The collective IQ of the union membership and LEC wanted her recalled.......the reason?
She was took a VFLR and the AFA LEADERSHIP felt she was no longer eligible to be MEC President.
More like she ruffled feathers and didn't play nice with the other "career" AFA leadership (you know the ones) that had a "cordial relationship" with management.
If the same qualification were applied today, Pat Friend would no longer the President of AFA International President. Since she is no longer an active F/A she would be disqualified from holding a union position (retirement - foreign concept for most of us) but nevertheless the same reason Teddy was no longer "eligible" so she was re-called.
A little Ironic? Don't you think? Wonder if Pat Friend got HER retirement?
NO wonder this membership is lost in the wilderness.
The F/As can only WISH for the representation NOW - what Teddy actually provided during her tenure.
Wasn't her style to rely solely upon "strongly worded e-mails" when dealing with management - more of the type to bang on doors and resolve problems.
I for one wish that both of our "current" union(s) leadership had a fraction of the "stones" that Teddy possesses......
Unfortunately we have union leaders out WEST acting like Maricopa County Bailiffs and, the ones back EAST- content with a sub standard bankruptcy contract. In their defense, many a strongly worded email has been addressed on this issue.
How is this working out so far? Oh yeah - they want the F/As to split from the pilots.
But alas, I forgot -- we shouldn't rock the boat because we are all lucky to have a jobs.....
Operative word in that sentence is
"JOBS"..... you know, the word that now replaces
Better put my head back in the sand....don't want to rock the boat.