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AFA Work Issues Thread--10/6-

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4 Months? Try 12 months.....
I am sure I speak for most, if not ALL, reserves that we have ABSOLUTELY NO SYMPATHY for any of you that have to do it a few months a year. AND, many B/Hs have the attitude that reserves get paid 73 hours to do NOTHING... while "I have to work my block... ".. Well, the last time I check all of you that hold blocks and think that have the ability TO BID RESERVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, this is such a sore subject with me and many others...
You don't have to tell me...I'm on house arrest as we speak. Having a new bunch of people that are on reserve and calling the union might help. These 1989 people spent most of their career on reserve (the old version) and now being back on reserve (the current one) they are going to raise holy hell. Which hopefully will help all of us. Which is the point I was trying to make. :blink:
When I hear flight attendants say, "I was on reserve for YEARS" I want to pull their hair out. They have no idea of what it really is like. The reserve system before LTO was a dream compared to this horrid system. It wouldn't matter to the company if another 500 went on reserve. They don't care and will NOT change a thing outside of joint negotiations. FACT! !
We can never feel that we are not allowed to voice our opinion! It is a sad state of affairs but too bad; you all wish or want to be here . The Reserve System is broken and that's OK, I remember we had a different system and you battered those reps into a mental HELL. I am still out there and work with many of you because I am not worthy to be in the Union office and I totally understand that. Stay strong Septa workers as you made a difference. Many of you may not agree but they did get improvements................I almost did not post because it is like watching D.Parker at the last Recurrent he is wearing a suit preparing us for the next pay cut.
When I hear flight attendants say, "I was on reserve for YEARS" I want to pull their hair out. They have no idea of what it really is like. The reserve system before LTO was a dream compared to this horrid system. It wouldn't matter to the company if another 500 went on reserve. They don't care and will NOT change a thing outside of joint negotiations. FACT! !


I was one of those that was reserve for over 14 years....the old system. And flip-flopped between reserve and secondary for several years. And got nailed with the LTO back when it was first implemented. And that's when we also got hit with the 22% pay cut too. I damn near lost my house. I know of more than a few f/a's that did and had to file bankruptcy. And it's not like we were living high on the hog. I live a very modest life. That's probably what saved my ass. And my house.

I know the LTO reserve and I HATE it with every corpuscle in my body. The old reserve system was a wet dream by comparison. And it's no wonder f/a's are taking so many personals now. You need a mental health day every now and then with this thing. (I know I did) It's diabolical. It's foul...I detest it. And I fear I may be back on reserve soon. I could just puke.

After 21 years with this company. There just is no excuse for this. Not for you or me.

And I hope I wasn't one of those f/a's that you want to pull their hair out. I think they were just trying to show their support. But, heh, if you want to bop me on the head ...go right ahead.

Noooo I don't wanna bop you in the head. :lol: While I don't like to see others forced onto this dreaded LTO reserve system I don't wanna hear about how horrid it is for you (the f/a complaining) either. They had the luxury...yes LUXURY around here of being a line holder while many a f/a has no chance in hell of being one. Just two weeks ago this guy complained of how his bills come to $2300.00 just living expenses. I said, "Well honey your in for a RUDE awakening". Better start rightsizing your personal life. It's not that I don't feel for others and wish them the same hell as the reserves but many are already in the hell being lashed and just don't wanna hear it. This job and certainly here at US has made every f/a "out for themselves" only, the rest be damned. Nothing is their problem until that problem is knocking on THEIR DOOR. Well tuff $H!T. No number of more senior people complaining about the reserve system will change anything either. You can have 25 years and go on reserve but ya know what? Your 25 years holds absolutely NO WEIGHT once you go on duty at 12am and transition to reserve. Just wait and see how your treated by scheduling. It's like Jekyll and Hyde. :lol:
You don't have to tell me...I'm on house arrest as we speak. Having a new bunch of people that are on reserve and calling the union might help. These 1989 people spent most of their career on reserve (the old version) and now being back on reserve (the current one) they are going to raise holy hell. Which hopefully will help all of us. Which is the point I was trying to make. :blink:


They went on it last year and the union did nothing (not that they are capable of doing anything). Calling doesn't help. OUR UNION IS A JOKE!!! I have said this many times before... this isn't a true union.. it's a dog and pony show!

They went on it last year and the union did nothing (not that they are capable of doing anything). Calling doesn't help. OUR UNION IS A JOKE!!! I have said this many times before... this isn't a true union.. it's a dog and pony show!
The members of a union actually make or break the union not those you elect. Without the membership standing behind those you elect we are nothing but disorganized and dysfunctional. You have no one to blame but yourselves. I do not include myself in that statement nor any other flight attendant that wears a union pin every day to work, who carries their contract and not just knows it but abides by it, and who is an active member. To be an active member all you need to do besides what I just listed above is to stay accurately informed, read the e-lines, and attend meetings. If you are a member of a union any union and you don't do any of the above things then the joke is on you.

I was one of those that was reserve for over 14 years....the old system. And flip-flopped between reserve and secondary for several years. And got nailed with the LTO back when it was first implemented. And that's when we also got hit with the 22% pay cut too. I damn near lost my house. I know of more than a few f/a's that did and had to file bankruptcy. And it's not like we were living high on the hog. I live a very modest life. That's probably what saved my ass. And my house.

