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Company Lies Again

Well if the farm out issue is piece of a very large puzzle then it sounds like there is no other choice than to shut the place down!! Some posters are correct the company does not want "employee's" they are looked upon as a liability and not an asset.

The IAM may be the first to go but believe me other groups are to follow, no one labor group is safe.

We are being set up to fail. We recently had a 320 "scheduled" check got out two days late...why...no parts. Where were the parts located? In Mobile of course. The were put on the "hot sheet" and shipped FedEx next day priority shipping. I am sure that was not cheap. And this happens all the time, our main supply of parts now comes from BFM, funny how all the parts are stored there even though the company just wanted them to do 10 aircraft. There is a maintenance routing sheet floating around that shows the airbus work scheduled at the BFM facility through the end of the year. "Just 10 airplanes" yea right...I trust them. 320 you can speak about all the different plans, going foward, transformation, ect,ect you just keep drinking the kool-aide and believing what you are told. Most peole see what is really happening.

I just recieved my proxy for the annual meeting today 5/18 for the meeting scheduled tomorrow 5/19, they cannot even get that right! I guess they don't care about my vote! On a side note I did read the particulars on Mr Siegel and Cohen. Makes me want to give some more! Next year if U is still around which I strongly doubt check out the footnotes on the one time charges for the departure of those two highly prized executives

Sound a little angry and bitter.........Damn Right!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:

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