That is NOT why the recalled Mike . It's called cover your ass. Have you or anyone yet to get the reason for the recall . They could not wait 8 more days. Call Cathy Call Terri . Terri lets her husband and her sec/tres have access to her Afa email account and answer for her. As for Cathy well good luck. Former lec of BOS still cant get over not getting elected. This sent a very bad message to the members, just before and election could tank it. And no no no mike was not running again , so stop spreading rumors. AFA INT. (Veda ) is involved along with the investigation . If you don't get along tough sh$t. Don't screw over your members. Be adults and work it out. You are not out here on the line to hear how many are baffled over this , along with mistrust. Lecp Diane is the only one I have found to tell the truth.,and no I'm not based there. The Phl lec sec/tres should only have those duties . In CLT Cathy has iced out a couple of her staff. This is all BS Like mike or not he is not the fall guy for this!!!!
This makes us look like the big fools to the company!