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Alpa Ta Passes

USA320Pilot said:
The crew base vote break down was:

46% YES

48% YES

So much for a RC4 mandate. Now it's time to get "our flesh". Mwereplanes & BoeingBoy, how could you be so wrong, again?



It's time to get "our flesh", is it. Interesting that the RC4 seem to be representing the majority of the PIT and PHL pilots pretty well, at least according to the percentages you posted. Or can you spin the results differently. (Silly me, you're the spin master - you can spin anything)

As for "how could you be so wrong, again?", I'll lay another $5 on the table if you can quote any post of mine where I predicted any outcome for this vote. I feel confident that this $5 will stay right beside the other $5 that's yours if you can cite documentation for the ATSB interim relief being "conditioned" (or hinging on, depending on, requiring, etc) this agreement passing.

But, hey, you've never let facts get in the way of a good yarn before.

A 4% margin of victory is not very resounding in PHL. Given the vote shares at the other bases, its clear that there is a very different mind set at the PA airports.
Job protection voted away.......how stupid.......here come the layoffs. :angry:

On the subject of "being so wrong - again", wasn't it you who predicted a 2 to 1 margin of victory? What happened?

totobird said:
Job protection voted away.......how stupid.......here come the layoffs. :angry:

yah, here come the first of the layoffs because of omitting job protection. dude, where you been?
As I expected, the TA passed by a fairly narrow margin. Not at all like the previous letters of agreement. I think this says that the pilots are pretty much at thier limit, as a group.

The majority HAS spoken and the issue is settled.

Let's hope that our illustrious MGT team can pull it off this time.

If a major break up was the ulterior motive, I expect we'll find out fairly soon.
usa320: can you explain what would happen if the rc4 turns it down or if they can actually do that? would the judge imposse it upon or a worse deal? also what is the status of the rc4 are they goping to be in some trouble for the hell caused when the 9-6-04 didnt get out to vote?
jack mama said:
well this pretty much seals the fate of the AFA, IAM, CWA...i would expect agreements for them before the judge starts a knocking....
seals the fate ?? What you "expect" and what will happen could be 2 different things.. Stay Tuned..
A very sad day for a truly sad union. The jellyfish who voted for this pathetic TA just lowered the bar 10 fold for this profession. Hell, it's not even a profession anymore.

"Representing the members of PIT and PHL", in what way? Just under HALF voted FOR the agreement.

A two percent margin in their own Councils = what you call a "mandate" to decide what is best for the entire pilot group...?

Please 🙄

THIS VOTE was why they were so scared to send something out for ratification, because the RC4 knew that they did not REFLECT the majority opinion of Airways pilots, they only represented the largest two councils.

Roll Call is trumped by ratification, and the Pilots have spoken. Get used to the idea.
fatburger said:
A very sad day for a truly sad union. The jellyfish who voted for this pathetic TA just lowered the bar 10 fold for this profession. Hell, it's not even a profession anymore.

I don't think so. There will forever be little 5 and 6 year old boys and girls who will look into the air and see an airplane fly over head and say, "I want to be an airline pilot when I grow up."
Thank goodness----now the dreaded words---maybe the company can make some money now and kick butt for once instead of giving away the store to SW.
:down: Just like i said before, all the money will be in the air and the iam and cwa
will be lucky to work for a 13.00 hr top out thats only after they make about 50 smaller cities psa, if not all cities.

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