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AFA Work Issues Thread--10/6-

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Oh please, save the sensitivity. There is just as much hanky panky today between pilots and flight attendants as in the 70's and 80's. Hell everyone is popping a viagra along with their arthritis pill. I hear enough and see enough on van rides to the hotel that make me wanna puke. You honestly think that those dating or married to a pilot will vote to split from them? AAAAAHAHAHAHA :lol: It's real and happening everyday. Couple all of that with f/a's that STILL......yes STILL don't know when they are going to go illegal. Many of our f/a's couldn't find their own rear or make it out of the airport without the pilots. 🙄

Thank you, Travel, and I'M SORRY if I offended anyone or came off as silly, but, married or not, people are still doing what they do. Of course I wasn't implying that everyone who wants to stay paired with the pilots is doing it because THEY are doing it, but TRAVEL is right on.

It is what it is...
Oh please, save the sensitivity. There is just as much hanky panky today between pilots and flight attendants as in the 70's and 80's. Hell everyone is popping a viagra along with their arthritis pill. I hear enough and see enough on van rides to the hotel that make me wanna puke. You honestly think that those dating or married to a pilot will vote to split from them? AAAAAHAHAHAHA :lol: It's real and happening everyday. Couple all of that with f/a's that STILL......yes STILL don't know when they are going to go illegal. Many of our f/a's couldn't find their own rear or make it out of the airport without the pilots. 🙄
Really...sensitivity has nothing to do with it. It's just silly to state that the flight attendants wouldn't vote on a split because they are all having affairs with pilots.
So I have heard from many people including the V.P of operations and Planning Brad Beakly that Hector Adler wants to create designated Cabin Service Director (C.S.D) position for our international flights coming this summer. Similar to what other airlines have .CO calls it the International Service Manager(I.S.M) .DL and AA call it the Purser position. It will be a separate bid position . Just want to know what everyones thoughts were on this. I personally think its a great move as it brings about consistency to our intl product and I welcome it . If (and is a big IF) They do it right with qualified F/a's then I think it will be succesfull.

Well Etops...

It is a good idea, but our union is going to F#@% it up!! I heard that Mike will only accept it if it is seniority driven and NOT "interviewed" for from another source.
What good is the program if you have THE SAME PEOPLE doing things THE WRONG WAY???? People that hold it now hold it because they have the seniority to do so. Doesn't mean they are qualified to do it....
So, if they have it completely seniority driven, I will be voting NO!!!!
Really...sensitivity has nothing to do with it. It's just silly to state that the flight attendants wouldn't vote on a split because they are all having affairs with pilots.

I never said ALL, and I'm done splitting hairs about this, but ask yourself this. Do you honestly think the flight attendants who ARE would bid to split?
*wait for it... wait for it*
I never said ALL, and I'm done splitting hairs about this, but ask yourself this. Do you honestly think the flight attendants who ARE would bid to split?
*wait for it... wait for it*

Why do people get their panties in a knot over comments that are made in jest? It seems that so many people on this board are wound so tightly and sit on the proverbial soap box that they can't see the humor!!!!

And yes PLENTY of pilots are STILL "playing" the flight attendants and so are flight attendants "playing" with flight attendants!! Hell, there may be a few pilots "playing" with other pilots... Opps!!!! Did I go there..... Did I "imply" that there may be a gay pilot or 2 or 10???? LMAO

Seriously people take a chill and lighten up!!!

Anyway....... back on topic...... lol
Thank You! ! ! ! 🙄 The sensitivity and hair splitting on here at times cracks me up. It's funny actually. Anyway I think debating the possiblity of splitting from the pilots is pointless. The union will do what they feel is in the best interest of the membership. I said it before and will again, "Like Mike Flores or not you can't honestly believe that he would work his rear off to send out a tentative that he knew would overwhelmingly fail". He'll agree to split if it TRULY works for the membership personal feelings and fears aside.
My opinion with regards to the CSD "program"...

The only way this should ever be considered by the AFA is if it is a position in addition to the current crew complement, otherwise it is taking away yet another position from the AFA membership, thus violating our seniority.

If the Company agrees to add a CSD position above and beyond the crew complement (which they won't, $$$....), it should then be interviewed for by a panel consisting of peers, elected AFA leaders, and the Company.

Why even consider a system that is straight seniority driven? If it is straight seniority driven, the same senior people will obviously bid it, messes and all (not saying all senior people are messes, relax, just that this will not solve the current problem of incompetent senior CSD's, and we know they're out there...).

