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which will it be? the ta or term sheet?

The improvement in the head count does not justify to be stuck for six years with such a terrible contract. VOTE NO.Please sign a card and let have an union who cares about the AMTs and the craft negotiate on our behalf. TWU does not know what we want.
There is very high potential that by the time 6 years is over, USAir and AA have merged and the the whole Tulsa base is closed.

Why sellout for headcount when that likelyhood is extremely high?

Not to mention that even if that did not happen, the language allows for reduced headcount via attrition and outsource of work. That is not just likely it is fact.

Regardless, at the end of 6 years, there is no headcount saved and you have paid dearly for all 6 years but at the end you have nothing left of what you have bought.

Didn't anyone learn anything from 2003?
When the term sheets get imposed instead of the LBO, what are you going to have to show for it? A couple of posts on the internet?...

What I've seen in the LBO keeps 65% of AA's maintenance in-house, no?

It counts the stuff done by AA and anyone else overseas as outsourcing, which sounds like something Owens wrote.

It also keeps more cities insourced.

It ain't perfect, but after six years of negotiating, you've got little to show for it, and certainly didn't achieve full retro pay at WN wages

Frankly, I'm not else y'all think you're going to find at the end of the rainbow, except a pile of unicorn s**t instead of the pot of gold you were led to believe was there...
When the term sheets get imposed instead of the LBO, what are you going to have to show for it? A couple of posts on the internet?...

What I've seen in the LBO keeps 65% of AA's maintenance in-house, no?

It counts the stuff done by AA and anyone else overseas as outsourcing, which sounds like something Owens wrote.

It also keeps more cities insourced.

It ain't perfect, but after six years of negotiating, you've got little to show for it, and certainly didn't achieve full retro pay at WN wages

Frankly, I'm not else y'all think you're going to find at the end of the rainbow, except a pile of unicorn s**t instead of the pot of gold you were led to believe was there...
If I had a pile of Unicorn Sh*T that would be rare enough that I would sell it on EBAY and buy some medical insurance.

In other words, comparing this to a pile of that is giving it too much value.
This is a WRONG statement.
One of the differences in voting "yes" is the medical costs are frozen at 21% for the duration of the 6 year contract.
In about 3 years you are going to realize how much that means because Obamacare is about explode the cost of medical insurance.
Wrong statement??? Medical costs frozen at 21% means we will pay 21% of whatever AA decides medical expenses have gone up to. If you have not been paying attention, the cost of medical has gone up every year since TWU decided we needed to pay for it in 89. Check your W2 forms since 2003 the numbers get smaller and smaller. How is this when we got those huge 1.5% raises??? Oh yeah, medical went up every year, usually somewhere between $50 and $75 per month. You need to run for a TWU office. You are great at Oklahoma math. example.... "If an AMT loses 17.5% and FS and Stores loses 15%, they both have lost the same amount." (statement made by a former E Board member who is now an organizer) Wait.............. Rick is that you????
When the term sheets get imposed instead of the LBO, what are you going to have to show for it? A couple of posts on the internet?...

What I've seen in the LBO keeps 65% of AA's maintenance in-house, no?

It counts the stuff done by AA and anyone else overseas as outsourcing, which sounds like something Owens wrote.

It also keeps more cities insourced.

It ain't perfect, but after six years of negotiating, you've got little to show for it, and certainly didn't achieve full retro pay at WN wages

Frankly, I'm not else y'all think you're going to find at the end of the rainbow, except a pile of unicorn s**t instead of the pot of gold you were led to believe was there...
What would happen if for some strange reason this pos passes, and we locked ourselves into an 8 year deal, would we bump up to US Air's payscale if we have merged? Or would the US Air mechanics come down to our payscale with the twu? These are questions we had for our union leadership at AFW today, but they were nowhere to be found.
Really? what crap are you reading?

The F/A's are being asked to give 2300 jobs.
You can make crap up all day but until you produce FACTS, you are nothing more than another TWU Liar.

Exactly. They have 18,000 flight attendants and the term sheet asked for 2,300 or ~12%. We have 11,000 members and AA asked for about 4,300 or 39%.

Fact, a 39% reduction is more than 12%.
Exactly. They have 18,000 flight attendants and the term sheet asked for 2,300 or ~12%. We have 11,000 members and AA asked for about 4,300 or 39%.

Fact, a 39% reduction is more than 12%.

Did you get us that date of hearing and paragraph number of Judge Lane claming in open court that he will only use the Frontier case for reference and not cosider the LBO as you claimed?
Damn last best offer put me in the I got mine brother spot.

I am in the lay-off numbers in either but 12500 more with LBO :blink:

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