fly said it all. I'm completely against it. :down:
Not to mention the loss of jobs for flight attendants. If a 75 hour line is built now for both groups if we split the flight attendant line will be built at 90 or as close as they can get, thats less flight attendants they will need on the property.Love staying with the pilots here but simply CAN'T AFFORD to stay together. No contract. That said, be sure you have language thats clear. As for not wanting to do "transcon turns"....honey just TRY to get a high time island turn in the PHL base. MMMMM HMMMMM as bad as they might be (think BGI) you can't touch them with a ten foot pool. Transcon turns limited in numbers would be scooped up by those that want them and have the seniority to take them. Sure you'll see the occasional island turn go to a reserve sitting daily but as an individual how many do YOU do in a month? Please. Anyway, not gonna rehash the splitting idea. If it's going to happen it will and we'll continue to live. We have been with them and as nice as it is to have them for the whole trip, contractually it has SUCKED up to this very day. 🙄
Add my name in there as NO. In for a penny in for a pound.
They will need the coverage for late inbound crews. they have to keep up their ON-TIME departures to get that big bonus they love.
Quite frankly, at this point I'm sick of being stuck in the 1980's. Pay, mentality, and etc.
As a non AFA person, I'm curious, what are the feelings about this (splitting from the pilots)? I can see the advantages and disadvantages of either way, but I'm wondering what the actual FA's think.
If our contract holds significant (and by that I mean HUGE) improvements, I'm happy to split from them. I've worked both with and without them and, while I prefer to stay with them, I'm a big girl who knows my contract, FAR's, and aircraft.
People in general don't like change and I'm sure lots of flight attendants who are having affairs with pilots will be oppossed to it. Quite frankly I have bills to pay and don't care who I fly with. There are good apples and bad apples everywhere. I'm quite content to take care of myself.
People in general don't like change and I'm sure lots of flight attendants who are having affairs with pilots will be oppossed to it.