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afa mec president recalled

That is NOT why the recalled Mike . It's called cover your ass. Have you or anyone yet to get the reason for the recall . They could not wait 8 more days. Call Cathy Call Terri . Terri lets her husband and her sec/tres have access to her Afa email account and answer for her. As for Cathy well good luck. Former lec of BOS still cant get over not getting elected. This sent a very bad message to the members, just before and election ....it could tank it. And no no no mike was not running again , so stop spreading rumors. AFA INT. (Veda ) is involved along with the investigation . If you don't get along tough sh$t. Don't screw over your members. Be adults and work it out. You are not out here on the line to hear how many are baffled over this , along with mistrust. Lecp Diane is the only one I have found to tell the truth.,and no I'm not based there. The Phl lec sec/tres should only have those duties . In CLT Cathy has iced out a couple of her staff. This is all BS Like mike or not he is not the fall guy for this!!!!

This makes us look like the big fools to the company!
this whole entire debacle is embarrassing .
this whole entire debacle is embarrassing .

Now there is a post all should be able to agree on!

Meanwhile, your contract issues are not being discussed. Guess it is too late for that now. Too late for any ballot changes at this point. Hope everyone sent those ballots in. Now if those folks in AFA international can count them honestly is the next hurdle to cross. Hope there are a lot of people show up to witness the event. Whether it passes or fails it should be the members decision only!!

Hopefully, any new leadership will make it a priority to make sure your merger policy protocols in your costitution are discussed no matter who is in office. They did not follow proceedure and this might be part of the issue here. Regarless of what they were trying to acomplish doing it the way they did (with good intent I am sure) it sure made for a very messy situation. (lack of cohesiveness, lack of communication to members, different info from different union leaders, and lack of representing members concerns are just a few)! You had to sets of negotiators with totally different agendas. The process really made your union leadership look like baffons and your company management took advantage of this.

Regardless of what you think of the tentitive agreement whether you can live with it or not in my opinion there was room for improvement. There were several missed chances to make changes that were squandered. Hopefully if nothing else the will be calls for a major cleanup up of all the bad apples that fell from the tree during this process!
That is NOT why the recalled Mike . It's called cover your ass. Have you or anyone yet to get the reason for the recall . They could not wait 8 more days. Call Cathy Call Terri . Terri lets her husband and her sec/tres have access to her Afa email account and answer for her. As for Cathy well good luck. Former lec of BOS still cant get over not getting elected. This sent a very bad message to the members, just before and election ....it could tank it. And no no no mike was not running again , so stop spreading rumors. AFA INT. (Veda ) is involved along with the investigation . If you don't get along tough sh$t. Don't screw over your members. Be adults and work it out. You are not out here on the line to hear how many are baffled over this , along with mistrust. Lecp Diane is the only one I have found to tell the truth.,and no I'm not based there. The Phl lec sec/tres should only have those duties . In CLT Cathy has iced out a couple of her staff. This is all BS Like mike or not he is not the fall guy for this!!!!

This makes us look like the big fools to the company!

I believe the reason is that Mike is having some personal issues as well. He needs to address those and sooner rather than later.
I guess the 2 things that I don't like about this situation are: 1) What was the point with only 9 days left on the T/A vote of a recall if he was stepping down anyway?? 2) I could care less about an outdated seniority list traveling around....but when it has SSN's from all the F/A's we have an issue, especially if it originated from a person who had not been in a Union position in 6-7 years and had all the personal information on a home computer?? Is that correct??
I guess the 2 things that I don't like about this situation are: 1) What was the point with only 9 days left on the T/A vote of a recall if he was stepping down anyway?? 2) I could care less about an outdated seniority list traveling around....but when it has SSN's from all the F/A's we have an issue, especially if it originated from a person who had not been in a Union position in 6-7 years and had all the personal information on a home computer?? Is that correct??

Bingo! And for all we know, it's been burned to a CD somewhere.
And.....how many recipients outside the office recieved and have that information? And, if there is a file of credit fraud on an AFA member since this list was released, can AFA be held accountable? Just curious...... B)
The reason is because CC and TG were scared and they're still scared. Why? Because the information was received under the radar. The person they got it from shouldn't have had it. Once they realized SS#s were attached...they still kept it hidden. The DCA LECP blew the whistle. Informed Mike..and he informed AFA International. Which was the proper thing to do. He did his job!

CC and TG made a big show on the conference call.... it had all been plotted out in advance. By doing this...they thought they'd muddy the water so much, no one would notice or care about their stupidity.

I've always said CC is sneaky....I didn't know TG was sneaky too. I guess they are best friends now if not friends in crime.
I'm a TG supporter and still remain so....just do not understand this move at all....hopefully once the dust settles, we'll get some clarification. It seems however, CC had a clear agenda here and it seems to be unravelling in her favor for now! Time will tell and the truth always comes out!
I can't say how this is going to flush out. What I do know is there is so mistrust, that a few people I know are talking to their local DA's because they think AFA will white wash this.
I can't say how this is going to flush out. What I do know is there is so mistrust, that a few people I know are talking to their local DA's because they think AFA will white wash this.

That is what they have been doing for a very long time. Meanwhile, everybody forgets about the issue at hand which is your contract. All the he said she said stuff will go away after the contract results come out. Then the finger pointing begins on a new topic! I just hope the ballots are handled properly and the votes are all counted correctly. If it passes it should be because that is what the members want. If it fails the same should be true. This is what you should be focused on now! As long as that process is ligit nothing else should worry you at this time. All the other stuff is just the usual spin machine and that can only be fixed when people get fed up enough to do something about it. Of course one concern is the normal voter apathy. Would it not be great if nearly all that were allowed voted. Send a clear message. Your 30% average is definately no mandate.

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