gays should be denied marriage equality.  
Is main stream Christianity in support of marriage equality or not?  If not then I suppose it depends if your rights are being denied as to whether or not you feel religion is teaching hate and denying peoples rights.  
To deny that religion is at the very least advocating the denial of rights to people is to deny reality.
It is a FACT in 2010 MSM accounted for 63% of all new HIV infections. 
It is a biological FACT that the purpose of sex is procreation, something two of the same sex can never do.
Feel free to ignore the facts that are inconvenient to you...... you always do.
Ms Tree said:
Amazing what people will do to justify and codify their hatred of their fellow man. 
It does not amaze me at all. I see liberals do it every day. In fact I see YOU do it several times a week. Bashed any Christians lately?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
It is a FACT in 2010 MSM accounted for 63% of all new HIV infections. 
It is a biological FACT that the purpose of sex is procreation,
In two sentences you blame mainstream media for AIDS, and explain why the old White guys are so cranky.
Dog Wonder said:
In two sentences you blame mainstream media for AIDS, and explain why the old White guys are so cranky.
I think you are just jealous because I managed two sentences. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You say it is because people have ease of access to information...... I say it has become easier for the left to distribute propaganda and push liberal agendas. Like the propaganda NewHamshire Black Bears posted when he started the thread.
The urge to deny equality based on something someone does not like yet has no affect on anyone other than the parties involved strikes me as something born from ignorance and animous.  
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
It might have something to do with the fact that every time you have a negative comment about religion it is always the Christian religion unless of course somebody calls you out on it....... then you change your tune like a good little hate spewing liberal.
That's only because you read and see what you want which may or may not be what is really there.  My negative comments about religion are usually about the fact that people are trying to put their religious beliefs in the public sector.  I could care less what any religion or religious person does in private.  And I challenge you to find a post of mine that says otherwise.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
It is a FACT in 2010 MSM accounted for 63% of all new HIV infections. 
It is a biological FACT that the purpose of sex is procreation, something two of the same sex can never do.
Feel free to ignore the facts that are inconvenient to you...... you always do.
We are not talking about sex.  We are talking about marriage equality.  
How would you know?  You would not know a fact if it bit you on the ass.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
It does not amaze me at all. I see liberals do it every day. In fact I see YOU do it several times a week. Bashed any Christians lately?
You keep making the same baseless accusation.  Every time I have asked you to present a single post to back it up you cower a way like a scaled dog.  Put up or shut up.