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jack mama said:
well this pretty much seals the fate of the AFA, IAM, CWA...i would expect agreements for them before the judge starts a knocking....

I feel sorry for the pilots. It will be a DELETED existence for them from here on in...
Looks like the "RC 4" Accurately portrayed the wishes of their constituents
What, the part where every PIT and PHL pilot wanted to give up additional salary reductions in return for half the legal fees being payed...?

Yeah sure. If that is the case, they why are they so worried about being sued...?

I feel sorry for the pilots. It will be a *PitBull is a Potty Mouth* existence for them from here on in...
I feel sorry for the remaining unions, as the increased costs will require an increased ask from those without agreements yet.

Oh, you have not mentioned that to your people yet have you...?

Nice <_<
Rico said:
Face it, one out of every two Pilots in PIT and PHL voted for the agreement...

Well, gosh, by your flawless logic one could say that one out of every two pilots at US Airways voted against the agreement. And, in fact, it is beneficial for you as a Midatlantic pilot, while you give up nothing, for the "mainline" (yes, I know MDA is a division of mainline) pilots to agree to bend over.
Yeah sfb,


Does not matter how many voted really, the agreement is agreed to. Get used to the new reality already.

While everyone grates that management "always comes back for more", the fact is that they have not with either MDA nor the Mainline Express Agents. I would consider that a good thing, you do not...? How strange and bitter you seem to be, sorry to hear that.
Can the company still come back and impose the 21% pay cut the judge awarded them or will this supercede that?
Nope, it supercedes it, and the pilots (along with the TWU represented locals) do not have to endure the 1113c process either.
Sounds to me like 43% of the pilots should evaluate whether they are too upset to report for duty.
I understand that 18% sounds better than 21%, however......there are other things to consider. What does this do to the "me too" clause for the f/a's. It seems like they have saved the pilots before...and the pilots have screwed them in the past...What NOW???? I wish the RC4 could have held out longer....Just MY opinion!

If you do NOT want to be a part of a union, you can be an objector.

Hey A320....I hear PHL has openings.....we're waiting for you to save US. Welcome to hell, my friend!!!! :down: B) 😛h34r:
Rico said:
Nope, it supercedes it, and the pilots (along with the TWU represented locals) do not have to endure the 1113c process either.
ONLY until March 2005!

Mar05, we have a new cost structure already in place or the place no longer exists. So like I said, the pilots are exempt.

Get used to the new reality.

Don't count on nothing happening till March....

"the Company is in grave and imminent danger that it will be forced to suspend, discontinue, or materially reduce, its mainline flight operations, as compared to the operations as of the date hereof, it may seek authorization to reject such agreement"

Under this provision, change can come any time.

PITbull said:
I feel sorry for the pilots. It will be a deleted existence for them from here on in...

Don't be so melodramatic, they have a career and I highly doubt their existence will be miserable (or DELETED as you say) and if it is, they have a choice they can exercise their right to quit and move on and live a better existence.
luvn737s said:
Sounds to me like 43% of the pilots should evaluate whether they are too upset to report for duty.
I think you should worry about how you plan to compete with US in PHL, instead of trying to medal in our labor realtions.
real world said:
I think you should worry about how you plan to compete with US in PHL, instead of trying to medal in our labor realtions.

??? Aren't you busy catering the planes with food? Or, not in Delta's case. 🙄
USA320Pilot said:
So much for a RC4 mandate. Now it's time to get "our flesh". Mwereplanes & BoeingBoy, how could you be so wrong, again?



I hold people like you personally responsible for the degregation of the profession. Hope you're happy and get everything you deserve. :down:

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