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AOG-N-IT, we also do not own all the tooling for the 737, 757 and 767, some of the tooling is very specialized and we lease it on an as needed basis from Boeing, IE the 757 Pylon Mods and other tools.
LavMan said:
AOG-N-IT, we also do not own all the tooling for the 737, 757 and 767, some of the tooling is very specialized and we lease it on an as needed basis from Boeing, IE the 757 Pylon Mods and other tools.
Well Duh Lavman,

Maybe you need to go back and do a re-read as well. Nobody has everything..No carrier could afford everything..and hope to stay in business by doing so.

Many many times if you contact the actual vendor/manufacturer of a given tool or spare part , they might not have it on hand either...that's why a trip to Boeing or Airbus Logistics website will denote anywhere from 30 to 365 day lead times on rarely if ever required items. Something Lavmen don't have access to by the way (LOL)

I'm very much convinced that you don't grasp the concept of our work as clearly as you would like to think..or lead others to believe.

WE in that little thankless department are the first line of defense....We are the 24 and 7 , 365 days a year, first people called , When all hell breaks loose...I can assure you that "Material Services and the Tooling Dept. are not awaken in the middle of the night...or troubled on thier weekends either..and 9 times out of 10 , they aren't even the first called during normal office hours either.

For you to try to tell me...or enlighten me as to what's what when it comes to keeping the ball rolling...or telling me what is what in regards to our resources is purely a hoot. Are you in the grips of the Blue Water Blues ?...or has the heat of the tarmac frazzled your comprehension skills?

Obviously, people like Delldude don't get it, and never will. They must think there is a parts and tooling tree readily available to pick from. Of course from the amount of stupid questions that thankless little department answers on a daily basis, that goes without saying.
I recently flew into PHX, on a extended approach from the west we went over the Goodyear Az. airport, which has a 8k+ main runway. Timco has set up shop there, I counted 6 Airways aircraft parked at a hanger, looked like Airbus equipment but unsure, but this is more than likely old news, thought I pass it on. Maybe someone has friends or realtives in area that can check it out. Timco was looking for A&P's a month or so back for new Goodyear location. Good luck for us all.
There are five A319s and one A320, that were leased from Phillip Morris with the handling agent being State Street Bank, the leases were abrogated during the last month of bankruptcy and the airplanes were returned to the lease holder.

The tail #s parked are not the first planes due for their S-Checks.
700 is due 10/13/03 and 701 is dues 10/18/03, (the dates might not be exact as I am not at work, so I can't look it up).

One odd fact is the aircraft records are ready to be sent to the lease holder but the company is saying not to send them as the planes might return to the fleet.

101UW-A320, all the rest are A319s:706US, 707UW, 726US, 728UW and 729UW.
This says it ALL:


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PineyBob said:
Smartest Loser said:
I have it....PineyBob is really Jerry Glass...!!! LOL :up: :up:
I admit I had to laugh!

But deep down that one stung a bit! But seriously, I did some homework on this guy and he is a formidable opponent. The guy doesn't lose often and he is methodical, knowledgable and prepared.

I don't support your side in total, but I am VERY VERY CONCERNED that contracting out s-checks will result in a lower standard of safety. I don't have confidence in US's management's ability to monitor the process if it's done 3rd party.

So please be careful, you are being set up in some kind of way. Not sure how as I don't know the business, but every bone in this old salesman body smells a plot of some kind.
😱 Piney Bob: You did some homework on Glass? Explain...how about sharing your findings with the employees at U.Frankly most of us are too busy to research.
Labor Relations Consultant
Office: Washington D.C.

Jerry Glass was raised in New York City. He received his B.A. from Boston University and his M.PA from George Washington University.

Jerry provides strategic advice and research on labor, employee relations and human resource matters. He is a recognized expert on airline labor matters and represents transportation-sector companies in negotiations, including those in the airline, railroad, and oil and gas service provider fields. He is a frequent speaker, and provides expert testimony in arbitrations and litigations.

Collective bargaining and union organizing drives can be handled successfully if management teams are given the knowledge and insight necessary to deal with these issues. We represent and advise employers in all phases of labor relations matters as they arise under the NLRA and RLA.

For Union-Free Employers we:
develop effective, lawful strategies to prevent unions from organizing, including advice on handling pre-union activities.
advise on proper handling of concerted activities, and NLRB and the National Mediation Board (NMB) representation proceedings.
handle investigations and, if necessary, trial and appeal of unfair labor practice charges.
For Unionized Employers we:
counsel on collective bargaining and contract administration strategies
represent clients in grievance and arbitration cases, strikes, injunctions, and other litigation and NLRB decertification proceedings.


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N628AU said:

Obviously, people like Delldude don't get it, and never will. They must think there is a parts and tooling tree readily available to pick from. Of course from the amount of stupid questions that thankless little department answers on a daily basis, that goes without saying.
last time i checked...most tools are scattered around the system.and moved around on an as required basis when and where needed.

Yes, when the tooling can be located it may or may not be shipped, depending on how many hoops you need to go through, with PIT being the most uncooperative station at getting tooling moved through a toolroom to somewhere it is needed. You actually have to get a foreman to to "approve" it most of the time, even if the plane is AOG and PIT has the only tooling required to fix it.

Then, there is tooling we do not own. Believe me there is plenty. AOG will agree.

Tooling, Tooling, Tooling. Its NOT that.

Dave's VP's are now saying it "Lack of Technical Knowlege".. In the VP meetings here in CLT it was mentioned as a side bar note to an employee.

Lack of Technical Knowlege...!!! Man, they got us...I couldn't even put my kids bike together without help. So much for my title...I guess now it's just "LOSER".

Thanks Dave... may I have another...!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: 😉
wonder what the faa woud say as to that....maybe we better vendor it all out if we're that far behind the curve.last i checked,my ticket and training were relatively up to par.

Guess what? I don't give a "rat's ###" how much of a zealot Jerry is. I AM HERE TO BALANCE OUT THE JERRY'S AND THE DAVE'S OF THE WORLD. And I am staying until they leave. THEY GIVE ME PURPOSE! And the reason that I AM.

When they leave, I will leave. In the meantime, I have my work cut out for me.

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