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Alpa Ta Passes

Congrats are in order for you 320. A hard fought, resounding victory for you and your boys. You should be proud of all you have done to help in attaining this great triumph. My hat is off to you. I imagine you have not seen a finer day. Great job! You all stood up for this career and you all won.

You have also won, compliments of me, a one number move up on the seniority list. So long sparky.

Good luck to all of you who choose to stay. Time for me to move on.

Rico said:
THIS VOTE was why they were so scared to send something out for ratification, because the RC4 knew that they did not REFLECT the majority opinion of Airways pilots, they only represented the largest two councils.

I dunno, it still looks to me like they were doing their job -- to represent the members of their councils, which happen to be the largest two. The fact that the TA failed in both PHL and PIT confirms that the majority of the pilots at those bases were in agreement with their representation. My goodness, if the TA had passed at either PIT or PHL by a single vote, some of you would be calling for their heads based on a "clear mandate" in favor of the company's contract proposal! How disingenuous is that?

How much of a guarantee do the pilots have now that the company won't be coming back for more in six months -- if it manages to survive that long? And how many are going to get the axe when (not if) the company retires 737's and "replaces" them with EMB-190/195's at MDA or a contract carrier?
USA320Pilot said:
46% YES

48% YES

So much for a RC4 mandate. Now it's time to get "our flesh". Mwereplanes & BoeingBoy, how could you be so wrong, again?


actually, this proves that the RC4 were doing what they were supposed to do. The pilots at the bases they represented were against this.
FM2436 said:
I don't think so. There will forever be little 5 and 6 year old boys and girls who will look into the air and see an airplane fly over head and say, "I want to be an airline pilot when I grow up."

Then they hit 22 and have a degree and realize "what the hell was I thinking?" "They used to be glorified bus drivers....now their just bus drivers."

One thing for sure, you can bet UA is watching everything here at US fall into place with the elimination of the contracts and imposition of new work rules. Im sure they will quickly follow suit to get into labors pockets as well. Then what happens when they get their cost similiar to US? Can Delta be far behind. They wont set still with contracts that pay higher than UA. Then how about American? THink they will set still and watch Delta get their costs in the toilet with US? It looks like it's gonna be a line into BK for the rest of the Big Boys. US just lead the way..for a change! This industry is no place to plan a future career.
What will be managements excuse when U loses money over the next six months? I guess they will just come back for more and the pilots will complain but they will give in again.
This company does not honor its contracts with labor. This has been proven over and over again. But realistically, I can not see US surviving past February. Anyone is fooling themselves they think this current Exec team will not return for more when the mood hits. Unfortunantly, US will still be in bankruptcy and can simply ask the judge to grant more givebacks, and labor will have no choice. This is their new "Business Plan".
It's one thing to vote yes or no in a vacuum where only US exists. It's entirely a different situation that you have today where the majority of airlines have people layed off regardless of your profession. I don't understand the people who sit here and complain that people are destroying their profession by trying help their employer out. I know, they can't manage a lemonade stand, but until you can force new management, you have to try to help. I'm sorry to not be sympathetic, but if you do not like the situation, try what other layed off people are doing, find another profession.
bluetoad said:
What will be managements excuse when U loses money over the next six months? I guess they will just come back for more and the pilots will complain but they will give in again.

This is probably a far more legitimate question than those posed by the back-biters. As history repeats itself...again, what will be the next responce. If you look at the margin of passage, it is far below those of previous agreements. Next time, I'm not so sure the company will be so lucky. There were several of us in my group of friends that have always been solid yes votes. We all voted NO. I think more will be persuaded to do likewise should we cross this bridge again.

A320 Driver
Just my opinion, but most of us feel that those in CCY are not part of the "pain" most of us are feeling. They are part of the cause. I suspect if they participated in as much give backs as labor, it might be a different situation. It's a case of them making themselves wealthy at the expense of labor. What is a net 1% giveback compared to everything that they are taking away from their employees? THings like that just inflame the ill feelings already.
A320 Driver said:
This is probably a far more legitimate question than those posed by the back-biters. As history repeats itself...again, what will be the next responce. If you look at the margin of passage, it is far below those of previous agreements. Next time, I'm not so sure the company will be so lucky. There were several of us in my group of friends that have always been solid yes votes. We all voted NO. I think more will be persuaded to do likewise should we cross this bridge again.

A320 Driver

I'd bet the farm that your theory has a 100% chance of being tested within the next 6 months or less.

I'll also wager that the ALPA Membership will do what its always done too....CCY is banking on your track record. Note I use the term banking on it...They got a 1% cut....and your at 18% on wages alone.

From this non-pilots view.... the only thing that you have that still implies that you are a union member is a senority list and dues to pay , beyond that , you've voted everything else away. The sad part is the rest of us are going to have to suffer with the fallout of your actions....maybe the suffering won't last long regardless?
Hmmmm doing" what their supposed to do" ----the RC4----denying dues paying members the right to vote yes or no on a vital issue for each and every member. Dont know but I'd bet denying a vote isnt in the ALPA charter. For my .02 $ dues paying I'd sure like to see this kind of tactic stopped and just let the membership in good standing vote . Whats wrong with that ?
Yeah, whatever people...

The majority of Pilots have spoken for themselves, not four freaking pilots that supposedly did so.

It was a comfortable margin of victory considering it was a decidedly unwelcome agreement. Face it, one out of every two Pilots in PIT and PHL voted for the agreement...

It is time to move on now. I could care less about the RC4 anymore, they are a non-issue now that the Pilots have had our say.
USA320Pilot said:
The crew base vote break down was:

46% YES

48% YES


Looks like the "RC 4" Accurately portrayed the wishes of their constituents.
Phantom Fixer said:
I'd bet the farm that your theory has a 100% chance of being tested within the next 6 months or less.

I agree... We already know that the transformation plan is based on oil at $44/bbl, and the company lawyers in court have already stated the $38mil/month cost reduction will not be enough...

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