This is more worthy of 8th grade study hall than the leader of a Communications Committee.
As for that mighty little missive?: I think of 8th grade as being overly generous. Let's briefly examine the main talking points contained, without including the colorfull hysteria.
The company name apparently should be reason..just emotion.
The Call Sign: This is a "big deal" in some way? Again; no reason..just emotion.
Pass travel. How unthinkably horrible that it's now done by seniority. I can't imagine any worse injustice.
The Stagnation: Rapid upward mobility is evidently perceived as an "inalienable right" out there. Nothing new in that thinking.
The Contract: There won't ever be one with Nic...and this is apparently the company's fault for not forcing it on the east....somehow or other. I wonder what ever happened to: "You can live on LOA93 FOREVER!"
The “Supplement the FOM” mentality: If you’ve flown at all in the past few months, you’re well aware of the inadequacy of the new method for communicating with our dispatchers and maintenance personnel. Management’s answer to the problem that THEY created: use your cell phone."
Using a phone to call dispatch is a "Big Deal"
The Decertification Drive: Where to start? This is the hottest topic, .." OK. That's clearly a pity-party only for the "I want my Nic!" crowd.
The Crew Room Incident: As you may know, our MEC chairman was kicked out of the Charlotte crew room by representatives of management..." Sounds like a "personal problem" to me, in that company policy has been stated to be that neither side will have such access.
"So, the issue now is: When will America West pilots finally act as a unified group, stand up to management, and show their utter disgust at the state of our operation? "
It's clear that MS Tania's never even remotely considered the notion of ever getting the east and west together to "act as a unified group". "Unionism" at it's finest through ALPA...again.