I know the LTO reserve and I HATE it with every corpuscle in my body. The old reserve system was a wet dream by comparison. And it's no wonder f/a's are taking so many personals now. You need a mental health day every now and then with this thing. (I know I did) It's diabolical. It's foul...I detest it. And I fear I may be back on reserve soon. I could just puke.

After 21 years with this company. There just is no excuse for this. Not for you or me.

And I hope I wasn't one of those f/a's that you want to pull their hair out. I think they were just trying to show their support. But, heh, if you want to bop me on the head ...go right ahead.


Bring back Teddy


The collective IQ of the union membership and LEC wanted her recalled.......the reason?
She was took a VFLR and the AFA LEADERSHIP felt she was no longer eligible to be MEC President.

More like she ruffled feathers and didn't play nice with the other "career" AFA leadership (you know the ones) that had a "cordial relationship" with management.
If the same qualification were applied today, Pat Friend would no longer the President of AFA International President. Since she is no longer an active F/A she would be disqualified from holding a union position (retirement - foreign concept for most of us) but nevertheless the same reason Teddy was no longer "eligible" so she was re-called.
A little Ironic? Don't you think? Wonder if Pat Friend got HER retirement?

NO wonder this membership is lost in the wilderness.

The F/As can only WISH for the representation NOW - what Teddy actually provided during her tenure.
Wasn't her style to rely solely upon "strongly worded e-mails" when dealing with management - more of the type to bang on doors and resolve problems.

I for one wish that both of our "current" union(s) leadership had a fraction of the "stones" that Teddy possesses......
Unfortunately we have union leaders out WEST acting like Maricopa County Bailiffs and, the ones back EAST- content with a sub standard bankruptcy contract. In their defense, many a strongly worded email has been addressed on this issue.

How is this working out so far? Oh yeah - they want the F/As to split from the pilots.

But alas, I forgot -- we shouldn't rock the boat because we are all lucky to have a jobs.....
Operative word in that sentence is "JOBS"..... you know, the word that now replaces "CAREERS".

Better put my head back in the sand....don't want to rock the boat.
The union is only as strong as it's weakest member. MANY are fed up with local 70 BUT won't band together to do something about it. I haven't seen such a G'damn joke of an office since.........well never actually. Hey they answer phones though. :lol: So do operators at AT&T. 🙄 Look, we can't get f/a's to band together on a true issue so don't look for them to hold their "elected" officials accountable. I find whining and complaining or every f/a calling the union daily won't change things. Think management here. You can tell them something doesn't work over and over and over yet they will think of themselves as God like and continue about their business. Ya see the f/a's have busy lives 🙄 and have no time to oust the Ringling Bros. circus we call a union. JM believes himself to be THE best that there is. I'm going to ask this of any possible supporters on here. WHAT on God's green earth has the local done for you? Got a claim filed? Adjusted your time or had a sick call knocked off? C'mon I mean really. That's standard union business on a SLOW day. What difference are they making? :lol: Holy hell it's a joke.
The members of a union actually make or break the union not those you elect. Without the membership standing behind those you elect we are nothing but disorganized and dysfunctional. You have no one to blame but yourselves. I do not include myself in that statement nor any other flight attendant that wears a union pin every day to work, who carries their contract and not just knows it but abides by it, and who is an active member. To be an active member all you need to do besides what I just listed above is to stay accurately informed, read the e-lines, and attend meetings. If you are a member of a union any union and you don't do any of the above things then the joke is on you.

With all due respect..... You are full of it on this issue
MY union DOES NOT ask my opinion. My union DOES NOT listen to what I need or want.
The union officers make THEIR OWN agenda for the benefit of themselves and their friends.
You show me where SOMEWHERE that they ask the memberships opinion.
The company asked for us to seperate from the pilots... Did they ask the membership???
That was just one example....
Soooooo..... the members are not making or breaking ANYTHING....
And we totally have the union to blame
With all due respect..... You are full of it on this issue
MY union DOES NOT ask my opinion. My union DOES NOT listen to what I need or want.
The union officers make THEIR OWN agenda for the benefit of themselves and their friends.
You show me where SOMEWHERE that they ask the memberships opinion.
The company asked for us to seperate from the pilots... Did they ask the membership???
That was just one example....
Soooooo..... the members are not making or breaking ANYTHING....
And we totally have the union to blame
Union 101: Your elected President in each council is charged with the duty of voting on behalf of his/her members. If you have a President that you feel is self serving and is not voting in the best interest of their base or members then as members you have the duty to remove them from office either by a recall or when their term is up. If you continue to vote in people who you feel isn't fulfilling their commitment to serve then its time to take them out. The members put them there the members have the power to remove them. As a dues paying member you have the right to call your local President and voice your opinion, concerns and even how you want them to vote. Ex-CLT has roughly 1500 members at MEC meetings and the BOD meeting AC takes 1500 votes with her to cast on behalf of her members. If you want your vote cast a specific way then you need to say to her, do not use my vote to vote for that person or this issue etc. If you are unhappy with the prospect of splitting from the pilots then you need to call your local President and say so.

The members make up the union. Union meetings are where you will find your union officers asking the opinions of the members if you chose not to show up then I guess you are not informed nor is your opinions heard. With all due respect, I do know what I am talking about.
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