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Alpa Ta Passes

Rico said:

Mar05, we have a new cost structure already in place or the place no longer exists. So like I said, the pilots are exempt.

Get used to the new reality.

Nope. There is a clause in there that BoeingBoy quoted that says "if things hit the fan, we reserve the right to come back for more."

For you ardent students of history, this happened the first time, and Pollack and his band of blue-light-special MEC members cheerfully voted the DB pension away.

That S1113 agreement could be placed into the forward lav and used as TP for all the good it will do when/if the company wants more.
USA320Pilot said:
The crew base vote break down was:

46% YES

48% YES

So much for a RC4 mandate. Now it's time to get "our flesh". Mwereplanes & BoeingBoy, how could you be so wrong, again?


Looks to me like the RC4 PROPERLY represented their constituency! Vindicating RC4.

Mr USA320Pilot, you dont understand the concept of "Whats right", you only care about you being right. This type of ego does not fit in any large aircraft cockpit. Have a shread of dignity sir and turn in your ALPA piin .

The real question is not how others can be so wrong, but how a professional pilot can be so arragant.

Disgusted in DENVER CO
BoeingBoy said:

On the subject of "being so wrong - again", wasn't it you who predicted a 2 to 1 margin of victory? What happened?


Jim, with a 58/42 margin, and history already repeating itself, this large margin sends out the message that another pound of flesth can be extracted, compliments of the spineless bedwetters.

When UAL management comes after us, my vote will be NO. Nothing more. After 26 years, countless nights away from home, early get ups, missed birthdays, anniversaries, Xmas', Thanksgivings ect Im not giving another dime, will not roll under, and am not afraid of the consequences. And yes a 320, I like you set myself up over the years for the industrys demise. I would miss flying, but I will not fly for peanuts.

BoeingBoy said:
As for the rest, I'll just consider the source.


ps - my $5 is still on the table. Are you unable to back up your words and collect it?

Ever the gentleman :up: Kudos, Jim.... keep the posts coming!!
BoeingBoy said:

You keep talking the talk, but you have yet to walk the walk. Just post the quote from the ATSB interim agreement to support your statement or stop the charade....

As for the rest, I'll just consider the source.


ps - my $5 is still on the table. Are you unable to back up your words and collect it?


You are absolutely right. Where do these guys get off making this stuff up?
ClueByFour said:
That S1113 agreement could be placed into the forward lav and used as TP for all the good it will do when/if the company wants more.

Absolutely correct. BK is all about getting out of contracts. Further, management has yet to live up to one labor contract in the past 3 years. And, if ALPA is still giving, the company will still be taking.
Management has broken every contract signed with labor groups. This bunch in CCY will continue the tradition. It doesnt matter what we agree to accept, they will return again and again to take more. This place doesnt deserve the decent, hard working professional people that give their all, everyday. Not with this group of so called "leaders". They need to look around and see who they are leading.
BoeingBoy said:
It's time to get "our flesh", is it. Interesting that the RC4 seem to be representing the majority of the PIT and PHL pilots pretty well, at least according to the percentages you posted. Or can you spin the results differently. (Silly me, you're the spin master - you can spin anything)

As for "how could you be so wrong, again?", I'll lay another $5 on the table if you can quote any post of mine where I predicted any outcome for this vote. I feel confident that this $5 will stay right beside the other $5 that's yours if you can cite documentation for the ATSB interim relief being "conditioned" (or hinging on, depending on, requiring, etc) this agreement passing.

But, hey, you've never let facts get in the way of a good yarn before.


Thats a suckers bet. :mf_boff:
Rico said:
Nope, it supercedes it, and the pilots (along with the TWU represented locals) do not have to endure the 1113c process either.
That's total BS. The company can make it's case, and whine to da judge that gee, everything is so much worse now.

Anyone that thinks that this piece of>>>> protects the pilots is in la-la land.
Rico said:
What, the part where every PIT and PHL pilot wanted to give up additional salary reductions in return for half the legal fees being payed...?

Yeah sure. If that is the case, they why are they so worried about being sued...?
I feel sorry for the remaining unions, as the increased costs will require an increased ask from those without agreements yet.

Oh, you have not mentioned that to your people yet have you...?

Nice <_<

ALPA National insisted on that little ditty, not the PIT & PHL pilots...
CaptChill said:
ALPA National insisted on that little ditty, not the PIT & PHL pilots...

Not to mention that the previous MEC (including the GAG) got 100% coverage for giving away the DB plan.

It's amazing how some will twist anything to support an unsupportable argument.

real world said:
I think you should worry about how you plan to compete with US in PHL, instead of trying to medal in our labor realtions.
Wrong airline, chief. And they don't give out any medals for your labor relations.
"And they don't give out any medals for your labor relations."

Now that is funny....

:lol: :lol: :lol:


ps - although they DO give out bonuses and golden parachutes. But only to the shafters, not the shaftees.

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