Haven't we lost enough positions throughout the years already, without losing another biddable positon? Sheesh. If the Company does not agree to an additional position, bag the idea. Period. Protect what little is left of our seniority/ positions at the Incredible Shrinking Airline.

Now, back to squabbling about pilot/ FA affairs. Isn't it time for another argument about trash bags? 🙄
The union is only as strong as it's weakest member. MANY are fed up with local 70 BUT won't band together to do something about it. I haven't seen such a G'damn joke of an office since.........well never actually. Hey they answer phones though. :lol: So do operators at AT&T. 🙄 Look, we can't get f/a's to band together on a true issue so don't look for them to hold their "elected" officials accountable. I find whining and complaining or every f/a calling the union daily won't change things. Think management here. You can tell them something doesn't work over and over and over yet they will think of themselves as God like and continue about their business. Ya see the f/a's have busy lives 🙄 and have no time to oust the Ringling Bros. circus we call a union. JM believes himself to be THE best that there is. I'm going to ask this of any possible supporters on here. WHAT on God's green earth has the local done for you? Got a claim filed? Adjusted your time or had a sick call knocked off? C'mon I mean really. That's standard union business on a SLOW day. What difference are they making? :lol: Holy hell it's a joke.

Your Kidding Right? Really? JM is doing an Excellent job! I see it's more of a Personal Thing with you! He has Always been there when I needed something..I have not got on this board in Months but it is Still the Same Ole..Same Ole... Bashing of the Same people By the same People...The contract was voted in by a Majority wether we like it or not..And it is Not going to change until we get another Acceptable Contract..So unfortunatly we have to live with what we have..Move on already!!
I never said ALL, and I'm done splitting hairs about this, but ask yourself this. Do you honestly think the flight attendants who ARE would bid to split?
*wait for it... wait for it*
I believe there are plenty of other reasons to vote no on a split from the pilots other than one's affairs.
I agree with Itestwell on this one. Unless the company were to agree on the Purser going above and beyond the current staffing FORGET IT ! ! It would take away a position that can currently be bid on. I think we have a better chance of US flying to the moon than management agreeing to pay another position to oversee service which they already feels passengers don't deserve or receive to much of. :lol: Hmmm maybe for 2010 we'll see a purser program, PIT as a satellite base, a Midwest hub and that yet to materialize crew base in Florida. 🙄 Forget about it.
My opinion with regards to the CSD "program"...

The only way this should ever be considered by the AFA is if it is a position in addition to the current crew complement, otherwise it is taking away yet another position from the AFA membership, thus violating our seniority.

If the Company agrees to add a CSD position above and beyond the crew complement (which they won't, $$$....), it should then be interviewed for by a panel consisting of peers, elected AFA leaders, and the Company.

Why even consider a system that is straight seniority driven? If it is straight seniority driven, the same senior people will obviously bid it, messes and all (not saying all senior people are messes, relax, just that this will not solve the current problem of incompetent senior CSD's, and we know they're out there...).

Haven't we lost enough positions throughout the years already, without losing another biddable positon? Sheesh. If the Company does not agree to an additional position, bag the idea. Period. Protect what little is left of our seniority/ positions at the Incredible Shrinking Airline.

Now, back to squabbling about pilot/ FA affairs. Isn't it time for another argument about trash bags? 🙄

I agree 100% with this post. What a win/win this would be for customers AND flight attendants, which means it will NEVER happen.
Better write Flores, Austin and your LEC officers. They don't see the need for it to be an ADD position. I don't want to even see it on my dining room table if it's a position loss. Save the paper.

In ring #5 Ladies and Gentleman the votes for AFA 66 recall will be counted tomorrow. Place your bets!
Better write Flores, Austin and your LEC officers. They don't see the need for it to be an ADD position. I don't want to even see it on my dining room table if it's a position loss. Save the paper.

In ring #5 Ladies and Gentleman the votes for AFA 66 recall will be counted tomorrow. Place your bets!

What in the he77 would this position even accomplish at this point in time. NOBODY is held accountable for their actions anymore.....and what makes you think a qualified "CSD" would be any different from the way things are currently being done onboard the a/c now?? It's a total waste of time....maybe at some point when Inflight Standards are perfected and followed by all including Inflight Supervisors.....but for now it's just another glorified waste of a bid position. 🙄
My post came out wrong. Unless it's an ADD or EXTRA position, forget it.
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