however you slice and dice the POS t/a....the company will achieve $210M in savings from M&R. The company will achieve $1.25B in savings from way or another. Judge Lane will rubber stamp anything that AA places in front of him because Judge Lane's job is to make sure AA survives as a going concern.....period! Lane doesn't have a clue on how to fix AA....only the liars know, and they, along with the TWU, have done it to US again. I truly believe those rif numbers on AA's initial term sheet were created by the TWU so they look like saviors "saving" over 3000 jobs. How brilliant....couldn't have done it better.
If you vote still live under the current contract until this contract is officially abrogated.....maybe 1 month, maybe 6 months.....maybe a year depending on how long and drawn out the TWU is willing to fight in court. Little did say he was going to fight like "hell", right? Well, let's see it play out in court! Let the TWU go broke, maybe Little will have to take a pay cut....maybe he might have to fire the $100K secretaries.....either way, let the TWU do it's job as the representative for the mechanics. Why help THEM out by voting "YES"????