don't you think maybe we have a precedent that was set when we brought the f-100's in house?how's about the 37's,57's,67's,80's and 9's?N628AU said:Lav,LavMan said:<DIV>US or PI never overhauled the GEs, the IAM lost an abritration case in regards to the CFM 56s as all the tooling disapeared from the PSA engine shop, but the case was not a total loss, the aribitor ruled that if the company closes a facility down it does not give them the right to farm out the work.</DIV>
<DIV>The 737 gear is done in house, the 767/757 is overhauled by a vendor as the tanks in INT Gear shop is not large enough to encompass that gear and the Airbus narrow body gear is tentativly suppose to be done inhouse as soon as the modify some of the plating tanks in INT.</DIV>
Since my last point did not make the transition to the new BB, I must say this. Your postings regarding the gear is exactly the point the company will make regarding the Airbus work. The lack of real fight previously may just come back to haunt the IAM now.
I can tell you, just because we have tooling that has never been used for the Airbus fleet does not mean that tooling is for the S-check. AOG had posted regarding the damaged nose cowl in SEA where we did not have adequate inventory of both the slings and dollys, much less do we have inventory to keep two heavy tracks going (four slings and dollys). I can remember borrowing tooling from NW for an Airbus in DCA, and NW only had it in their DLH maintenance center, as they really only used it overhaul. We had none of this item in inventory.
I shudder to think what a judge would say about this. There seems to be an opening where if the company stance is that they do not have tooling/equipment/facilities/whatever, they can farm it out. I say this not liking that idea one bit. The holy grail of the IAM contract, the scope, may just have as many holes as swiss cheese. If that is the case, the IAM is toast if there is a representation vote between the IAM and AMFA. I am no fan of AMFA either, I think the devil you know is better than the one you don't, but if the IAM cannot secure this work in house (which takes a lot more than a cut and paste of a contract paragraph), what good is having any representation?
if it gets thaat far i think a judge is going to have to look at this.