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Alpa Ta Passes

real world said:
Don't be so melodramatic, they have a career and I highly doubt their existence will be miserable (or DELETED as you say) and if it is, they have a choice they can exercise their right to quit and move on and live a better existence.

Yea, just like you did! :angry:

What were the numbers of "for" and "against" in each base?

There had to be a base that voted it down by majority...

Can you give us the numbers?

They're posted here somewhere...I'll find them and paste them in again.

84% YES

68% YES

73% YES

73% YES

46% YES

48% YES

These were reported by USA320Pilot. I haven't seen anything official out of ALPA.

Thanks Boeing,

Looking at those numbers, does that mean that the T/A failed in PHL and PIT?

I'm not sure how to read those numbers...

And btw, I'm sorry for the passing of that T/A.
PIT & PHL voted down the TA, the rest voted it in by various margins. The percentages are of the votes cast for the TA, so the remainder of votes cast were against.

For example, CLT voted 73% yes so 27% voted no (rounded to whole percentages, I presume).

it just happened to be voted down by 57/43 percent during the first count? What's the odds???? I think I'll play the lottery today! 😛

In NY the daily was 7 4 3 ! no kidding :shock:
Does anyone know if this agreement has a "contigent" to agreements with other unions clause? I think it was in other contracts in the past, since ALPA is usually the first head on the block.

BoeingBoy said:
PIT & PHL voted down the TA, the rest voted it in by various margins. The percentages are of the votes cast for the TA, so the remainder of votes cast were against.

For example, CLT voted 73% yes so 27% voted no (rounded to whole percentages, I presume).


Then PHL and PIT Reps represented their members welll by majority. The rest of the pilots who voted yes just let fear rule their day.

You’re almost as good as Kevin Gillespie at misrepresentation and you know exactly what I mean. The ATSB loan guarantee interim agreement required a $38 million per month cost cut, which required that the ALPA agreement be ratified or “S.1113(e) impositionâ€. I find it interesting that you need to twist words to support your shallow point of view.

In regard to the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Council results, I find it interesting that the LEC Reps continued with their misrepresentation after they were repeatedly warned by ALPA’s general counsel that their fraud and misrepresentation could lead to civil penalties under the Landrum-Griffith Act. Even ALPA National is now going after them with the members passing the agenda item at yesterday’s Board of Director’s meeting.

It's a sad state of affairs that the communications committee chairman has to provide another code-a-phone report discussing the RC4 misrepresentation again. Yesterday Jack Stephen said, “Be aware that there are still inaccurate statements circulating through the pilot group that suggest that ALPA would fare better in an 1113© hearing because the judge would be able to make modifications to the Company’s 1113© motion. To be clear, in the 1113(e) process, the judge did have the power to make modifications to the Company’s emergency interim proposal. But, unlike the 1113(e) process, the law does not provide the judge with the authority to make any modifications in the 1113© process involving long-term, permanent relief.â€

BoeingBoy, your efforts to support dishonest people speaks volumes about your integrity.

Separately, the agreement provides the company with about $1.85 billion in cost cuts through December 31, 2009, which is over $350 million per year. The RC4 and the RC4 directed Negotiating Committee obtained a TA greater than the $300 million per year “askâ€. If my memory serves me correctly, the RC4 and their 30 “roll call†votes in 7 months produced the first ALAP concession offer ever that exceeded the company’s “askâ€. BoeingBoy, in your opinion, how did your hero’s perform with their "all rookie" Negotiating Committee?


totobird said:
Job protection voted away.......how stupid.......here come the layoffs. :angry:

The only true job protection is through a profitable, financially stable company. No clause in a contract is going to save anyone. How may union contracts had no furlough clauses just three years ago? How many got laid off?
USA320Pilot said:

The ATSB loan guarantee interim agreement required a $38 million per month cost cut, which required that the ALPA agreement be ratified or “S.1113(e) impositionâ€￾. I find it interesting that you need to twist words to support your shallow point of view.




You keep talking the talk, but you have yet to walk the walk. Just post the quote from the ATSB interim agreement to support your statement or stop the charade....

As for the rest, I'll just consider the source.


ps - my $5 is still on the table. Are you unable to back up your words and collect it?
USA320Pilot said:

Even ALPA National is now going after them with the members passing the agenda item at yesterday’s Board of Director’s meeting.



That is a flat out lie. That agenda item can not, and let me repeat it for you, CAN NOT be used to do what you would like it to do. No one will be going after the RC4 being able to use that change in the Constitution and By Laws. The RC4 are representing the majority of the PHL and PIT pilots and you need to get over it.

Let me catch you again telling lies like this and I will do everything possible to remove you from this union. And that goes for any of you who will attempt to manipulate the "INTENT" of the recent change to our By-Laws.


ALL labor groups cost target numbers when UP..where have you been, on planet PLUTO?

The company told AFA that the world just got worse with fuel prices soaring and they needed more cost savings. Period.

Stop blaming others for your ignorance.


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